Friday, 24 December 2010

here we go on...

i have been ignoring the blue illuminati blog because a. i have forgotten the passwords etc b. it looks all funny c. i've been busy with other things. but the teachings have to be finished, brought up to date. i was then going to stick it under my twin site here [the truthspeller] but that doesnt feel right either. so i'm coming back here to finish what i started after all.

its xmas eve, i was baptised on this day when i was 24. every year since then i had spiritual attacks...its all quiet this year...yes because i won injanuary...this period is apparently to be known as the 'little hiatus'' according to Yetzoah...the great hiatus being all the years of my life that were family orientated...i didnt care to remember all that; so i didnt. tells me there is something to come though...dont know what.

so i shall continue; you need to know quite a bit more. and practise yoga; get to kundalini...we all live in and are the nexus. that is, the universe of minds? the gods, we, the animals, even the insects, are minds...nothing else exists. we form mutual realities, the 'places' where we dwell. earth r1 is the base of most of them, but its not the only one...if you become free you can a real astronaut. there used to be entire civilisations out there, colleges of gods...not much is left. heaven ...which you get to by riding a pulse of energy [from ''god'', johnsons ''sound''] in reality threadbare and tumbedown now...for years people lived there...happy,then problems, worse and worse. its empty now. gay took me before i saw any of it really, but it was good i know. well hes down, though how long for i dont know. anyway so the nexus is us and we are all citizens or children in it. the orb is the same but seen from outside.

so kundalini realises your psychic powers? but 'powers'' are really mind controls? skills? you can only develop, not steal or own them or even give them i found easy to defeat [provided i died doing it] one reason was because he always got others to do it all for couldnt keep what hed not ''earned'' or learned, same thing. so you do your yogas. advaisti is right, we live in worlds of ever increasing illusion that maya...but they never asked who was doing it or why. anyhow karma yoga to balance your good and evil. though were all doing that anyway. raja yoga for powers. do NOT throw away or despise any abilities you develop. how shall you despise your drivng skill, your ability to work say, a computer? you dont. so be the same with your siddhis. you may need them someday. but dont be proud or sell anything either. if i put these teachings in drama as a book i'd sell that...but the teachings themselves are not for the same. those who sell truth for lucre shall become as real as money is; and twice as dirty. and lose what they once gained. true for yogis as well as fortune tellers you know.

bhakti yoga is to love and worship one deity above others, it is to be a lover. so it has a noble place, we need this for most of our lives. to attain omniscience is the goal of jnana yoga; but really all yogas lead to this; the remembering. with that is omniscience, you become greater the more you know. it is the adults who are big with knowledge, wise with the laying down of greed, knowing ordinacy as the mark of adulthood. so gay in that sense also fails, since he had no ordinacy...indeed he was insanely unjust.

begin with hatha yoga, do not neglect it. the body AND the soul make man, each being the expression of the other. those who only do hatha are relegated to the animal. those who in pride just do mental exercises are guilty of vanity and it shall be in vain. start where you are at. prayer is just talking to the gods, some being more garrulous than others; but all in private. remember the publicly ''holy'' man is no such thing.

now tantric tecniques are useful; but when does your development deny anothers? so have a care. as for religion, love all the gods because theyve had a bad time of it and still are willing to try. but no religion on earth is true, or the only truth. islam is offensively primitive, its practitioners look like devils. christians are ghouls, just look at them! listen to that awful singing, the constant going on about money. devils again, this time playing at being toddlers for jesus to love! buddhists? depressing. hindus? miseries. hang on to what you know to be good, jettison what you can see from history is plain bad. which of the prophets is the right one? I AM. so no more nonsense. any faith which encourages the ideas or talk of condeming another to eternal fire [pain] is evil. the idea of damnation was gays own. he himself never had any suffering; but as you see from my poem the 'document of damnation' hes the only one who will....but i offered him an alternative. crumbles, courtesy of anat...and so far 4 levels of gay have gone to crumbles....which looks like it sounds, but is painless. the rest either run or walk down and wait for prison i suppose. i promised him 2 recalls..2 last chances...but only when absolutely everyone is ready for it. hes that dangerous, that contagious. because thats what it is; cruelty is a contagious spiritual disease. it can be controlled, by the wise it is. but gay is beyond all that, i think.

so do the yogas as the teachers tell you, and every day you can. gather your siddis, be good to your fellow man, find your brethren. your furtures sound good and must be a return to culture out there. make it all nice and verdant. remember the price of your time you will grow bored, tired...go to your favourite father and be oned. bingo, youre gone! or lie down and breathe yourself into second death; back to anat-anattas...and bingo, youre even more gone! no one had to live forever, so mad with horror turned into devils and started wrecking the place! which was gays version of history. most know their time is limited...for just that reason. imagine a hitler in power forever? it could happen, gay wanted that. well dont allow anyone that sort of power.

whats wrong is that people dont like anyone different, NOR anyone too much the same....and because none of us can change our basic personality however many lives, whatever the circumstances, theres always going to be dislikes and tangles. but also love and family joys....its a mess i know. but theres a lot worth having, just the same....but be aware of this fundamental problem. people dont like people. only love can cure that, temporarily. but love is not only a blind healer, its also cant last, and doesnt. still its exciting this life, isnt it? when you are gods the problems will be yours to resolve. i think maybe you will.

i will blog here once a week. until its up to date.

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