Tuesday, 18 January 2011

okay the second round.

so here we go again as promised.

each time i enter i will end by correcting typoes in previous teachings so expect things to improve.

how am i these days? better and better. i'm getting younger or physically more attractive. i put that down to gays defeat. i am still a mere student in the filmworld; but i got all my basic gear. just need a team, actors, locations, a studio...and money. the world seems to me be calmer, clearer, sunnier...the bad guys are losing but they dont know it yet.

in the world islams evil is becoming apparent even to many islamics. christianitys infantilism likewise. hindus are aggressive; and their loathsome behaviour to women and lower castes is also well known. buddhists are merely human all these centuries later. but do you see? as they also see? isnt it all sad, and dirty? the great religions are now shown to be anything but great. only the yoga teachers are the same; they rose above every one of gays temptations. they had women yoginis, they had bastards learning beside princes, they lived as ascetes and gave away all they had. now we see why..they knew the truth. and rose above that too. so yogas pass every test. how precious are the yogas.

so lets describe the battle and get that out of the way. it was some nights after the drumming and i gave everyone damnation [temporary] to make you all immune to the last fires? there were several strange people about. they'd come to see it i supposed, from the future. a man in white ran across the hall. i knew him, a spirit..he had 3 legs? another sign of the end of the world. the nurse just thought it was a patient! thank gods for the stupidity of the earthbound. they keep the world anchored!

i gave one of them The Innoculum, to get that baby with her mind intact back with the rest of us. I am now about to give you The Innoculum too. its not obvious but it will work, for her and all that live. the innoculum is this; the spiritworld equals the collective subconscious. and its all a symbiosis between us minds ''living'' and the ''dead'' reincarnation is true, it is also a natural system devised by mother nature to recycle the most precious thing she has; us. insects dont like being infested by us, and would like us to know the flowers and perfumes and honey are their works so i promised them heaven too. [mind you its called earth]. because i suppose...the insects evolved long before any of us did? according to my memory father seabreeze made them as pictures of hell? gay comes along finds a living but closed system and casts down the good spirits into insects? and bad spirits too [to be properly evil? but never thought they had evolved a kind of mass ego. i called him/it prince insectoid and he was very unhappy. a little difficult to talk to but we managed. theyre older than us and just as abused. so please stop destroying insects.and we stop infesting them. but hes got to keep them out of the houses as it were. fairs fair, you know. and so the meek inherit the earth. when all physical life dies out then so will the entire spiritlands. its a symbiosis we need each other. theyre at best farmers..but now because the truth is out heres your chance. third history i began by forgiving everything. undamned are all. damned only is gay who caused it all. you who were once sick now have yor medicine in you. you see now i'm a real avatar. though a very human one. if i am humane, you be humane. and teach your sons and your daughters to be humane too. so what will you do? keep the religions? or become like me? notice i have not advised being darks. perhaps be satanists; knowing his history you now can. but as blues; not either black nor whites. even then what you will still have to do is yoga!

anyway thats the innoculum. the bacteria began it all by xrays from the sun. it will end the same way. understand a man is a walking conglomerate of bacteria? so the spiritlands also called the nexus is a natural phenomenon.you get there even with no gods or religion at all. its a circle. as most things are. who started it? the same who ends it. we shall wait to see. think its the sun. but who began the universes? think that must be some father! [mine, as it happens]. and gay? well its up to absolutely all the gods future to decide what to do with him. Anat too. me i'm predjudiced so best not say.

its a subconscious? so you get the main drives there. both to good things [sex and evil [killing?] but everything else too. our love of beauty, each other. you can make it nice. or nasty. which do you want? but work it out together. i mean there as well as here. my spirits are uniquely without feelings it seems to me; but i think i know the reason for that. theres a lot i wont tell you. anyway for how to control it and your futures there watch daniel1771 on youtube...another lot of right answers.

so i gave them the Innoculation. Gay came packing down fast but this time every me with him went for him....fighting...a blast of gold light.it was a massive electric or fission type explosion...i caught him in it and several darks too..then...nothing..nobody more surprised than me when i opened my eyes some 12 hours later...there were two global talks by gods to man. some of you will remember them...me i couldnt hear it, but i knew it was happening. we got that close...

he's down. but level after level its gone on. he finally crashed into dust in the lavender bed outside seacole. [sph]. the patients for several days were all sane; the staff were all a bit crazy. i declared my new age is begun; aquarius they call it. water for the thirsty, i call it.its always the female who carries the Can. [think about that]. now let them be ordinate! ordinacy, reason, balance..are also justice! gays insanely cruel punishments for tiny ''sins'' and half the time those sins were any sort of goodness..he was also very inconsistent...do you not see where you have all been? and it would have gone on getting worse forever.

so listen to daniel1771; hes right. but also hes full of spirit this and that...now take your innoculation to him too..its mind, everything is mind...one and the same mind. hence we're living in and will die into the collective subconscious...and i just changed all gays rubbishy rules....will the gods accept it? my two joined up laws and 3 magic touchstones? its very primitive i know...but so are they!

we shall see. anyway i told them off for judging me to destruction. i called it murder, but talked to the leader...we are now allies...and he i suppose is also helping now...deuce take me i dont know why i never look right at them and demand a name and address! so yogas and maya are all a species of hypnosis...but so is consciousness itself and we're all perfectly happy with that. i'm not taking anything away but giving it back. stop this confounded religiosity...its false. i am God; and i'm the winner...the victor never gives up her victory..its cost me everything. but it seems i'm not done with yet.

going to fix a few typoes now. back for another go in two days...it will all make sense soon, you'll see. theres not too many typoes; so far i've gone back to march 2010; didnt need fixing so far.

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