Sunday, 28 February 2010

on myself

what shall you feel for me? what is it you fear? another liar? a slow trap into misery?

look gay only picked on me in the beginning because i was a bit too truthful; quite unnaturally so. i think its a kind of autism you know. we guess i was a daughter of Anattas, right? so a maiden Queen, okay? then you pick it up again; i was one of the 'old gods' us in first place? we were rather human in many ways. right? now go forward in to first history? i was originally here on earth as teacher or maybe going on becoming a biggie?? gay said to me 'you would have been a great christ? but after he wrecked all we began to diverge until here we are in second history, and in this the last creation of the great white dove i named father seabreeze? and in this was made Rosalind one of the great female spirits, one of his secret Amours? okay so he never came in. but all my line of spirits [we each have various lower god-selves for each level of reality] was filled with hugely vast powers? Rosalind she held away; but the lowers all male were filled? so they losing their reason ran away and over the centuries they became very powerful gods. but one is mad, another sad, another very unjust but all are brightsiders and all dominated heaven and all this time were hostile to satan? so you see your god in whom you trusted appears to have been me sometimes. amazing isn't it? because coming back to here, planet earth in second history you all are infected with religions white which are ignorant of the history of the universe, have a mad insistence on moral laws which lack light in them or wisdom; and all of them teach you all to expect a messiah? guess who got born and gay saw to it i copped the flaming lot? so now you see why i am your teacher; yet why i teach is my old good nature which i show you because that is me. can the leopard change his spots? not that quick no. so you can trust what i say it is because i remember, yet still only hate what is right to hate. which is not the poor brightsiders; they the scapegoats. nor the 'evil' who in a right universe would turn they and be alright again; nor chose they the way things are. they the same as you; they choose to save themselves; they not knowing that gay cheats them just as terribly. so i pity these, and recall how unjust i was always to satan nd yetzoah. and even know these whom you call evil, i think they must be alive here on earth as we; they are often around, trying to help me save myself. but i know gay will make it impossible, and so my end is upon me. yet i love them for trying, and hate them not. and why does gay destroy me? because i know and teach. and am supposed to be this messiah. but a Queen alone is not enough, this is an evil universe, and so with no king half his plan is fucked, but with a king my rule it should begin. anyhow it was always the oldway; even for us in first place, the two are the arch wherein love enters the universe and is our child.[all of us].
so wot with one thing and another i teach all i know. its very annoying to gay.thats a bonus! exonerates satan and yetzoah, who's history next i will describe. spares those who read and do from mindless suffering. warns man who his enemy is and that the earth teeters on the edge of ending. gets them who will grow up to take whats useful from their false religions and thus leave them. attempts to reconcile the sexes. and sets all to go looking for the eagles to help, mend and be their troops. for they are your good gods. so you see i teach what seems evil, yet it is not. i must end, but you need not. find these your brothers; hate not the bright nor the dark, for all alike are victims. you shall be gods; but soldiers now, who must get together and win your freedom. and isn't that salvation proper?

because look? where have i taught you to murder, rape, enslave, steal, be rioting, tyrannical to the weak, or encouraging of perversion in little children? i have not. you don't need to do any of that. you only need to know this teaching, stick together, see the gods and know they have suffered too. so what is my nature?

do not provoke me. it is gay who shall some day do that and in that hour his end it has come. so yes i can love, pity and be kind. even be healing to some extent; because i am the brightside of old? not a wisher, but a doer? which is my fall he just said. i think not. because you know i am still a magistrate in my reason.he couldn't change me you see. which is why the efforts of my evil brothers be all in vain., why the good read this and feel alternately hatred, murderous. yet also laughter, and hope, and shame and stronger. i am here; a sort of broken messiah; but unknowing of how any of that can be. and so i am being both destroyed and somehow though no-one knows, yet all do, and nowadays what i says is sometimes noted by the universe. which is another sign i am over. yet i see no end in some ways for me; though in all the futures i forsee i see none with me. a kind of parallel non-existence is all i see. greyflash, the kids. thats all.

so now you see i have no future, that i teach in haste because i will save you and send you to the eagles and the lords as their lord brothers [i wish sisters too!] it is an army i send them. for me the end. so i tell you the truth. i have nothing to lose. you and they have everything to gain. take my brother this help? its given free. and pass it on. if anyone remembers me, send a kiss into the dark. let our fathers the Anats remember me. amen.

the real laws

the real laws.
1. the good are inhabited by a deep malice; unknown to themselves. so the law is that each time they raise their horns to do good they inherit suffering. now by suffering they also driven by their old sonship to god, pray and learn. so they develop the inherent abilities of their nature; but believe like children these gifts are 'given'. so they by suffering are tested til they have to choose between being destroyed for the sake of others, who neither know them or love them; or choosing themselves to be evil. let everyone they love be destroyed. if the first their destruction is hell, the second their reward is fame; and those 'good' who follow them are henceforth their food and pleasures. nearly all choose the second; which proves their goodness was all along a fraud. those who choose to die for others to be made free find their friends destroyed beside them; for you can't pay for the sins of another. karma is implacable. to try is to defy god. there is no forgiveness, gay hates it; and has taught the dark lords the same. though even these weep in their secret soul, they must obey. for evil is the universe, and evil is gay; and he hates those who may dethrone him. so those who forgive otheres must pay for their sins and those of the sinner they forgave. all of them. which is why they who shout their forgiveness from the rooftops betray they know not god, nor his actual law.because to gay forgiveness is unbalanced and cruelty is pleasure. so they who need forgiveness most have no-one to ask for it, and those who think they forgive are liars, or worse than suicides, for that gay hates them for it. the same it is with healing. how can you really heal anothers wounds? by medicines and surgery, and this you see the teaching? teaching is a great healer and rescuer; which he cannot forbid. but to pray? lay in your hand a force the other has not learned himself? these be sins, for you ape the good gods; who are the damned.the mind like the body has in itself life, which given time will heal itself. better instead to teach children how not to hurt themselves? now you see which of your religions really is salvation. because those who are called by dark things are truly called by god. gay is the liar; and all who are evil you shall know them by the same mark.
2. so the law for the evil is the opposite. the evil unknown to themselves obey the truth and in their vile doings so do please him. so he calls them sons. though they seldom suffer, and persecute those who never harmed them, and suckle constantly at their self-pity; believing insanely that they have once been offended or that they are poorer than their fellows, they being sons are born knowing themselves, see the spirits their servants, know spite and nastiness and greed are for them all rewarded, get they also spiritual gifts. but they steal them from the good in their dying. their minds are confirmed and made strong by the dark lords. they however are forbidden to mature, forbidden to look on their brothers and know pity or love.for them to pity or to truly love is to be overthrown, yet without these are not their lives a burden? sexual obsession they are permitted; but it must be an slaving, the ruin of the object of their lust. they rule and judge; always unjustly. are never punished. and in their turn are destroyed. gay hates those who are stupid. as the evil by nature, must always become.
3. in this the dark and the bright agree. the stupid shall be always slaves. for their converse it is dull. yet the insects carry all the high of both kinds. for gay is an utter abomination.
4. now therefore see ye that satan is christ. his religion it is i teach thee; though i am all a brightside god, and every word rives my heart. for i will save all i can. to worship satan is to accept these terrible truths and save yourself. for satan is not your enemy, but gay is. and gay whom you call holy is who did all it is a terrible blasphemy for a brightsider to say it. why should i stand and silent let you walk into hells everlasting? for it seems it is my fault you live. so i counsel thee though it seems hard, get thee down on thy knees and ask for help. ask for wisdom.and who you ask is great father; who none loves but me; and though he cannot speak, he will show thee. if you cling to what you think you know, though it seems good; who can help you then? but remember, yes even you O satan; i hate him. and so do you all, now you begin to see the history. and also know why he has done it, to torture you all forevermore to endlessly tease his cruelty. now thank me O satan and yetzoah and all you dark not so clevers and all you bright not very brights at all; for it is i who made the secret will of karma; you shall suffer your own will. it will get him in the end. but play me not false! the devils are devils, they are evil, not good. but better they than gay.
5. so gibberish it is the language and sanity of heaven. the hells horrible he says are pleasures. the heavens bright don't exist; and the old heavens still extant are lonely, sad, places of fear. black magic consists firstly in the breaking of language to hear what the deep mind is really saying. and numbers, the which are bits of information. now information is what each vibrating atom of the cosmos carries, know this and by fast numbers you see how the gods do things. but the old laws still are there; though century by century weaker are they. which is that by learning, responsible behaviour, mature love and even kindly in your nature; you shall be advanced and grow up and begin to take charge of your affairs. to become a god in fact. think. a child on earth he grows up, becomes a man, takes his employment,gets him his lady, has with her his children, grows wealthy. becomes an good citizen, takes hs place with the elders? thats all a god is. an adult amongst ye many children because we spirits say god' you do mistake; thinking of hugeness and powers and the rest. it is natural to all; and got the same way. for when a man dies his spirit it stands, before you were born you were spirit. only remember, as each of you can. and see you are a god! some younger than others, some very injured, some ugly with much wrong, others still beautiful which is everywhere their sin! think ye! did they make themselves? no? then what is their sin? ony a silly pride in it would be a sin. and you see they being innocent are unconscious of how they look? so all gays' nastiness is here shown. for it is the beautiful, the innocent, the virtued, the good; whom he hates. but the evil do love themselves, yes insanely, and pursue ugliness yes insanely, have no virtue, and knowing their crimes swagger by. yet in their souls they hate their ugliness their own grasping bullying unfair natures. and they dying in this way get worse. for they are unnatural; an forced abomination. so they hate the good from envy, destroy the innocent because they must. so satan it is his religion which offers thee safe haven, but even he cannot save you from all the dire consequnces of gays evil. but better hell in pleasures for a time, than the other thing, which is everlasting suffering from the beginning with no relief for all time. so from now on be nice to satan. its not his fault and he doesn't know what to do either; but is willing to help you and protect you as far as he can. therefore get you to your knees and apologise for your past offenses, and ask in humility for his protection. it does mean you see your religious founders and idols called 'holy' be they images and false. so you must break these your lying idols, and know in your soul there is only one holy. and that surprise! surprise! is ME!!
now i am tired. i try to teach not to harm, but to help. fear not me. there's a song on the radio, 'you only live twice'? think that must be my song!! more teaching soon.

Friday, 19 February 2010


just got time before poem presently in bonce starts kicking my bum to say i'm getting hang of things. just done another broadcast on ustream. beginning to understand how various advertising things work, and ANY DAY NOW will do battle with my own noncomputer brain and set up my flaming website! so hang on in there. i get there in the end.

will start teaching again soon. will start i think with the REAL LAWS out in the deep spiritlands. and what death is like. and what about Yetzoah. also Gay. he has to have a history, maybe i can work it out to some extant.

so will be back soon.

Thursday, 18 February 2010


sorry all. seem to have opened a new blog by mistake; was trying to fathom google. so i got gmail an because it seems to have replaced everything i can't access any of my old friends to read their entries or leave comment. no doubt it will be resolved. probably got to link everything or something. so my new blog is 'the truthspeller' same outfit. but will continue here. but i'm also launching my website soon. domain name '' if you lose me here kerry says i can import contents from here to there or link it or something. so stay with me. what i worry is that pinks seems upset? and i can't see whats the matter. hope its nothing too serious. will try to get my whatever enabled again so i can go on following, pinks. keep your pecker up gel. these things pass. gerry

Sunday, 14 February 2010

right now i get the ideas

well there's a fair bit if history still to go. but from now on you will meet me quit a lot, cos a lot of it is turned by me in witless slavery to gay or just pure ignorance. so before that begins i wil tell you what i been doing the last twelve months.

right the king woke me up. now i'd remembered an awful lot on my own which took years. but this last twelve months the gods, principally elohim but the others , satan, yetzoah. black fathers have all been banging my mind into greater and greater recall. and it doesn't just go back, but on all levels in the onion ring gays building; and up therefore too. it nearly killed me but i got there.

so i been fighting gay for months. 1 came of his own accord and went to crumbles. another i just did it to; i dunno how. several more are also destroyed. i keep breaking down n trying to forge an alliance. given you all to him more than once. i think he can make me like himself if i let him get close? on the other hand thats also when i kill him. so he doesn't anymore. i seen too much. he knows i know.

now i got to apply every discipline to same battered mind. i got to repeat the forced evolution in the attic. but i keep control, i want those powers back; and MINE. first job is to extend my life. i'm already getting younger and voice is improving. but its the element and universal powers i got to get. in particular time and that translation thing. then i go out. my gods no longer gods but brothers. an we fight that fucker til he's gone. bit by bit we take it over. make it sane. humane. so another job is to get these gods who all been 'evil' to understand they were forced. right so when that fuckers down will they want that crap again? i think not. but we must hold a grand Meeting. how should it be run? what do we do to protect ourselves in future? what do we do about the evil truly; who are obviously unfit to be free? what about them so terribly damaged they can never be free of agony; ever? and for the first time EVERYONE SHALL SPEAK. eagles, doves, manlike gods, men/women...even kids. even animals or lower; they can at least show us when they happy. but now i appeal to all. GET ME THERE!! it can be done. our will be done.

so now i'm arming. from now on its my decision what is evil what is good. at least for this time. you going to find some strange ones are included. but be glad; don't you know those who read this with understanding are among the first? gerry stevens=holy crown. gay told me i was Queen. now we see what that can mean. and so will gay.

Thursday, 11 February 2010

another thing to learn

again i say you must change the aims of your life. everyone now is a slave; and it is a slavery, an money. i hae been told very often when i speak that; 'oh i didn't know thats what i was hee for'...they mean why they should live?

1. you will from henceforth value intelligence. you shall search for a partner of intelligence, whose ancestry has it in spades. only second do you look for a nice personality. and third you let your attractions to this or that appearance take over. you women cease to respond to the size of a mans' wallet. a man who's only fame is making money is as nearly unevolved as an wolf. he has lost his battle of wits with gay. mankind is intelligent or ceases to be man. but going the wrong way? you men learn that you are prone to sexual fixations. that is a mere misfortune. it is nothing to be either proud of or sorry about. find others who fit you; and be happy. but it is a misfortune; don't try to make it the norm. aand understand the male response to super-stimuli, such as massive mammaries; is an index of your fixability, your primitive sexuality. like birds which 'prefer' big red dots to little yellow dots on the parental beak. they starve, because the big red spot is painted on a cardboard facsimile? that is what is always happening to you. but you are not as daft as new-hatched gulls. learn. be aware. use your brains. let pornagraphy resolve your frustration. but cease to demand these attributes of your mate. its destroying human development; in the first instance your own. its stupid. remember, both the bright and the dark hate stupidity.

2. this insane grasping agfter money. as i have elsewhere said, it doesn't really exist. its numbers on a piece of paper. it licences various things, i suppose. but now no-one does anything for right reasons. just money. and so they do the work badly. as little as possible do they give; maximising profits. on and on it goes. now laws are meant to stop cime, keep civilised things protected? but look whats happening. everywhere law is now just another way of fleecing the people. so stop. do your work for the right reasons. be lovers for the right reasons. be kind to others, particularly children, for the right reasons. otherwise you will in the end be all alone, with not a shred of self-respect. and no money either. there is no money; out there it doesn't exist. and here its reality is only a shared presumption. be man. not pig.

3. now one more thing you change. well its two things in one. democracy. and worth of citizens. your democracy isn't working, is it? thats because you have mixed up the races and admitted hundreds of hostile cultures into your national state? but a nation state can only be free and self determined if it is at peace within itself? one culture? one religion? one shared patriotsm? now look what your over developed idea on charity is doing. your countries, all, are being destroyed; by those who hate you, your democracy, your freedom. i have seen it. 'to hell with freedom' london last year. yes i mean islamics. the beastly who hate freedom, democracy...because islam says so. are they not stupid? yes. so you want to e stupid? it is to lose to gay, my friend.
so what shall you do? a. send these haters, whatever their creed, race or political uses, back to what they prefer. let them take with them what they have honestly earned. but they go. your democracy is for you. for those who love you and your country. and show they do in all their lives. and finally those who know understand that earth is the last redoubt against savagery and cruelty. and stupidity. so these are your true leaders and lovers of your country. they value the progress of civilisation more than traditions. they know the traditions are corrupted in some ways. all together then, sort it out. and you start by keeping citizenship an reward of such goodly ethic. the rest be citizens minor. protected, they have duties. but they cannot lead. they have not yet proved themselves. and instantly as you look at your leaders you see your mistakes; which of them has even a sound military record? which increased the wealth of your nation? where are they who held down a hard job for 40 years? who brought up a goodly generation of youngsters, a credit to your country? they not there, friend. you got fakers. get shot of them.
3. now you know i love the jews. i know their history. so i say it is too cruel to say 'send them all to israel' it is their spiritual home yes. but are we romans, who began their misery? are we nazis, 'they must go'
so i say leave them be. wherever they are treat them as treasure. they build who do not hate their place. as jews are known to do; always good citizens. so i say let them be.
4. and so last i come to worth. who is worthy of great reward? we all i think feel that it shouldn't be damn silly media types, footballers, mere money grubbers. we all see that political class types who are only lining their pockets or trying to get into history books are worse than useless. i know that your glorious kings/tyrants/etc were only mass murderers.
so i leave it to you. reward those worthy. and not so hugely these, the useless, pointless or potential traitors. and instantly you see how. you vote each year for the person/s to be rewarded/ and say how much. thats it thats all. easy; wasn't it?

as for me i got another day running around. there is not much more pastoral advices to give you. from now on use your life to remember. to organise correctly. to aim at right things for right leave the muck in your religions; but keep whats best [and works]. to connect the male an female principles of the universes. to know passion/love when you can. to be fair to your fellow men; knowing that there are levels of humanity. some are higher than others. to each be just. so yes you shall judge one another; you must. its called commonsense, you know.

Monday, 8 February 2010

the fall of phaedron

well is done. the lot. as i just said on facebook poetry needs gearing up. but i know me. do it now and i'll get tired. am already tired. for poetry at the pitch it has to be i must be fresh, mind sharp as a scalpel. so leave it now, all packed up an waiting. but for me i am just bobbing about like a plastic duck in the bath. which is where i ought to be; but i must be off on my daughters business in a mo. i'm just so happy i can do it! and a play like that one! surely god has favoured me with the poetry. one day i do another. but not set like this in ancient greece; something different. still we see. done more poems in one day than ought to be good for me; so now i pack up. have me tea. try to stop grinning like a mad old bat.


the play is being written. but i have to rest quite often. its poems that speak the minds of others; never done it before. its easyish. they say wot they say. but i will need to go back and gear up each; though the rhythmn does follow old aeschylus ok. the story is great! perhaps a little busy; well its till not bad for my first play. its set in an old ampitheatre. but you could adapt a modern stage. when the talking poems been souped up its somewot like old shakespeare. but i learned in record time why they can't do shakespeare in modern films at that acting school. his speeches though wise and beautiful are also chronically over-long! of course mopsus is based somewot on gay. but i begin to love another character; old semphoctes. either is a deep part, though semphoctes begins as very cautious and even uncley. i know phaedron himself is everything men hold to be properly male and kingly. but like prometheus proud to being insane. that shall please gay. an enastia is doomed and jealous like medea; but for quite another reason is destroyed. yep, its all there. well i suppose i should finish the second part, and begin he third. hopefully by the morrow all act 4 shall be in this house!

a happy day. its the poetry you see. its coming along in bursts. an here we goes again!

Tuesday, 2 February 2010

the pope

i see the popes' on his way to england. now about ye popes. look at your histories. isn't it incredible? of course they all evil; though some rather more sincere than others. from the beginning it was all a lie.
1. yes peter did die in rome. but he wasn't leader of the christians. paul was their teacher, and one prone to invention. paul also died there. yes their heads are kept, but do you know which is which? in any event jesus publicly told the disciples to be servants, brothers. bishops are a much later idea. still later the first bishops of rome wanted the civil service of the empire to worlk for them the only way was to get their religion the states. get rid of any possible rivals. then they had to co-opt the emperors place and powers temporal. but couldn't do it. so they invented that rubbish about the see of peter [one of jesus's bigger mistakes; the man was an hysterical gatherer of spiritual experience, but as leader or second founder he was far too puny] and the apostolic succession. but we are now centuries past. if the succession goes by laying on of hands do you not see from your own historys that those hands are those of a devil incarnate more often than not? quite apart from the medieaval popes all being kings really, and some completely satanic or atheist; look you at what you can examine for yourselves.

we start wiv pius i forget the number. look at the films of him, walking past his servants so arrogant he won't even look at them. remember all his crazy crap on the virgin mary? you see the fellow is very sick. so now the entire body is lumbered with this nonsense about mary. they stuck. the pope says she's co-creator? its blasphemy and shows up their cowardly pointless slavery to the pope. because if they accept it when it is obviously sick, why then they are both lauding a woman [horror!] when they know its wrong and blasphemous, or denying their pope an being all unchristian that way. its called growing up anywhere else. but you see a catholic is one who only wants to stay a babe forever. gay said 'the church only rates the middle cross because of their constant oscillations'. this same pius being i think the one who didn't try by so much as a lifted eyebrow to constrain hitler? yes when it was obvious hitler was going down then of a udden these alleged christians did something to help the nazis chosen victims. but not much. better late than never, i suppose.
then we had a good one; john 23. he began in some ways to reform the idiot church. i like him. but he was too old and died before the change could come. next was paul 6. a small man with a small mind. he may have been personally saintly. but he was a reactionary pope, destroying everywhere reforms even in thought. next was john-paul 1. now i looked on him and my heart soared. you could see here a man who would think deep and sow the seeds of reform, like john? but the curia murdered him in the night; because they could see that too. i think this. because quite a lot of popes end that way. its the usual thing. so the head of the church on earth isn't the pope but the vatican machine. next was john-paul 2. i liked him best of all. an authentic christian, a brave and good man. but his head stuffed full of nonsense about saving the church given for the people future. that was just nuts. the church if viviefied by god can't be destroyed. not even by essential reforms! so the silly man did the same as the previous paul. i saw john-paul 2. i felt and saw the spirit was on him. but he felt powers on me too. amazing. this was years ago when kerry was 1 year old. he stood in the pope mobile, we were the very last of the crowds; and he made a huge cross-sign over us. i was immensely pleased; there was no-one there to see. he did it just for us. nice man. and now benedict 16 is coming here.

he always knew he would be pope. his name is ratzsinger. an he was head of the holy inquistion. an he looks like a ghoul. if he starts smarming up to the vile islamics then we will know if he is as truly evil as these signs indicate.