Tuesday, 2 February 2010

the pope

i see the popes' on his way to england. now about ye popes. look at your histories. isn't it incredible? of course they all evil; though some rather more sincere than others. from the beginning it was all a lie.
1. yes peter did die in rome. but he wasn't leader of the christians. paul was their teacher, and one prone to invention. paul also died there. yes their heads are kept, but do you know which is which? in any event jesus publicly told the disciples to be servants, brothers. bishops are a much later idea. still later the first bishops of rome wanted the civil service of the empire to worlk for them the only way was to get their religion the states. get rid of any possible rivals. then they had to co-opt the emperors place and powers temporal. but couldn't do it. so they invented that rubbish about the see of peter [one of jesus's bigger mistakes; the man was an hysterical gatherer of spiritual experience, but as leader or second founder he was far too puny] and the apostolic succession. but we are now centuries past. if the succession goes by laying on of hands do you not see from your own historys that those hands are those of a devil incarnate more often than not? quite apart from the medieaval popes all being kings really, and some completely satanic or atheist; look you at what you can examine for yourselves.

we start wiv pius i forget the number. look at the films of him, walking past his servants so arrogant he won't even look at them. remember all his crazy crap on the virgin mary? you see the fellow is very sick. so now the entire body is lumbered with this nonsense about mary. they stuck. the pope says she's co-creator? its blasphemy and shows up their cowardly pointless slavery to the pope. because if they accept it when it is obviously sick, why then they are both lauding a woman [horror!] when they know its wrong and blasphemous, or denying their pope an being all unchristian that way. its called growing up anywhere else. but you see a catholic is one who only wants to stay a babe forever. gay said 'the church only rates the middle cross because of their constant oscillations'. this same pius being i think the one who didn't try by so much as a lifted eyebrow to constrain hitler? yes when it was obvious hitler was going down then of a udden these alleged christians did something to help the nazis chosen victims. but not much. better late than never, i suppose.
then we had a good one; john 23. he began in some ways to reform the idiot church. i like him. but he was too old and died before the change could come. next was paul 6. a small man with a small mind. he may have been personally saintly. but he was a reactionary pope, destroying everywhere reforms even in thought. next was john-paul 1. now i looked on him and my heart soared. you could see here a man who would think deep and sow the seeds of reform, like john? but the curia murdered him in the night; because they could see that too. i think this. because quite a lot of popes end that way. its the usual thing. so the head of the church on earth isn't the pope but the vatican machine. next was john-paul 2. i liked him best of all. an authentic christian, a brave and good man. but his head stuffed full of nonsense about saving the church given for the people future. that was just nuts. the church if viviefied by god can't be destroyed. not even by essential reforms! so the silly man did the same as the previous paul. i saw john-paul 2. i felt and saw the spirit was on him. but he felt powers on me too. amazing. this was years ago when kerry was 1 year old. he stood in the pope mobile, we were the very last of the crowds; and he made a huge cross-sign over us. i was immensely pleased; there was no-one there to see. he did it just for us. nice man. and now benedict 16 is coming here.

he always knew he would be pope. his name is ratzsinger. an he was head of the holy inquistion. an he looks like a ghoul. if he starts smarming up to the vile islamics then we will know if he is as truly evil as these signs indicate.

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