Sunday, 14 February 2010

right now i get the ideas

well there's a fair bit if history still to go. but from now on you will meet me quit a lot, cos a lot of it is turned by me in witless slavery to gay or just pure ignorance. so before that begins i wil tell you what i been doing the last twelve months.

right the king woke me up. now i'd remembered an awful lot on my own which took years. but this last twelve months the gods, principally elohim but the others , satan, yetzoah. black fathers have all been banging my mind into greater and greater recall. and it doesn't just go back, but on all levels in the onion ring gays building; and up therefore too. it nearly killed me but i got there.

so i been fighting gay for months. 1 came of his own accord and went to crumbles. another i just did it to; i dunno how. several more are also destroyed. i keep breaking down n trying to forge an alliance. given you all to him more than once. i think he can make me like himself if i let him get close? on the other hand thats also when i kill him. so he doesn't anymore. i seen too much. he knows i know.

now i got to apply every discipline to same battered mind. i got to repeat the forced evolution in the attic. but i keep control, i want those powers back; and MINE. first job is to extend my life. i'm already getting younger and voice is improving. but its the element and universal powers i got to get. in particular time and that translation thing. then i go out. my gods no longer gods but brothers. an we fight that fucker til he's gone. bit by bit we take it over. make it sane. humane. so another job is to get these gods who all been 'evil' to understand they were forced. right so when that fuckers down will they want that crap again? i think not. but we must hold a grand Meeting. how should it be run? what do we do to protect ourselves in future? what do we do about the evil truly; who are obviously unfit to be free? what about them so terribly damaged they can never be free of agony; ever? and for the first time EVERYONE SHALL SPEAK. eagles, doves, manlike gods, men/women...even kids. even animals or lower; they can at least show us when they happy. but now i appeal to all. GET ME THERE!! it can be done. our will be done.

so now i'm arming. from now on its my decision what is evil what is good. at least for this time. you going to find some strange ones are included. but be glad; don't you know those who read this with understanding are among the first? gerry stevens=holy crown. gay told me i was Queen. now we see what that can mean. and so will gay.

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