Sunday, 28 February 2010

the real laws

the real laws.
1. the good are inhabited by a deep malice; unknown to themselves. so the law is that each time they raise their horns to do good they inherit suffering. now by suffering they also driven by their old sonship to god, pray and learn. so they develop the inherent abilities of their nature; but believe like children these gifts are 'given'. so they by suffering are tested til they have to choose between being destroyed for the sake of others, who neither know them or love them; or choosing themselves to be evil. let everyone they love be destroyed. if the first their destruction is hell, the second their reward is fame; and those 'good' who follow them are henceforth their food and pleasures. nearly all choose the second; which proves their goodness was all along a fraud. those who choose to die for others to be made free find their friends destroyed beside them; for you can't pay for the sins of another. karma is implacable. to try is to defy god. there is no forgiveness, gay hates it; and has taught the dark lords the same. though even these weep in their secret soul, they must obey. for evil is the universe, and evil is gay; and he hates those who may dethrone him. so those who forgive otheres must pay for their sins and those of the sinner they forgave. all of them. which is why they who shout their forgiveness from the rooftops betray they know not god, nor his actual law.because to gay forgiveness is unbalanced and cruelty is pleasure. so they who need forgiveness most have no-one to ask for it, and those who think they forgive are liars, or worse than suicides, for that gay hates them for it. the same it is with healing. how can you really heal anothers wounds? by medicines and surgery, and this you see the teaching? teaching is a great healer and rescuer; which he cannot forbid. but to pray? lay in your hand a force the other has not learned himself? these be sins, for you ape the good gods; who are the damned.the mind like the body has in itself life, which given time will heal itself. better instead to teach children how not to hurt themselves? now you see which of your religions really is salvation. because those who are called by dark things are truly called by god. gay is the liar; and all who are evil you shall know them by the same mark.
2. so the law for the evil is the opposite. the evil unknown to themselves obey the truth and in their vile doings so do please him. so he calls them sons. though they seldom suffer, and persecute those who never harmed them, and suckle constantly at their self-pity; believing insanely that they have once been offended or that they are poorer than their fellows, they being sons are born knowing themselves, see the spirits their servants, know spite and nastiness and greed are for them all rewarded, get they also spiritual gifts. but they steal them from the good in their dying. their minds are confirmed and made strong by the dark lords. they however are forbidden to mature, forbidden to look on their brothers and know pity or love.for them to pity or to truly love is to be overthrown, yet without these are not their lives a burden? sexual obsession they are permitted; but it must be an slaving, the ruin of the object of their lust. they rule and judge; always unjustly. are never punished. and in their turn are destroyed. gay hates those who are stupid. as the evil by nature, must always become.
3. in this the dark and the bright agree. the stupid shall be always slaves. for their converse it is dull. yet the insects carry all the high of both kinds. for gay is an utter abomination.
4. now therefore see ye that satan is christ. his religion it is i teach thee; though i am all a brightside god, and every word rives my heart. for i will save all i can. to worship satan is to accept these terrible truths and save yourself. for satan is not your enemy, but gay is. and gay whom you call holy is who did all it is a terrible blasphemy for a brightsider to say it. why should i stand and silent let you walk into hells everlasting? for it seems it is my fault you live. so i counsel thee though it seems hard, get thee down on thy knees and ask for help. ask for wisdom.and who you ask is great father; who none loves but me; and though he cannot speak, he will show thee. if you cling to what you think you know, though it seems good; who can help you then? but remember, yes even you O satan; i hate him. and so do you all, now you begin to see the history. and also know why he has done it, to torture you all forevermore to endlessly tease his cruelty. now thank me O satan and yetzoah and all you dark not so clevers and all you bright not very brights at all; for it is i who made the secret will of karma; you shall suffer your own will. it will get him in the end. but play me not false! the devils are devils, they are evil, not good. but better they than gay.
5. so gibberish it is the language and sanity of heaven. the hells horrible he says are pleasures. the heavens bright don't exist; and the old heavens still extant are lonely, sad, places of fear. black magic consists firstly in the breaking of language to hear what the deep mind is really saying. and numbers, the which are bits of information. now information is what each vibrating atom of the cosmos carries, know this and by fast numbers you see how the gods do things. but the old laws still are there; though century by century weaker are they. which is that by learning, responsible behaviour, mature love and even kindly in your nature; you shall be advanced and grow up and begin to take charge of your affairs. to become a god in fact. think. a child on earth he grows up, becomes a man, takes his employment,gets him his lady, has with her his children, grows wealthy. becomes an good citizen, takes hs place with the elders? thats all a god is. an adult amongst ye many children because we spirits say god' you do mistake; thinking of hugeness and powers and the rest. it is natural to all; and got the same way. for when a man dies his spirit it stands, before you were born you were spirit. only remember, as each of you can. and see you are a god! some younger than others, some very injured, some ugly with much wrong, others still beautiful which is everywhere their sin! think ye! did they make themselves? no? then what is their sin? ony a silly pride in it would be a sin. and you see they being innocent are unconscious of how they look? so all gays' nastiness is here shown. for it is the beautiful, the innocent, the virtued, the good; whom he hates. but the evil do love themselves, yes insanely, and pursue ugliness yes insanely, have no virtue, and knowing their crimes swagger by. yet in their souls they hate their ugliness their own grasping bullying unfair natures. and they dying in this way get worse. for they are unnatural; an forced abomination. so they hate the good from envy, destroy the innocent because they must. so satan it is his religion which offers thee safe haven, but even he cannot save you from all the dire consequnces of gays evil. but better hell in pleasures for a time, than the other thing, which is everlasting suffering from the beginning with no relief for all time. so from now on be nice to satan. its not his fault and he doesn't know what to do either; but is willing to help you and protect you as far as he can. therefore get you to your knees and apologise for your past offenses, and ask in humility for his protection. it does mean you see your religious founders and idols called 'holy' be they images and false. so you must break these your lying idols, and know in your soul there is only one holy. and that surprise! surprise! is ME!!
now i am tired. i try to teach not to harm, but to help. fear not me. there's a song on the radio, 'you only live twice'? think that must be my song!! more teaching soon.

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