Sunday, 28 March 2010

understanding what i say.

people cannot understand me apparently. this may not be too hard an obstacle if i can figure out what it is they can't see.

1. spirits equal minds. the mind at its last analysis isn't the whole you; your ego [sense of self] is. but not you as mr berts or miss nitt or master bob. you as who we really all are. god. so as such we all been around a long time. now any educated hindu can explain this. as we evolve from brute to man we behave against or for various moral codes. these are your sins and virtues respectively. you are supposed to be rewarded for your good deeds and punished for your bad deeds. everyone alive knows this. and i am telling you that its never happened.

2. the spirits are not millions of miles away up in space. they are here. in miniature 'realities' thousands of them. wound like shiny snailtrails all over the earth. they are usually just as unaware of us as we are unaware of them. so we know that they can live very small. down to the size of a molecule and conversely expand to encompass the entire creation.
any educated yogi will tell you that that concept [god from smallest to biggest, oldest to youngest etc] is also the exercise of maha yoga.

3. your mind is between your ears. but though you use your mind to be and learn in space/time [remember you are god], that mind is transubstantial in the world of matter. so to ddo anything we have to live in a material form; and to do so intelligently we have evolved/created a goood enough brain. so a. mind is taking a ride in your brain b. when you die its brain that dies not you and c. you will be another spirit [think of small strange angels, no wings, confused...lost in a violent loveless foodless desert; that is you too] wandering in those realities. and expected to pay there for sins done here. now all the christians can understand me.

with me something different. when i was young my father who we all called gay because that was his nickname cozened several females into having children so he could experiment on them. now we all have lived many many lives. suddenly the buddhists can hear me. these repeated lives are in other realities beside this one. heavens, hells. where are they? here. on planet earth. this justice is not ruled by this god or that because no-one can be trusted not to be biased. so its ruled by a law that keeps it balanced. every educated buddhist knows this is so. but i say it is not exactly right. i made that law of karma. ;they shall suffer their own will'. not to maintain balance but to keep the evil from going crazy with cruelty. whilst they might cop some of the pain it kept them restrained. because i was not a huge great god but a child who couldn't escape from that monster gay. out there. in spiritlands proper; which are very far away from earth. so what were gays experiments?

4. he wanted to see if a spirit could be made to apppear and do his bidding like a slave. be used as a weapon. start and suppport his absolute rule. turn all the heavens into hells. make only cruel perverts like himself to be the winners. and he did this by hypnosis etc. but he had to get the right one. which is me. messiah. suddenly the jews are listening. why would any man want evil to win. to be the right answer? how about someone so utterly evil he was damned. absolutely. but escaped and came to our univers and seeking to punish anyone who reminded him of his original keepers forever found out how to use a child of god to go back in time and kill the original good gods of this new universe. so thats what he did. and i was that child.

5. the mind can be split. i am not talking about multiple personalites. you can be split into two sepo=erate versions of yourself. gay does this very often but i don't know how, and so there are several small girls running around with several versions of him in the spiritlands. and each child [yes all me's ] has some of the powers of god. because to become god you have to be morally perfect, huge in knowledge, and do all thse yogas etc perfectly. which is what he made me do back in that attic. but you see at once who he must be? and now any educated hindu or buddhist can understand me. and so can christians and jews. for all religions are met in me. but he went back into the past with me and so i have had millions of 'lives' although i now guess they're sopme of them shared memories. and been god over and over going up and down in my evolution like a blooming great yoyo. because of course i'm good. so he's evil. the laws he made while i was a hypnotised child are the exact insane opposite of the laws that made me god; that keep us all sane and safe and put the criminal lunatics in an asylium. so you see before i was born history was different? and so now we alll in second history. but the change in history didn't happen here but out there back in the past. as i have explained. when gay turned nasty in forst place it was all heavy with fear? when the eagles died in their beginning from that time it went dark? and as the people gods and wotnot discovered the real laws they either went mad or turned evil; which in my opinion is the same thing.

6. now i am nearly sixty. my memory had to return. the gods elohim [hello my dear jews!] and some others determined that i was the cause of it all. i think it was even me who stood outside each phase of creation and denied them food! the right and need of all that exist! so it was me... no wonder i had an obsession about it for years. anyway so in my teenage years elohim set off my long remembering. be cause obviously us gods have got to fix it all. and put heavens back where they belong. and get rid of devils and evil. i'd got a long way by myself but for years just poodled along thinking there wasn't more. but there was a lot more. the king turned up and the rest you now know.
7. gay of course didn't want any of it to be known at all. i was supposed to live a rather miserable humdrum life and die and wake up in limitless hell evermore and never understand why. so you all think the hereafter is heavely and nice and safe. you all here think the laws of god are heavely and nice and safe. poor us. poor you. go ask any witch or warlock what the laws really are. i can tell you and so can they in one word. black.

right. so now these poor stupid americans can consult their dictionaries and go to their libraries and read vivekananda etc. and give them a year or so and by the time the world ends they'll be experts.

be of good cheer. yesterday i went again through a stage of becoming god. you know its nearly all about knowledge? so i have recalled all the past. seen all the futures. and last night recalled all the suffering. this time it was curtailed and mostly about the awful deaths.lives of women and little children. omniscience should in include that; otherwise you get a god who is indifferent or cruel. which is why its happening to me. after all. aren't i to blame? now you see why gay isn't properly god. its the bit he couldn't face. that an having to know what its like being a girl.

so yes i was always god. and now am consciously so roght here on earth.
but good news tonight. last night attacked gay savagely several times. and then today was hearing beautiful singing. and it was female voices. a sweet nice little song. 'and the meek ...and the meek; O the meek shall inherit the earth.' so this is the second time the deep futures have let me hear them singing. they might or will exist because of me. so i promised to keep faith with them. i can't see them. but guessed they all female gods. sound calm, nice, sane, and glad. so am i. so am i. told them if they can hear me to not go back and change the past. its a permanent lesson and warning as to what can happen. those who are avid for power are the very ones who muust not get it. the male sex is the more lowly; without the Queens its all hell for the gods as well. i don't mean libertas; she wakes thr fathers, the white christs, the lords both black and white and the lady gods. though it seems she's gone into the past its not yours but mine. in first place [if ever good gods rule] find it and any alive in there put them out of their misery.

last thing i said, i don't know whats coming but it must be bad. if i have to consent to stay gays victim in hell so that all you gods present and future can rule and bring back goodness; then so be it. i will pay the price. but i appealed to them whenever they can to come down and kill me one day. lest i suffer for ever for the sin of being good. of not knowing i was god and not he. of working his cruelty unseeing, because i was blind.

so yes i can guess now that this is my victory. i bet it is. well then the victory i win i give toi the good and i charge them to keep it forever. never let that thing get in again. never give up your victory. never.

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