Wednesday, 3 March 2010

for love is the stranger

for love is the stranger, who beckons you on... that song again. don't think of the danger; or the stranger is gone...

so i just forgive someone a lifelong conduct which he must have begun long ago. and now can't handle it himself. yet in r1 doesn 't know!! do i pay for his sins? i dunno. but somebody somewhere has to start forgiving; has to get a bigger heart n try. the truth is there was never real forgiveness in the universe. under gay how could there be? the evil can't and the good only claim they have when they seek fame-of-sanctity. if you carefully read jesus you see he forgives no-one; he but claims or asks 'the father' to forgive. gay of course being a moral imbecile hates it. one reason is that he runs karma as a kind of profit n loss account? so you hav to keep 'paying your debts'? which is always suffering. which of course is what he likes best. but there is NO 'karmic debt' we live all these millions of lives because he makes us. after so long all believe it is right; but now you see it is utterly wrong. we were all gods greater or lesser long ago. i look at people, spirits now; you are all of you much more brutish now. so no improvements, just uin of what was. in any case consider how mad it is. you pay foe sins; but they are as likely to be good deeds as crimes you know. in the end i worked it out. what you are really paying for is life itself. or don't you know his idea is that life is evil spelt backwards? so life is evil? then by living you make your 'debt' the more huge, so its all damnation again, isn't it? and now you know he is NOT god but some kind of disgusting parasite from perhaps some other time/place, whyever will you go on with it? and that brings me to gays actual status.

who can he be? where or when did he originate? i know he has lived very few 'lives'' pythagoras is one, some other greek about the time of orpheus. we know he said he lived in atlantis. we know he is not a being or person as we. he never came out of anat; which is why he fears them, calling it second death. and yet according to the king anat is also invaded by them [darksiders]. well in that case where am i going in my frequent deaths? for it can't be the same state? so at a guess; you know however far back i go gay appears always the same? tall, dark. thin sallow face. cruel nose to mouth lines, black eyes? and always around late middle age. these are the few things he told me. 1. he had no mother, and i do see a thing like a flaccid wet fleshy sac, in some dark place far back in time. he said he'd devoured his overself and his guru in india. but my impression is he ate his overs in the far past. but if he had overs at all that places him in seabreezes creation. whereas right back in the most distant past there he is; exactly the same. so we know he used my 'forced up to be god powers' for time travel? but that is not possible; god a child? no it can't be that. also those study/kitchens? he stays in them out of sight being a wizrad. that is he has white paper like things with faint etchings on them and shelves with all little statuettes of gods black and white? and made me choose 1. so he said 'my name is old glory' ans snickered. and now i know why. gay puts those in heaven afire. so for him fire equals glory. those who demand to be made like stars or shining get their wish. so if he calls himself old glory he was telling me he had once been damned and was burning; wasn't he? so since when i was 18 months old he also pulled his nose open and there inside his head was heaven. you can dwell in there he said. but i looked and saw it was all fiery and refused. it was hell of course. gay never gives anybody anything else; though the darksiders because of the power and pleasures think he has. but they will remember agreeing with him a time? what happens to them after time is the same as the rejects. so gay then must be the original Devil, and the prime cause and source of all evil in our universe. so we guess there must have been another universe, long long ago. and the god of the place damned him and somehow he either escaped or was victor. and came to us in first place and decided to take everyone alive he could; for to ruin nd torture. so this creature is the secret god who began smallish and bit by bit built his empire; to a large exent using my spirit to do it. i remember long ago satan [he was new then] not understanding why gay ruled over him. he confided in me that gay was the more powerful. i knew then that it was something to do with me; but not what. so you see satan also hates him. but gods are like people. they are people. so whenever gay appears they are welcoming. they hide their vehement desire to kill him. but i will not hide anything. let him destroy me! its better than the other. so i kep trying to bring him down. because on earth his powers are liited; by our earth density of matter. so while i live we fight. when i die it will be very bad; but he was going to do that anyway. no difference then if i kep mum or blast the truth out. so i blast. someday another one will arise and get that bastard. who knows? i might get him myself! never give up i say to his never say die. but i wish the gods of wherever he began had of been man enough to kill the fucker and have done. wonder what happened to them? and now i have told both satan and yetzoah what gay does to them exercising his power; to keep them in ever increasing fear without knowing why. so this is gays fatal reliance on just the one trick. he makes everyone forget. so what we all do and pronto is use every technique we have to remember. you see i have. its bad. very bad. but you won't have to remember quite as much as me. also when you do recall there are others of YOU; both higher and lower. don't be surprised to meet another you. though that will be on r3 or above if it does happen. that is why the king is such a puzzle. the king seems to be twice in r1.

at any rate you see our GOD and the DEVIL are one and the same? now you see why your white religions are all cruel and exclusive and in their moral deas silly or useless or hating women or giving the lowly male too much power? 'love is a stranger?'...the answer is this. i am the last little bit left of what more nearly is a good god. i cannot look at ALLin this or that religion and say; you are saved. i cannot look at ALL in every other cult and say; they are the damned. how stupid do you think i am? i look at all people; saying well that is what you thought was true; but what did you DO or NOT DO? i will not ask did you eat pork; but did you murder or steal? why? and have you been remorseful, done what you could to restore the balance of the universe; your heart and your brothers heart? so i will love a nice person who cares what his belief are; except he has overcome cruelty which is whgat evil IS?. and because the darksiders are all very nasty do i automaticaly condemn? you see i used to. but now try not; what real choice or chance did they have? its not forgiveness. let each ask when he feels remorse. but at least let them alone. knowing as i do what they been paying from day 1 of their 'salvation' and always will. as the good too. if there are any. so we all in this together. its war. well it would e wih that thing in the high places. so anyway thats all i know for sure about gay. and there aren't any good gods no. all alike are dark. even el has given me clues; he can do evil. yes. all out there try to survive. laws of the jungle out there. so next time some god tries to make out moral laws to you ASK HIM WHAT LAW DOES HE KEEP? and watch him leave.
so the real saints are; murderes, torturers, rapists, any unclean thing. the truly damned are your sillly 'saints' they gennerally get et; but the biggies like buddha and vivek fihure this all out and try to cancel themselves out/? so how good were they to leave so many helpless inthat things grip? well i tired again.

anyway i did think to finish a bit more on passion. for one thing it is very rare. even when people fall in love its nearly always one but not the other. or the other feels not so strongly. usually even in free societies people hardly ever get to marry the people they love/who in love with them. it seems peole nearly always marry someone they comfortable with; or who seems to fulfil their fantasy. but of course thats nearly always a mistake. someone who deliberately plays to your fantasy can't fulfill them. and won't even pretend to once the service is over. so mutual romantic love is unusual anyway. but passion it is the next level up so to speak. and in fact is even rarer, and subject to the same chance. but now i say something which is right. if it should happen for you take it with both hands! do not try to trap it, this passion, in marriage. yes i speak to women as to men. marriage is its oppositeand wuill strangle it. also passion of this order is not a thing i think can ever happen to the very young? i thinkm its for the mature in spirit. i do not say it can't but i have never heard of it. its very intense. yes the couple may fight, its powerful stuff. but studied spites? beatings? absolutely not. its the spirits way of sudden growing up. violence and cruelty by nature reduce, brutalize? so have but little place here. and also its short lived. it ends always in great friendship or terrible grief. but never indifference; that being the end of 'romantic or wedded love' but not this. this is the rare phoenix in splendour. and from now on all you who learn can wait for it; knowing what it is. the spirit in each connecting the male and female principles; you are both of you simply growing up. and a wild ride it is! and lastly do not enslave each other, nor let the boring moralists near. if you would learn to be gods this is one way. religion will try to contriol or destroy this. well do you think gay wants anyone to love like this? so know your enemy in passion is the fool who fears it. xxx

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