Monday, 24 May 2010

watching the day after

watching nuclear war film with jay. talking about whats wrong with man. if we know what these bombs do why can't we throw them away? why did we let them be made? can't grown ups stop it? this kid is 9...he's asking the questions we the people and our parents before us asked....sixty odd years. and we all feel the stupid islamics are scratching to get them. they believe not having them is proof they are oppressed and subject to predjudice. yet are blind to the fact their own death-cult religion and the universal hysteria and illiterate and cruel attitudes we all now see every day are proof to us [us clevers] they must never have them. so what have i told him.?

1. i know while nan stands on the earth, the earth shall stand. so while i live is mans big chance to sort it out now, because i can't stay forever. and i feel have no spirit to take over anything beyond anymore. i didn't tell him; he is 9.

2. i told him a true man would have sized up these things while still only plans. and hanged the scientists. destroyed the knowledge. but there are no true men. scientists like doctors love money, power, being godlike in human terms. no-one will disobey them. or even ask hard questions. the problem is that man refuses to grow up. being obedient to laws just any laws encourages more and more laws...officials are mad because they think a law is the same as divine fiat. man has given too much authority to people even less able to handle it than hinmself/ call it what you wil; law, democracy, religion culture....they all do the same; abnegate resonsbility for your life. your morality. your science. your medics. your government. your wars.

3. the grown-ups knew nothing of these weapons till after they were used. and for years after not what they did. but the scientists did. so you see science is under gays control; as usual he buys souls. in their case for to be great scientists. famous. inventors. because of grown-ups doing things by numbers you have to have in each country millions like me who can think. and say no. there are none. the reason why so many rogue countries now have them is not hate but love. the spy says ' i love my country' the foreign offficial says 'we must protect; even up the balance of power'...the stupid religionists want the earth cleared of anyone not in their club like eradicating insects. as i have said; those who most want power must not get it? really all this because you don't want to admit what you are [powersick] how you feel [want parents to run your nursery forever], where you are or what time it may be.

what can we do now? you can't unknow something. yes you can. children are born empty of maths physics....of war, all this muck? learn to set up boards to judge weapons? or any tech with big implications. the board says no, its no. yes even in wartime. that is one thing. the other is this is every country that can be liable, the third is round up the books tapes pictures. everything. wipe it off the web. it means the next generation are going to be deliberately hoodwinked by their elders. and all the world must agree to keep this secret....take it to our graves everyone of us. so 4 you alll need to raise consciousness. treaties only put it off. you see they still around,m spreading? so the entire population has to see why. and do it all as one. and so you need films...tagged cos eventually these have to go too; to do ithe cs raising. and its armistices in every town or village or sstreet? throw whatever info you got in bins to be burnt and add name as a secret keeper to list. just keep going. and insist....not 1 country but all who got them or are trying...destroy them. televise so we seee it being done. and the penalty for anyone trying to make them in all countries is death.

see? its not impossible. but you alll do this. the govs can't the military won' you take resposiblity. give the future yet unborn a chance?

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