Sunday, 18 April 2010

on the white way

so the white religions are known to all. but are they quite what all believe them to be?

you read what i advised; to give up circumscision because its a form of witchcraft/sacrifice? you make the child over o some god you never saw whom all your history shows you is a dangerous friend? bit silly. again the jews are getting ready to rebuiild their temple. fine. but complete with animal sacrifice. you know now the terrible cruelty against animals out there. you see any god demanding murder...thats what it is...of animals, children, women, demonic? so if he isn't he won't want that; if he does then you don't want him. understand? and ir always does end up in holocausts. look at the old samaritans; burning lambs in a pit? we know now that was progress!! once it was living children. so you pack all that in. wherever you find people bent on that explain it to them. its not holy or good or nice. explain once. give them all time to repent. catch them doing it after that earns them death; both physical and spiritual. so now the jews are taught. the god they made all those bargains with...i mean BARGAINS? straightway know thats black. and wasn't elohim. if they ever manage to produce this merchant god do let us know. yhwh has some explaining to do. like all that genocide in israels beginning? now repaid in karma; if you care to see. what the ten commandments are is only reasonable. but the first three seem oddly egotistical. and in fact the jews subsequently got lumbered with a million bloody silly laws so that like the hindus they believe pork is worse than say, coveting. can't see they have defected from elohim to some other; are generally good citizens who seem to annoy others and never knew why? now i have shown you why. stop persecuting them. they didn't know. and niether did you. look at their good things. they are the most intelligent race. they are the most faithful, loyal to their false god. they have sufferd so badly. yet remain good people. so their enemy is the same as yours and mine. its gay and his devilish minions. so no more killing children or animals. or jews. the first victims in your history of gods which are cruel fakes? disguised devils? they should be pitied and loved. and helped to get over this awful cheat. clearly here is elohim still waiting. suggest you jews start asking questions while i can still answer.

then have we buddha. sounds good doesn't he? but you only know how wonderful he was because he kept telling you. nomiracles. don't call me god? how to escape endless lives...oh you kill yourself. same as vivekananda isn't it? in fact exactly the same. buddha didn't teach anything new. its all recycled ideas from the hindu systems of yoga. he told you how to deal with sorrow, age, poverty and dying. by self destruction. negation of you. thats what nirvanas is. don't believe me? read his scripture again. so he's right. but wouldn't it have been better to admit what was wrong; why its like this? and do something about it? anyway he's not extinguished at all. not like he said. no he's got a religion out of it. plenty of idiot victims so he stayed on. but changed a bit.
all the buddhists alive today are either believing in a fairytale like simpletons. or busy suiciding because he told them to. these same oh so compassionate etc do awful things day in day out. to their women. because women have sinned in a previous life; when presumably they were men? its nuts. its stupid. its cruel. which is why being lowly males they can't see anything wrong.

hindism is the oldest. now the various yogas are real and work. no sin. you don't destroy anyone else? but everything else in india is perfect;y foul. their insane caste rules.hating people for their names. loathing of women disguised as religious duties only imposed on those women. sutte. child mariage. dowry system. the absolute enslavement of women in every sphere. the incredible poverty...which they want everyone else in the world to solve for them. the pity of it that these people who gave us yoga have descended to this; gods which are demons...look at them again! damn silly ideas. worship even of living people. themselves usually quite aware of this i teach too. no the asians now are literally the most psychopathic of the nations. they kill or persecute like dogs squat.and have lost their reason to the greed for money. to me its the greatest shame on the earth today. they have no drive to civilisation or enlightenment i think. only riches and owning slaves. well thats what it amounts to. a thousand tears for india. they should be our teachers. but in that graceless state can't. must not. put their hearts and their house in order they must too. and thats that. and let us say it. it is india our teacher of growing to be gods...who taught also gay all he first knew. mind you he ate that guru. but india has a million others.

the moslems as you know i personally won't have in the house. they have sold their souls to be superior to women and are utterly cruel every day of the week. i say to muslim women its not your religion. run away. be alive. be free. spit on islam. it is not allah i hate but mohammed. for your information even allah didn't like him. he's in that white round thing in the forecourt of allahs place; where he can listen to him screaming. you shall not play the gods false. so mohammed is in hell and has been for yonks. but its all hell out there anyway. islam is a slaver, a murderous creed. look at it. it does one good deed. everyone of you coldly observe the behaviour and attitudes of islamics. and know its evil.

now finally for christianity. this is very much more a grown up seeming religion. until you realise thats what is wrong. they are outwardly correct. but their prayers and silly beliefs in nodding statues and being the 'precious child' whom jesus loves beyond all commonsense? you see its childish? so these are damn great babies. the priests are nearly all vicious. yes and now you see why. they are mentally destroying anattas or aping the woman. yet hate women just as terribly as all you men seem to. again its no reason in it. or what female dominated religion ever existed that went round making slaves of you? or burning boys? or all the rest of the sweet joys christianity has wrought? such as sexual repression yet giving the incontinent male all livcence yet somehow never the blame? never the shame? and look how rigid and cowardly it is! you have to keep the doctrines and the dogma and the correct wording and blah blah blah...or you're a heretic! they still try to ban from public view works of literature or films. just like nazis in fact. which is what in the last analysis youe christians are. so afraid of truth they allow zero debate. everyone got to think the same1 like machines or slaves. and just as caste ridden as any male led society always is. yet they think they're a light to the world and jesus set them free? to do what? oh be like the cruel nuns, the lying saints, the frightened prayers, the mindless laity, ther priests destroying little children ? hm. sounds familiar?
as for black magic christianity is riddled with it. its like they are blind and cannot see.
jesus they ingest. equals cannibalism in spirit terms. the son murdered in sacrifice to god-the-father. the son the son always the son. i have to tell you there are no fathers. there never have been. even you humans know the father is only a tyrant to the wife, the a lecher to the daughters. and all because none of you admit that the male is practically an beast. he can't be a father. you have to love and yet be fair and strong and still civilised to be that. since even the gods can't how shall you? remember; great father is in a way speechless or asleep because the love of anattas never woke him. so no there never was a father. nor mother. we all orphans, trying to survive the hells made everywhere by these idiot males on earth the same as in the spiritlands.
so you know now that jesus is the son who imitates the father. such as molech or yhwh. gay told me jesus knew when he cried 'my god my god why have you forsaken me? that he was answered. gay was inthe cross he was dying on. holding him close. with 3 big nails. poor jesus. so now you know too as jesus is god and monstously vruel. but he does keep to bargains. no the christians aren't saved....but jesus did buy them and all mankind one thing. the curtain to the holy place was rent from top to bottom. so ever since anyone on earth can speak to any god. its what he did get for us. but he himself was silenced soon after, the various appearance people experience after that are all fakes. which is why they all lead astray; and talk daft. something jesus never did in life.

so what is left? you the blue illuminati. free of every religion take what you need. and live. there are good things in all; but set out like sweets on a stall? take them. develop them. bow not to anyone unless that someone is a greater good. and for love sake win. its hell if you don't you know.

as for me i can't win. enemies everywhere now. i shall try to get to those kids and get them somewhere safe so they can grow up. will tell a bit of my lives out there just so you know what its like. i face oblivion same as jesus. but thats is better than living in this. with you. or them. so in a weird way i have won. once annhilated nothing more can happen to me. as long as i take the kids with me. maybe its different from returning to anat, i don't know. but now you see why you want me to win, need me to live. but gay and his minions will make it impossible. so you are going to be on your own. find each other now.

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