okay lets go on with a bit more history.
so you know the eagles minus their begots were brought back somehow by gay but all insane believing that they must be evil? they are much smaller than originally; so i believe its only part of them. their unconscious has somehow been made ego; which is why they can't see whats wrong. but even so deep down their real conscious selves must be. anyway so they brought to be many thousands of devils. these are cruel but very strong; they are made firm in their minds by these eagles. and also i divine there are these six more; lesser and at the back and either above or below our universe. these are truly evil; being created that way? but who could do it except great father? so obviously gay has done something also to him. and these are your real movers of events to overall disaster and darkness. and those are the real gods.
now in their madness these injured eagles decided to play good against their superior evil. so each eagle built with his devil sons the white doves. so there are 14 of those. now the other 12 i know nothing of. the last two [i think after all there are two] are respectively father seabreeze who masde all this last creation; mounts and seas and so many levels. and all the doves except general cruel who is seabreezes other half filled their respective creations with white and good and gentle spirits. these would count as lords, christs and angels to you. because each dove thought he was good. had beaten cruelty. would make therefore paradise for himself and many children good to share it? unknowing of these dark mad lords behind, above? seabreeze didn't even know he had a cruel twin. general cruel as i have related ill=treated jesus til he became a double=agent. working wrong but seeming decent. general cruel once conquered also antagonised satan so that is why satan went so badly wrong. it was also general cruel who went through every world he could carrying me as a loving servant. he would order me to go into these worlds and make disease and the cures both medicinal and miraculous for him to cure the afflicted. you can see how blind i was. to do this so 'god' could seem yet more glorious in the future? better not to need such vainfglory. better never to create disease! but as usual i was young and couldn't see it. he would strangle me with his puny little talons whenever i rose to him. all religions which have 'saints' or christs tried by suffering are there in part not just because gay destroys all the good. but these spirits go through every agony to reach 'god' yes they know he's there just beyond sight; and one reaches him. tries to tell him whats happening thsat everything is wrong. asks for help these poor little people; and then he makes them look into his eyes. they see pure cruelty; like a tigers eyes? their own turn up in fainting horror because they can't get away. he makes them go into darkness beneath his belly. and so the rest never know whats happening til their turn comes. and its a bit like reincarnation? they go through unknown hells and then are bereft of their memory. returned to the start; where all they know is fear and problems. sense 'god' is near; and struggle to reach him all over again. he has a major son too. a huge redcloaked type. know the evil even in normal appearance by some shabiness or roughness. this one is a bully, with an unshaven face.
please remember it all was made sunny, greenery, pleasant dwellings. except for the heights; which always were empty and sandy/ now its mostly dark out there. gay said the old gods fought over the food. but not just food; eat lessers or not. there were so few flowers? no trees or a straggle here and there. they had no idea to get out and above ALL the realities. or technology to make food. even good ideas [such as mine to eat lessers memories] would be destroyed by satan n co/ you see they have lost the ability to distinguis good aand evil? this is what gays teachings have done to them. the ones i killed as gays slave were obviously all the ones who could have seen through his rubbish. or made food. or just killed him.
anyway the other doves created elsewhere. i haven't remembered that exactly. but now there are literally thousands of realities all at odd angles? and he keeps going in to these and these days he is openly god. it turns nasty. the shadows at your feet are evil. the flat grey sky/ the minor primitivre creatures? and he grows worse and worse and such is his 'power' and they all believing himthat they are saved having agreed with him that evil is the right answer do nothing to stop him. and so everywhere literally everywhere it is becoming hell. so the good knowing nothing find they have no strength against the evil even to say no. and the evil like blind men work harder and harder at creating hell for themselves because gay tells them hell is really heaven. they have forgotten an equation can be reversed as well. so pleasure can equal pain anytime he doesn't like you. and gay hates all. his mind went long ago.
once it was too terrible to be in darkness. or sense that heavy cloying fear which one feels in the presence of evil. but now devils torture gods by flame; constant questions; shoving a universe in their heads, and always always these accusations. all the evidence shows these poor sods as guilty. its all set up, but these gods can't even say it or know it. so yes all go to hell. and all hells are very bad. and gods are much tougher than the lessers. whose hell in consequence is unbearable. and all of us yes YOU are going there.and we all have many split off 'selves'...they are just as much you as you are. and we are all out there for centuries. time betwwen lives being different? so. do you think evil is right? adaptation? ah yes. but then it goes on and goes on getting worse forever. so its wrong!!
the othe adversay was yetzoah. now for years i called him yaldabaoth [means king ugly]. now he's the original copy of god but done all weak and ugly? he's tall, midddleaged , black curly hair, his head deformed; like its missing at the back. eyes black, white skintone. wears brown habit and is 1. prone to frenzied madness. 2. seabreeze filled him with every wrong idea save 1. 3. he's liable to violence and is extemely hardwilled. 4. he can swear too.
so yetzoah awoke at the bottom of the dais rising up to seabreezes thronew. oh i forgot to mention; seabreeze made for himself many forms, most ith abilies and 1 temptation. and huge thrones and crowns for himself? and fiats [small] and triumphal music. but yetzoah looked up and nobody there. sensed as carefully as he could in case god was invisible. and knew all creation had been abandoned. so its mine he thought, but then grew muddled as he also knew he was supposed to be the devil; and now he would hsve to care for others like god? he began swearing and after that i don't know what happened to that one. i think he wanders sometimes helping people sometimes not. sometimes its evil help sometimes its good. as i said he was made mental anyway/ you see these unnatural responsibolities are making him very ill? but you also see that what seabreeze assumed were to be his sins he hasn't done? and see he does try to do good. but the universe is evil; so he cannot. thus the law is you must ask. don't ask don't get. but don't ask wrong for something right. or i will kill you.
the great one though was really the cause of seabreezes banishment from his own creation. and therefore its conqueror. as he was being delivered [yes thats what i said; seabreze buzzing with power begot him by mistake]; the eagles woke him and showed him thr terrible infinite suffering seabreeze had secretly planned to do to him.all the 'evil' created by seabreeze would only have kept losing in each pahse. they woke believing that their rolev was as godgiven as jesus; [true] and therefore their punishment would be a sham and very short] but how did they know unless they'd programmed seabreeze to think it??] yetzoah reacted violently. they fought. the son [the real jesus] was captured. seabreeze retired into dark solitude. the holy spirit flew high. the sons battled but yetzoah won. for millions of years they marched here or there. the started on the higher registers but are now back with the fathers levels. the son kept every promise told the truth deformed himself into frantically eating souls knowing they would all come back but such was his agony he was trying to stop yetzoah. so yetzoah proclaimed everywhere his one right idea; which now is; 'i am god! i am god'! and when you see them you will find that these the evil and all like them have the more powers, understanding. the eagles do what the evil pray for; and ignore the good or send them troubles. oh yes with gay you must ask for the opposite tou mean. and hope they are faithful and kind and truly give! so yetzoah marches about. he by fear taught the gods lesser weird and useless mathematics. 2x4 = 17...they believe it absolutely. too afraid to tell him its balderdash. or that he's a bully. he got in a thing like a flying chariot? twice actuallly. one is carried by archangels. he's got it too hot, the music too loud, he doesn't like heighhts and has been going away from creation into space for thousands of years. but is too proud to stop and come back. much the same story withn a little one. got into a flyer [no angels] and didn't know how to stop or steer. too hot too loud and has been flying in a circle tfor around 500 years, silly? yes. the evil get more stupid you see. the good too. as will you. its so horrific you'll be too frightened to be clever.
because the mad eagles saved them they can both show you their sonship. i have seen satan with his beautiful face shinking like a cool white star.i have seen yezoah with a halo. haloes are shining white crowns but above the head. his skull is better now. he also seems saner. he was the one who teaches man; things like taming animals. bread . money. cities. they were all once wrong ideas? but you see now useful. funny thing now the son is dead [he had to 'confess' being a common duck and then was allowed to die out in peace; but yetzoah is quiet these days.
so thats him making round black ball things to throw at the good. these stick like hot resin and are toxic. and between all these evil ones the good have been everywhere and at all times enslaved, made weak, punished horribly for 1. good looks 2. their good natures 3. being losers 4 any kind of 'disrespect' to any evil one.
i share some of yetzoahs memory. thats how i know his thoughts on these occasions. i don't know quite how; but he must have done it sometime in the past.
so you see what i must be in for? but if i don't warn you all will go out there and be unprepared. you won't know how to get in to the winning side, you won't know how bad its going to get. you won't determine in your minds that you have a mission. get me out of any trap.. the kids let them grow up. become gods yourselves. heal the eagles. kill gay and any black devil who can't stop gouging, fighting the weak and helpless, raping good things. brightsiders. jesus. buddha, you want to help them? stop worshipping them. go out there and kill. i will tell you how if i didn't already.
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