woke up to feeling a wall of hate building up against me. so i answer them now. since these haters won't let me speak if they do get me.
1. your prophets/founders were liars. if they had of been real true prophets; whats the very first thing they would have told you? that god proper was Female. Anattas was Wisdom; Queen and Queens of the gods. your prophets told you the opposite didn't they? encouraged your mindless contempt for females because they were buying your support. buying YOU ful stop. you men only want a god who loves you no matter what you do; because you are superior males? well well. look whh that is. so your prophets led you directly into this? worse than judas, hey?
2. your prophets/founders were liars. none of them explained the rites and understandings of your divine things are all a species of black magic. don't believe me? when god demands of abraham/the jews a snipppet of flesh is that not the same as nail parings, hair etc? when god demands abraham to murder his child and counts him righteous because he was willing to do it, what difference is there between god and molech? none. and so the jews have sacrificed their children ever since. no prophet ever said so. but uyou see i just did. and that promise made between abraham and god? idiots. at midnight? no witnesses? flames and butchered animals? its black magic.
what about moses? a murderer to begin with. how much true in what you are told of him? look at the story where israel; that is every jew ever to be born; stands between good and evil. good they swear, is whatever god demands. even if it is evil.?? go on read it again you wise males who managed not to see that in oh, 2000 ++ years? this is why when i first met an jewish person she accused me hysterically of weird hatreds i didn't know. as jews typically do all the time. unaware that they are accusing children [i was 14] of a people who had just fought their enemies? sick and sad. they just will not leave off with their self-pity. and look; its this strange aura of evil people can sense about you. and now we all see why you have it. yet you jews truly believe you are holy, sons of god? yes. just look what he does to his sons...so i reckon you are!! or don't you know even now that 'holy' in the times god called you so meant 'set apart for sacrifice to god'?? and why have none of you like EVER noticed that moses and jacob had to FIGHT the angel of the lord even to live? a funny angel, being beaten by a bloody human. another set-up i think, and so should you. look at your kings..murderers. enslavers of women. even david. even solomon. yet you jews believe you are destined to rule all mankind with a rod of iron? in a way you shall. the rod of iron might be your bombs, hidden in judea somewhere. oh and last but not least you self-pitying jews; a people i have admired for years and years...lets read together the story of the fall of man, shall we?
it opens with god creating a garden. there are other cities and lands on earth [the land of nod, to the east] so this is a myth really about how the jews began. anyway this god is elohim. i know him well. he has evil in him. anyway you lot didn't know that. so he creates animals next. now elohim did tell me he made spiritstuff into matter. well someone did, because here we are, so i believe him. and then he made man. now we see the original god of the jews was elohim? so all those convenants with abraham were made with whom? ywyh means nothing to me. nor you!! so el says it is not good for man to be alone. very true. but look what the place is called! EVES-DEN. the dwelling of eve, mother of all the living. so eve is a title and the woman is really an effigy of god Anattas, isn't she? look next...god makes her from man? this is nonsense. the female is the template? in spirit and in flesh? so heres another male lie. you know in your bomes you are the lowly sex. and can't bear it. so we get all these lies designed to put you in power, and punish all females as well. at any rate the serpent [they mean dragon] tempts them wth wisdom? think about that. but what they get is self knowledge. which yes is the beginning of wisdom. we are told god is angered. to gain wisdom is to start to see through his little theatre? the serpent tempts eve first solely to give men the reason and right to rape enslave and murder women forever. you see how cheaply he buys you? and then he curses the woman with pain...can you still not see who he is? with slavery,,,still no? and the man oh horror! with work? got no idea? proves you men are morons then.
and then you are driven out of the garden.
believe me gardens don't mean the same to your ancestors as they do to you. or me. anyway thats your chief myth. and it is mostly myth. it makes the male both hero and victim and son? yet look at your history. who are the nicer people? women. who suffer all things, sons but never acknowledged to be sons? women. so all it is is your favourite nursery tale. you the liar and fool became lord of earth! wow, isn't that wonderful. [no]
funny how gardens crop up. jesus wept and was crucified in a garden. the babies and children burnt to various male deities [molech, yahweh..] were nearly always females...and most tophets were gardens. even crematoria today; in gardens, come to think of it the holocaust victims? aren't the deathcamps now all of them gardens? so you see if gardens are what you think you want, somehow you get them.
and now yes right now you are accusing me of antisemitism!! can't you read? elohim is with me. not you. the truth is out. bit of a cocney...but all the secrets are being shouted from a housetop...aren't they?
well i'm tired already. but lets have a crack at the bloody moslems. well words fail me. you are all the most glutinous bullying pigs on the face of the earth. your koran drools over torturing people in hell on every page. how you long for it! you see that is your paradise? oh and raping little girls. well 72 different virgins every night equals children you creeps. as it does in every filthy muslim country. i told you i beat allah up and what was left was a black devil. your entire religion is violent and aims at being the only religion. tough; i don't like you. you are 100% about dominating women to death. and thats all. for this you sell your spirits. cheap. wholesale. no difference now between you and the dogs is there? and you love goats; not only for food. cretins! lok at it! pigs+dogs+goats. its unclean you all are. no wonder its you shall destroy the earth. you are so reliably stupid. so dependably violent. so ruinously proud of your evil. yes you are truly sons of gay. so i shall see to it he gets YOU..
every word mohammed said was infected by mohammeds diseased hatreds. which is why he was allahs servant. so to devils you all turn. leave islam. right now. break free you slobbering slugthing from all those cosy promises. be a man not anymore an addict to the worst in you.
also theres this. deep down you men i think have always known this. look. when you see mens sex lives do you not see how they train themselves to see women as things to 'pickup'...to delude with fair talk about respect? yet its all to get sex? then you see men can't stay with normal sex? its got to be nasty. then nastier. oral. anal. girls. boys. beats, YES IT IS IN ALL OF YOU. finally let us see into your ghastly male minds..we look beneath the image of venus infernal. huge tits etc. we go beneath again. to something begging for mercy. and not getting any. yet no-one female has ever done anything to you? again dive further down, and we see your real most basic turn-on. yes. you are slithering and plunging into a great soggy corpse wriggling madly with worms and soaked in shit. but its female. so thats it. deep down every man wants to shag his mother? and destroy her? but the real mother is god; whom none of us ever saw. so then this is no myth but your real actual fall. this is your disease. why you madly go on and on about sex. the itch of this can never heal. its god Anattas you devil males want deep down to destroy. your vengeance for being the more lowly. and now all can see why you males are the lowly sex. and why not one can ever be holy. or a sevant of god. i mean real god. the great female; our Queen. Anattas. see?
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