Sunday, 11 April 2010

your futures

right now to delineate the futures. remember YOU are in all of them. me either i win now or disappear. now i can't see any other futures than these. but i have several times heard singing. 1. was the mad choirs begging for damnation. they got it. i had to get everyone past the flames which seemed to be waiting soon. will undamn people as they earn it; also when gay is down and the gods are sane again. meantime you all 'damned' its to save your necks. 2. the other two times of singing i think were futures that somehow got that through to me. letting me know there is some point to this struggle; that someday they might exist? but i have to tell you i see nothing of them. there is no change visible to me now.

1. gay is bullying me out in spiritlands. he says 'the earth just ended; don't you care?' there i am quite mad...i say no i don't care. he says 'but that was you just went up in smoke'... sounds good doesn't he? but he set me up. there i am a child quite mad. if the world ends that way he has spent years getting the thing to happen. he did. not me...i will go up in smoke with you? then he says 'that was the last thing i needed. i don't need you anymore' i say; but i have earned my freedom; he then says 'freedom? i don't believe in freedom. well except for myself. god is the only really free being. which means no-one else has any choice, doesn't it? '

2. he told me once that 'when a black man rules in the white mans' house, when women are tyrants to men, when the gods walk the earth; that is the signs the end of the world is about to happen'. he wants monsters to erupt into r1. he wants everybody panicking. he wants all the lifers to really see him [thinking he's god] as he really is. your only choice then would be to run to either jesus or satan. as you know neither are particularly good. and he set me up unwilling to be 'ante-christ'...that is the truthspeller; so you can know all the secrets. too late. btw, i did spell that right. its ante-christ=before him. as you see is true. also anti=the antidote. to so many toxins. one of them being the idea that jesus loves you. or god. no. what they love is to murder souls/eat people. over and over.
3. so korea has the bomb and they are mad. seemingly sane; so do the paranoid jews. and the infantile americans, a people who secretly believe america is the world; the rest of the planet just having no real relevance or right to exist. russia? another crazy. ditto china, the waxworks there having no empathy with the suffering of even their own people. the fault with them is the chinese oriental psyche itself. like aliens; cold yet liable to hysteria. various countries in europe have the bomb. and they are also increasingly mad. with them its not religion but the scrabbling to be big noises in history, politics. gay will see to it their wish is granted. and in the end i think it will be about food; as much as religion. and look, there scuttles ahmadjedinnabad; building his bombs even as i write. are any of them sane? is there anyone out there having the virtue to stop it? no not one. they are all males and so cannot. because that is why the male was assigned the more lowly place to begin with. he is poisoned by his fatal sex obsession, his ready aggression, his more primitive social paradigms? from violently maintaining his power in the stone-age to death camps and the universal enslavements; you see the male is close to the hamadryad baboon? intelligent in all things but the seeing of himself? hence the vile religions. so no. there is no-one to stop it.

what happens next is people in r2 and above suddenly realising the truth; r1 is the anchor that holds the rest, so they will start intervening massively. which means all of you will steadiy go into r2 or above. vanishing acts right n left, just as the bible says. only to walk into weird monstrosities, devoureres and shrieking gibberish. they are your end selves! but how can you know it is you until you get there?

anyway the realities no longer anchored peel away. jesus and the rest will collect all they can. the rest see those are hells too and so the running begins. people running in circles? shrieking because its the end of sanity? from here on reality is what gay decides it shall be. truth is what gay thinks it is. you are his toy. forever. so yes people will try to fight. but a bit late don't you think?

so for a long time r2/r3 try to control or reverse it. going into spiirtlands as i advised. aiming computer information at them; driving then]m to keep up. it blasts away one shell 'self' after another; revealing that gods many 'lives'...thats their version of reincarnation if you think about it. and finding always a black grim devil in there somewhere. not understanding that all have had to acquire an evil side in order to survive? which includes these r2/r3 avengers, but they will never investigate themselves. so the lesser gods who could be made an army of the rightminded shall be destroyed by the people who most need them; because i guess they now suffer an 'antigod religion'? when its all too late. and damn silly. because r2 and r3 are semi=spiritual? already their minds, the once fantastic minds of the gods, are ringing with stupid insane gibberish. the cure is not in destroying others then is it?

out further great satanic civilisations are commencing. people appear to be following my advice at this time. there are no beauties, no black devils either. they here must earn beauty by their good deeds? but you see who is deciding what are good deeds? if you do good only for pretties then what good is it? it is their nature they must make well, but cannot because goodness is leaving the cosmos. they cannot. and so devils must be. further out the doves now fight to leave it. but the eagles ruin their escape and in mad vengeance for what never happened destroy them. sorry to late, for these doves are really sons too, the eagles find their devil sons are now their own tormentors, and end devoured.

and so evil grows and grows and becomes unstoppable. gay will drive every reality mad with his incessant cruelties. yet he has no mind to recall it all. i mean he isn't a god. he just does what he does. there's no reaon for any of it. at a further point he will insist on Great Conquest. that is opening up more and more universes. creating more and more Orbs, from my poen see its already on its way! all filled with millions of realities. millions of worlds. all stocked with gibbering monstrosities. who's only function is to cause suffering for gays pleasure and scrabble in indignities to get out of suffering, which gay finds so amusing. now i call these universes 'pages'. would you like to know how many? uncountable, it goes on forever. and these beings are yourselves, over and over. the silent places already exist. in them your bravest nicest self is trapped. at first looking like electric weeds. silent sad gardens. but each drooping design if you look at it will resolve into a person suffering terrible pain. and its you. and now you know why the gods run away from the silent places. gay doubles their pain at the slightest resistance. its he and his kind who always threaten punishment? now you know what that means. i saw him outside the brassy harsh looking one. everyone had gone in. the place was flashing violently; like black and white X rays? he smiles; 'its only a party' he says. it isn't. that flashing is the gods and these are his own evil ones; being degodded. being tortured into eternal silence. which won't do them any good. a bride you see can never say no? but yes means you're a whore. very true, isn't it? well thats your own mentality i just described. isn't it?

and the wriggly bugeyed beings in the cube are in the same sorts hell. so all who believe god is good without looking at him are finally answered. its everyone else who is good. he is the only real evil. so all alike are brought to everlasting hell. such a good place. so full of pleasures? yes well for gay it is!!

anyway at last all is silent. whats left of you all locked up in infinite agony. he locks them into it. i see him a nasty old man walking into the dark. the wind is strong, cold. all is dead there. and he feels sorry for himself. he's looking for new gods, someone new to torture and betray. he feels sorry for himself. gay is good at that. self=pity being the motive of all the cruel i think. and that is all your futures.why? because though he looks everywhere there are none new. so he grabs you all cripples forever and you go back to the very beginning and start all over again. just as you are. gay can't heal and neither can you.and round and round it goes. from everlasting to everlasting. so the evil who go round converting trying to save? whether they call themselves christians or satanists or gaists or see the truth do you? all are damned. there is only one who isn't which is gay. so what ever else you learn learn you this. everlasting life is the curse of curses. and death is only the way home to the peace of the real fathers? but they must shut the gates. and soon, they don't want him with them? be warned. anyone who promises you everlasting life; when you already got it you poor sods...that one is a liar and your worst enemy. right? right!

so now i have damned him. i have woken. always too late. always not a single friend to help me.
i can kill him. been trying. but i think the idiots will murder me before too long. oh you muslim morons. you christians infantile. buddhists who never know evil is a male liar. and real. you shall not be indifferent to evil. no you shall hate it and kill it. or this is all that shall be. my own halflings will be my executioners. they obey gay; evil is the right answer. so kill me they will. as i try to kill him and save them as well.

are you not all of you complete and utter imbeciles? but i still care. please don't kill me. you need me more than you need life.

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