i have been ignoring the blue illuminati blog because a. i have forgotten the passwords etc b. it looks all funny c. i've been busy with other things. but the teachings have to be finished, brought up to date. i was then going to stick it under my twin site here [the truthspeller] but that doesnt feel right either. so i'm coming back here to finish what i started after all.
its xmas eve, i was baptised on this day when i was 24. every year since then i had spiritual attacks...its all quiet this year...yes because i won injanuary...this period is apparently to be known as the 'little hiatus'' according to Yetzoah...the great hiatus being all the years of my life that were family orientated...i didnt care to remember all that; so i didnt. tells me there is something to come though...dont know what.
so i shall continue; you need to know quite a bit more. and practise yoga; get to kundalini...we all live in and are the nexus. that is, the universe of minds? the gods, we, the animals, even the insects, are minds...nothing else exists. we form mutual realities, the 'places' where we dwell. earth r1 is the base of most of them, but its not the only one...if you become free you can travel...be a real astronaut. there used to be entire civilisations out there, colleges of gods...not much is left. heaven ...which you get to by riding a pulse of energy [from ''god'', johnsons ''sound'']...is in reality threadbare and tumbedown now...for years people lived there...happy,then problems, worse and worse. its empty now. gay took me before i saw any of it really, but it was good i know. well hes down, though how long for i dont know. anyway so the nexus is us and we are all citizens or children in it. the orb is the same but seen from outside.
so kundalini realises your psychic powers? but 'powers'' are really mind controls? skills? you can only develop, not steal or own them or even give them away...gay i found easy to defeat [provided i died doing it] one reason was because he always got others to do it all for him...so couldnt keep what hed not ''earned'' or learned, same thing. so you do your yogas. advaisti is right, we live in worlds of ever increasing illusion that maya...but they never asked who was doing it or why. anyhow karma yoga to balance your good and evil. though were all doing that anyway. raja yoga for powers. do NOT throw away or despise any abilities you develop. how shall you despise your drivng skill, your ability to work say, a computer? you dont. so be the same with your siddhis. you may need them someday. but dont be proud or sell anything either. if i put these teachings in drama as a book i'd sell that...but the teachings themselves are not for sale...be the same. those who sell truth for lucre shall become as real as money is; and twice as dirty. and lose what they once gained. true for yogis as well as fortune tellers you know.
bhakti yoga is to love and worship one deity above others, it is to be a lover. so it has a noble place, we need this for most of our lives. to attain omniscience is the goal of jnana yoga; but really all yogas lead to this; the remembering. with that is omniscience, you become greater the more you know. it is the adults who are big with knowledge, wise with the laying down of greed, knowing ordinacy as the mark of adulthood. so gay in that sense also fails, since he had no ordinacy...indeed he was insanely unjust.
begin with hatha yoga, do not neglect it. the body AND the soul make man, each being the expression of the other. those who only do hatha are relegated to the animal. those who in pride just do mental exercises are guilty of vanity and it shall be in vain. start where you are at. prayer is just talking to the gods, some being more garrulous than others; but all in private. remember the publicly ''holy'' man is no such thing.
now tantric tecniques are useful; but when does your development deny anothers? so have a care. as for religion, love all the gods because theyve had a bad time of it and still are willing to try. but no religion on earth is true, or the only truth. islam is offensively primitive, its practitioners look like devils. christians are ghouls, just look at them! listen to that awful singing, the constant going on about money. devils again, this time playing at being toddlers for jesus to love! buddhists? depressing. hindus? miseries. hang on to what you know to be good, jettison what you can see from history is plain bad. which of the prophets is the right one? I AM. so no more nonsense. any faith which encourages the ideas or talk of condeming another to eternal fire [pain] is evil. the idea of damnation was gays own. he himself never had any suffering; but as you see from my poem the 'document of damnation' hes the only one who will....but i offered him an alternative. crumbles, courtesy of anat...and so far 4 levels of gay have gone to crumbles....which looks like it sounds, but is painless. the rest either run or walk down and down...to wait for prison i suppose. i promised him 2 recalls..2 last chances...but only when absolutely everyone is ready for it. hes that dangerous, that contagious. because thats what it is; cruelty is a contagious spiritual disease. it can be controlled, by the wise it is. but gay is beyond all that, i think.
so do the yogas as the teachers tell you, and every day you can. gather your siddis, be good to your fellow man, find your brethren. your furtures sound good and must be a return to culture out there. make it all nice and verdant. remember the price of your existences...in time you will grow bored, tired...go to your favourite father and be oned. bingo, youre gone! or lie down and breathe yourself into second death; back to anat-anattas...and bingo, youre even more gone! no one had to live forever, so mad with horror turned into devils and started wrecking the place! which was gays version of history. most know their time is limited...for just that reason. imagine a hitler in power forever? it could happen, gay wanted that. well dont allow anyone that sort of power.
whats wrong is that people dont like anyone different, NOR anyone too much the same....and because none of us can change our basic personality however many lives, whatever the circumstances, theres always going to be dislikes and tangles. but also love and family joys....its a mess i know. but theres a lot worth having, just the same....but be aware of this fundamental problem. people dont like people. only love can cure that, temporarily. but love is not only a blind healer, its also transient...it cant last, and doesnt. still its exciting this life, isnt it? when you are gods the problems will be yours to resolve. i think maybe you will.
i will blog here once a week. until its up to date.
Friday, 24 December 2010
Wednesday, 27 October 2010
hello its 28 followers now. i thought i'd advise about us the blue illuminati; as promised a website, called rather methodically; Blue Illuminati Blog. i shall not restrict myself to teachings on it, but give rein free to whatever. please to drop in or even subscribe; and its perfectly all right to talk or leave comments too. the url is linked above but in case that hasn't worked its www.blueilluminati.wordpress.com
for my poetry which can also sometimes be a teaching; www.allpoetry.com/poem/gerrynan2 that sometimes is also quite good just as poetry, if i say so myself.
the most recent news is that i am writing my scripts in full, have virtually all the equipment for filming and podcasts...my film website is www.catinthehatfilmproduction.webs.com but i rather think my podcast 'the minxes' will be first off the blocks...i shall be interested in any commments. except nasty ones. i shall be terribly interesting right back to those. so my career in films is beginning. i have retired from nursing. so life goes on; really thats a surprise. Gay has received many setbacks, dismissals and a few crumbles...i am friendly with satan and no longer just assume i am the good guy. though obviously compared to gay i am!
so we continue. thank you for following. you may like to know i recently published my poetry via lulu.com...its called 'gerrys old crock of gold poems'...theres another to come out next year. the pagination mucked up in this one is why there will be another; with more poems, a different cover, you may be delighted to hear....anyway its for sale. so also when i get around to it shall be these teachings...but i will put a lot more in; including as much as i can fathom of how to develop and do things...its all in yoga but i got the black take on it as well as the white. will let you know when its done.
just remember; the thing is we must find the great god who likes us. and value his opinion more than our own. if he says we are evil we are; even if we think we're Quite saintly. the whitedressed can be absolutely foul. my only guide was gay, himself ''god'' but utterly cruel...and he was destroying me, but look i have won at least for a time. so my colour is blue, i am illumined, but also a canny old bird myself...i have adopted satan as friend and guide...but guardian have i none. thats because guardians an d fathers are usually horrible so i go alone...you can repent your evil, but you have to see it first. the good never do; that is their sin, that they don't know any history but tell the universe they are the good. remember the inquisition, the azteccs, the islamics today...shudder we, and turn away. yet i only appear evil, i am only in the right religion...i do neither harm nor lie nor even , regrettably, any sex...so who is evil? who is good? only history when all is done can show you. but i'm pretty sure gay was nasty. and i'm usually nice. gerry.
for my poetry which can also sometimes be a teaching; www.allpoetry.com/poem/gerrynan2 that sometimes is also quite good just as poetry, if i say so myself.
the most recent news is that i am writing my scripts in full, have virtually all the equipment for filming and podcasts...my film website is www.catinthehatfilmproduction.webs.com but i rather think my podcast 'the minxes' will be first off the blocks...i shall be interested in any commments. except nasty ones. i shall be terribly interesting right back to those. so my career in films is beginning. i have retired from nursing. so life goes on; really thats a surprise. Gay has received many setbacks, dismissals and a few crumbles...i am friendly with satan and no longer just assume i am the good guy. though obviously compared to gay i am!
so we continue. thank you for following. you may like to know i recently published my poetry via lulu.com...its called 'gerrys old crock of gold poems'...theres another to come out next year. the pagination mucked up in this one is why there will be another; with more poems, a different cover, you may be delighted to hear....anyway its for sale. so also when i get around to it shall be these teachings...but i will put a lot more in; including as much as i can fathom of how to develop and do things...its all in yoga but i got the black take on it as well as the white. will let you know when its done.
just remember; the thing is we must find the great god who likes us. and value his opinion more than our own. if he says we are evil we are; even if we think we're Quite saintly. the whitedressed can be absolutely foul. my only guide was gay, himself ''god'' but utterly cruel...and he was destroying me, but look i have won at least for a time. so my colour is blue, i am illumined, but also a canny old bird myself...i have adopted satan as friend and guide...but guardian have i none. thats because guardians an d fathers are usually horrible so i go alone...you can repent your evil, but you have to see it first. the good never do; that is their sin, that they don't know any history but tell the universe they are the good. remember the inquisition, the azteccs, the islamics today...shudder we, and turn away. yet i only appear evil, i am only in the right religion...i do neither harm nor lie nor even , regrettably, any sex...so who is evil? who is good? only history when all is done can show you. but i'm pretty sure gay was nasty. and i'm usually nice. gerry.
Wednesday, 25 August 2010
final entry; 24.08.2010
its been quite a thing. i see i now have 13 followers! gay is more or less in hiding; but because its all been a little too easy i am still in battle dress as it were. the gods [satan and yetzoah] are beginning to respond positively; i am determined to cure them help them; making it clear to them i want to be fair to them. i am not like gay!! the king turned up again; he does love me! he is there of his own accord...i looked at him, began to step towards him..he in joy began the same....suddenly he stopped, look really frightened, and searched found an invisible way out...ducked into the bushes...was held up by a big concrete wall; so an upper part of me let him go wherever he thought it was....
was distressed. so he's as trapped or badly served as me! and when hes near i become much more clearly spirit AND LIKE A MACHINE...no woman would normally just stand and just feel nothing. thats the love of my life...i think if anything is ever to go right the first sign will be that he wakes up to how i am his..the love [the real love] of this mans' life! so thats what i meant to say. spirits...they don't seem to feel love, or sex, or affection. you feel pity or compassion for them they react badly. its an 'insult'...crazy. so you humans think jesus and that kind love you? thats what they're really like; super-intelligent machines, going on about their crazy moral ideas and feel nothing, no love or pity or grief. down here i can see BOTH SIDES are talking gibberish...whether its glossolalia or ululalia or conventional ethics or super ethics or plain murderous evil because of gays dynamic concepts is irrelevant. they who cannot feel cannot care. its fake; even if they are programmed utterly to do it thats all it is. a program. small causes have big effects both ways!
so i have found a teacher; though he has been dead 50 years, he is still caring. though he is white robed i do not sense any trick or trap. his name was sawan singh ji; i got 7 keys [very deep books on yoga]...he began teaching me last night. loads of connections made in my mind. so he knows all this. points out he's asian and i can be construed as very predjudiced. i do. i expect i am. but also i know india is the house of the teachers, and he is still one of them. its not the race that makes a man evil, its never judging himself...so now i will do that...for me. [white].
i can now hear the spirits. they the white frequently demand gibberish, insist evil is right, judge on the most ludicrous terms. but they are also me's and desperately ill. the black are exactly the same; but killers and esily turned permanently hostile. so they are just as sick.they are living in a world where rhe reversals are due to living in their own united subconscious, half the time the person either are killing/torturing/damning are THEMSELVES. but its only now i know this. the war gay made was MOSTLY you automatically murdering yourself! so one cries right! the other 'wrong'! they are doing it, both of them, because they don't know the other IS them.
as for white peoples, are they not mechanical, money grubbers, concrete jerks at everything? gay was white. but then so am i. judas was a jew. but so was jesus. my teacher was indian...only his pity can save whats left of me now. so its the religions which are all carefully aimed at the weakest point of each people which are all both conslations and poisons. they imprison the sons who should become adults. gods. and the white peoples seem adult but are the most infantile of the lot. so to judge me my judgement is i am glad i fought. if i find myself in hell its easy now. i walk out. and you then are left in it. right?
which race is godlike? none. each one can be. those who get there have no race. they are blue...see?
my general invitation is this; practise my 3 magic touchstones OUT THERE IN SPIRITLANDS.as well as here. keep within my 2 joined up laws. and any thing you do to make the universe [not space, us minds!] happier will make you happier; and once heaven is reborn i or the sane gods will bring you there. and with me at any rate get this; true goodness isn't infantile, or senile, or toxic or trapped into religiosity. they are all wrong way!! god isn't religious! who shall god worship! how can god fit into a smelly building? but we...us minds are HEARTS or we are nothing. and god can fit very comfortably in one of those. god is pity, love, kindness those feelings are god [you] living in your [you] house [you]! and what are the spiritlands like? grey sandy empty places, the 'sky' is grey or horrible. there are seas but really you can't swim; you go down to lower planes...people look like awful roundheaded wooden puppetsblue black robes, or snot green devils,,,all the atmosphere is one of sick horror. that is what they all come to; the heavens are awful. time is different too; millions of years they seem to live. and some people know. wasn't it vivekananda who said its like a long dreary dream? more like a terrible nightmare, they eat your face, your heart, the back of your mind...for the GOOD in you....isn't it dreadful?
where is God? my memory goes right back now; think its me. condemned gay said 'by the real gods' [whom i never saw] to live forever in hell a child bec ause i made or gave birth to the millions ?? of good in an universe evil, and gave them all everlasting life...he said thet thought it was the greatest crime. so those gods were only him.so thats why every beginning i had to remember i am a child, hes 'God' and you know now he set me up. even to give the apes consciousness, he said i'd done it. another terrible thing. well he sets me up. so hes the devil. right? told me he was god almighty...as he was. hes always taken powers i earned off me; a hypnotised child in utter misery..
the good news is i have won...he's down. it was a terrible thing. i thought it was over for me. quite surprised there was a next day and another and another...sawan singh did help but hes gone again; presumably its up to me. i am reconciled with the big two; and shortly will try to talk to lord jesus predator. because the answer is gay insisted it was impossible to save me, i was dangerous...yes well i was to him! i have partially grown up. so attacked over and over..he gave in. i promised him even as i flung him out and damned him 2 recalls. yes in the far future when its safe, when all are innoculated.
so here we all are. i meditate on the lavender bushes in the garden where he finally crashed into anat. sad. really sad.
now he said the world must end when people knew the truth. but i reckon it will hold. if this is all the heaven there is then where else can i live? or truth be told? an if i keep shtum who shall ever work out we're in a babys mind, that she shall suffer terribly for all time unless we figure out a way to stop...ourselves?
so i found my other helps. make no mistake, i'm small but at the top. and will neither end the earth nor leave anyone in awful states.
the key to heaven, when we have builded it again, is always the same. love someone, be kind, feel pity...but we will never now entirely be rid of evil. nor do i need a load of woobbly pink blancmanges in heaven...still enough devils around...which is why god may be female; but i will also be armed/?
incidentally i asked father seabreeze to make me a new form, that of one like the ladies in that film Avatar? a conveniently beautiful huge over sexed female god you now have; waiting in the wings as it were. but mainly huge. we had enough being little in a world of big hogs, ta. theres more to add in. i been doing an awful lot. but now i found my helps...why the heck would i go? shan't. its my fault, right? so i stay n fix it. one by one you go to sleep, quiet, warm, with your nan at peace; back to anat. but theres plenty to do before that; i need a lot of gods! and ladygods! and first stop after the gerries is to find foods [and now i know how] and sort some better thing out for the animals. because all it is really is nature recycling minds, right? gods n religions are bad; except mine! [you are allowed to find me funny; i like it very much to know i make people laugh].
those who feel murderous hate; choose to believe i am the devil or evil...look on my father gay. its all true. and if you go on this way what shall i call you? well if you are cruel and crazy and insulted by the truth... why then you are the devil named gay; aren't you?
anyhow hope is ahead of us now. one day all these teachings might be redundant in any case. i have a teacher of a bright kind now; who knows all i know yet we find a way out together.....for everybody. save me; save yourself, as i have said before. it was an awful fight; but my main spirit is dead. and so is gay. he's gone. the lessers are down. the futures he builded have to change now. but i can't see. the black dragon above the Orb i have been shown [by kay] is dissipating. she killed that as i killed the others.
now the next 'me' is around. father seabreeze took me into his bosom and a second later a tall Avatar cat lady [no whiskers she asked and he laughed!] came out. i am not in her. she stands on the horizon watching now, so i am her but also nothing ....but we shall see....
so gods bless all who read and learn. and learn to bless in return...what is a blessing? it is to know pity, and find it. to be loved, and love others. to be kindly in your natures. to know history and also that the future is brighter....be good men, knowing the woman who loves is your Queen and love her, she is your friend and the heritage of Anat. and so you, O man, shall become also true, and Christ, and Son. here ends the teachings. now all i have left is to live for my dependents to provide for them, and grow if i can with my guru sawan singh ji...and in due course die or just go; but now you know whats been going on. so YOUR guru is from now on waiting for you. i add to this blog from time to time, but no more new entries, i was only going to get rid of typoes...oh well.
be blessed. please know i was weak but i have done my all for now. goodbye. gerry.
was distressed. so he's as trapped or badly served as me! and when hes near i become much more clearly spirit AND LIKE A MACHINE...no woman would normally just stand and just feel nothing. thats the love of my life...i think if anything is ever to go right the first sign will be that he wakes up to how i am his..the love [the real love] of this mans' life! so thats what i meant to say. spirits...they don't seem to feel love, or sex, or affection. you feel pity or compassion for them they react badly. its an 'insult'...crazy. so you humans think jesus and that kind love you? thats what they're really like; super-intelligent machines, going on about their crazy moral ideas and feel nothing, no love or pity or grief. down here i can see BOTH SIDES are talking gibberish...whether its glossolalia or ululalia or conventional ethics or super ethics or plain murderous evil because of gays dynamic concepts is irrelevant. they who cannot feel cannot care. its fake; even if they are programmed utterly to do it thats all it is. a program. small causes have big effects both ways!
so i have found a teacher; though he has been dead 50 years, he is still caring. though he is white robed i do not sense any trick or trap. his name was sawan singh ji; i got 7 keys [very deep books on yoga]...he began teaching me last night. loads of connections made in my mind. so he knows all this. points out he's asian and i can be construed as very predjudiced. i do. i expect i am. but also i know india is the house of the teachers, and he is still one of them. its not the race that makes a man evil, its never judging himself...so now i will do that...for me. [white].
i can now hear the spirits. they the white frequently demand gibberish, insist evil is right, judge on the most ludicrous terms. but they are also me's and desperately ill. the black are exactly the same; but killers and esily turned permanently hostile. so they are just as sick.they are living in a world where rhe reversals are due to living in their own united subconscious, half the time the person either are killing/torturing/damning are THEMSELVES. but its only now i know this. the war gay made was MOSTLY you automatically murdering yourself! so one cries right! the other 'wrong'! they are doing it, both of them, because they don't know the other IS them.
as for white peoples, are they not mechanical, money grubbers, concrete jerks at everything? gay was white. but then so am i. judas was a jew. but so was jesus. my teacher was indian...only his pity can save whats left of me now. so its the religions which are all carefully aimed at the weakest point of each people which are all both conslations and poisons. they imprison the sons who should become adults. gods. and the white peoples seem adult but are the most infantile of the lot. so to judge me my judgement is i am glad i fought. if i find myself in hell its easy now. i walk out. and you then are left in it. right?
which race is godlike? none. each one can be. those who get there have no race. they are blue...see?
my general invitation is this; practise my 3 magic touchstones OUT THERE IN SPIRITLANDS.as well as here. keep within my 2 joined up laws. and any thing you do to make the universe [not space, us minds!] happier will make you happier; and once heaven is reborn i or the sane gods will bring you there. and with me at any rate get this; true goodness isn't infantile, or senile, or toxic or trapped into religiosity. they are all wrong way!! god isn't religious! who shall god worship! how can god fit into a smelly building? but we...us minds are HEARTS or we are nothing. and god can fit very comfortably in one of those. god is pity, love, kindness those feelings are god [you] living in your [you] house [you]! and what are the spiritlands like? grey sandy empty places, the 'sky' is grey or horrible. there are seas but really you can't swim; you go down to lower planes...people look like awful roundheaded wooden puppetsblue black robes, or snot green devils,,,all the atmosphere is one of sick horror. that is what they all come to; the heavens are awful. time is different too; millions of years they seem to live. and some people know. wasn't it vivekananda who said its like a long dreary dream? more like a terrible nightmare, they eat your face, your heart, the back of your mind...for the GOOD in you....isn't it dreadful?
where is God? my memory goes right back now; think its me. condemned gay said 'by the real gods' [whom i never saw] to live forever in hell a child bec ause i made or gave birth to the millions ?? of good in an universe evil, and gave them all everlasting life...he said thet thought it was the greatest crime. so those gods were only him.so thats why every beginning i had to remember i am a child, hes 'God' and you know now he set me up. even to give the apes consciousness, he said i'd done it. another terrible thing. well he sets me up. so hes the devil. right? told me he was god almighty...as he was. hes always taken powers i earned off me; a hypnotised child in utter misery..
the good news is i have won...he's down. it was a terrible thing. i thought it was over for me. quite surprised there was a next day and another and another...sawan singh did help but hes gone again; presumably its up to me. i am reconciled with the big two; and shortly will try to talk to lord jesus predator. because the answer is gay insisted it was impossible to save me, i was dangerous...yes well i was to him! i have partially grown up. so attacked over and over..he gave in. i promised him even as i flung him out and damned him 2 recalls. yes in the far future when its safe, when all are innoculated.
so here we all are. i meditate on the lavender bushes in the garden where he finally crashed into anat. sad. really sad.
now he said the world must end when people knew the truth. but i reckon it will hold. if this is all the heaven there is then where else can i live? or truth be told? an if i keep shtum who shall ever work out we're in a babys mind, that she shall suffer terribly for all time unless we figure out a way to stop...ourselves?
so i found my other helps. make no mistake, i'm small but at the top. and will neither end the earth nor leave anyone in awful states.
the key to heaven, when we have builded it again, is always the same. love someone, be kind, feel pity...but we will never now entirely be rid of evil. nor do i need a load of woobbly pink blancmanges in heaven...still enough devils around...which is why god may be female; but i will also be armed/?
incidentally i asked father seabreeze to make me a new form, that of one like the ladies in that film Avatar? a conveniently beautiful huge over sexed female god you now have; waiting in the wings as it were. but mainly huge. we had enough being little in a world of big hogs, ta. theres more to add in. i been doing an awful lot. but now i found my helps...why the heck would i go? shan't. its my fault, right? so i stay n fix it. one by one you go to sleep, quiet, warm, with your nan at peace; back to anat. but theres plenty to do before that; i need a lot of gods! and ladygods! and first stop after the gerries is to find foods [and now i know how] and sort some better thing out for the animals. because all it is really is nature recycling minds, right? gods n religions are bad; except mine! [you are allowed to find me funny; i like it very much to know i make people laugh].
those who feel murderous hate; choose to believe i am the devil or evil...look on my father gay. its all true. and if you go on this way what shall i call you? well if you are cruel and crazy and insulted by the truth... why then you are the devil named gay; aren't you?
anyhow hope is ahead of us now. one day all these teachings might be redundant in any case. i have a teacher of a bright kind now; who knows all i know yet we find a way out together.....for everybody. save me; save yourself, as i have said before. it was an awful fight; but my main spirit is dead. and so is gay. he's gone. the lessers are down. the futures he builded have to change now. but i can't see. the black dragon above the Orb i have been shown [by kay] is dissipating. she killed that as i killed the others.
now the next 'me' is around. father seabreeze took me into his bosom and a second later a tall Avatar cat lady [no whiskers she asked and he laughed!] came out. i am not in her. she stands on the horizon watching now, so i am her but also nothing ....but we shall see....
so gods bless all who read and learn. and learn to bless in return...what is a blessing? it is to know pity, and find it. to be loved, and love others. to be kindly in your natures. to know history and also that the future is brighter....be good men, knowing the woman who loves is your Queen and love her, she is your friend and the heritage of Anat. and so you, O man, shall become also true, and Christ, and Son. here ends the teachings. now all i have left is to live for my dependents to provide for them, and grow if i can with my guru sawan singh ji...and in due course die or just go; but now you know whats been going on. so YOUR guru is from now on waiting for you. i add to this blog from time to time, but no more new entries, i was only going to get rid of typoes...oh well.
be blessed. please know i was weak but i have done my all for now. goodbye. gerry.
Monday, 14 June 2010
on islam.
why do i loathe islam? i remember years ago being an islamic; i think morocco a century ago...i had real contact with allah though i never saw or heard anything. i spent my life going about collecting baraka [spiritual virtue/magic power] but these were mostly emotional lifts. I could only read the koran; seems to be otherwise illiterate. i was male; and therefore next door to a kind of imbecile? i didn't notice the pointless nastiness to women. the inhuman regard of children as 'property'...i don't think i knew much of anything; a state islam depends on. so i never met a christian or even heard the christian version. very vain and self-centred.
i have descibed allahs version of heaven. you know where he put the nasty stupid mohammed. presumably because he knew i'd be along presently.
in this life i was quite the other way of seeing. you understand i wasn't conscious of what gay was; or remembered anything at all of 'previous lives'?? incidentally earth lives are now the best, the least fraught. the most lives you have, the worst and longest are out there; in spiritlands? you are not properly awake until you remember those.
anyhow my first experience of islam here was at that terrible school. packed to the rafters with very mature foreign students all obviously illegally settling here. and an awful lot were islamics.
they [i had 1 islamic boyfriend, but these people are like pack animals] variously; set me up for expulsion for money. went on and on mercilessly about the crimes of the british which entitled them to use me for sex. that got me the boyfriend. they don't give up, however. someones uncle visited; so i went along to the family meeting unsuspecting. and they locked me in with him....he thought his luck was in. it wasn't. my boyfriend was prone to demanding relations whenever it was most indiscreet; but i got the resulting nastiness not him. he also one day suddenly hit my ear; just because he felt like it. i have been a little deaf in that ear ever since. they lie. they are always stealing. they used to visit a persian shithead all the time. one time i went along. he used his wife and another girl to film porn of the most vile kind. i refused. he then demanded they bring me to his flat.
thats when i saw sebbie. sebbie was their beautiful little boy; maybe 5 years old? i was too shocked to understand it. the father [emil] would subject the boy to slow violence for hours. the mother, a hard mongol type persian sat and watched. and they'd been allowing these pigs from school to also basically torture this child. it was to make him understand he was nothing. i left, my mind of course rejecting it straight away. weeks later he asked me to babysit. i'd forgotten so agreed. all night i was in pain for this child. he slept naked on a mattress. even in winter the window open, no heating. he was a brave kid. the briuses on his arm and leg looked like black pits. we sat huddled on the floor. he asked me to save him. i told him there wasn't a way. and there wasn't. who has ever believed me? or answered my call for help? he asked me to let him die. i said i thought he would, and that it wouldn't hurt. it was me who cried. for my cowardice.
months later they told me [emil] he was dead. i asked what did he die of? his father laughed; he got flu....i said, why? why him? emil said; he's evil. one day you'll understand. so i knew and still do and now so do you who is evil. the cruel. the good suffer. but in spirit really we are all just people? so i knew there was something wrong with islam; they have no idea they are the evil?
and in 1976 i went to morocco on holiday. these are the things i saw; before islam began to make moves to pretend they are 'civilised'....this is what they do.
i saw a boy aged maybe 7 selling his baby sister to old men. she was about 2. he just walked round with her over his shoulder with her naked bottom on display. i could feel her agony of despair. i glared, the guide aziz tells me they have every right. we're poor. he had no idea i come from poor peole too. who would die before they sold a baby to bad old men. this was in daylight in the ordinary street. i saw every animal in the place was nigh starved, the sores on them are not sores but ulcers caused by many beatings? i met a slave. a real slave. a negro. by our various bits of french and spanish we found out he couldn't run away because hs wife and children might die, that he lived in the shop and slept on the floor and yes he loves islam and no they never pay him money. but they give his family food. thats why i se those nation of islam idiots and smile. they're all negroes. in africa wherever arabs are the local negoes are all slaves. these people holler about white colonialists enslaving them. but we didn't. and have trollied money and aid to them for years. but precious islam knows no borders. so they have islam and are still slaves in their own africa, which is not the country of arabs either.
grown women in morocco creep by the walls lest any man pick on them. boys piss in the water the women use to clean clothes; and the women try to ignore it. because even a stupid little boy has more power than they do? the bigger boys are all in beggar gangs. fighting, bullying. when they beg its not begging... they use razors on your clothes if you resist their ways. look at their eyes. these are sharks.
i went for an orange juice at the big resturant just outside the town. the big man served me but seemed to get angry at waiting on a girl. i left but watched from outside? his aged relations of both sexes were sitting in the sunshine and he beat them. they cried like little old children, obviously asking him what they'd done. so islam doesn't respect aged parents ither. all islam respects is physical power. and money.
and all over islam are jewish ghettoes. i saw one in morocco. its not obvious; but it is very bad.
i heard a terrible scream. really bad. i went and saw a man ordering a 3 year old girl out of his house. some women stood by obviously suffering yet not protesting. i asked what was happening. she's too expensive to keep so he's throwing her out. yes on the street. to beg? in morocco? you must be joking. they tell you they protect 'their'women? no its an exercise in power. always. they are in a word creatures from hell. and all because of islam. if a girl is raped by her own brother in front of her father [who probably already did his bit] SHE is guilty.to be stoned, cast out, etc. its no joke. this is not in the wilds. this is in the cities...everywhere islam keeps women slaves, encourages the worst in the men. oh and they tell you they preserved latin and greek writings. they did. but wouldn't read them, and so learned nothing. and before some fool tells me they are allowed this behaviour because they invented zero and saved us all; no they didn't. it was the hindus who invented zero. we just call it by its arabic name. and nothing nothing excuses islam from its tyranny of violence, injustice, ugliness and perversion. so yes you see why i loathe islam?
you got 2 brain cells of your own? then so do you.
i have descibed allahs version of heaven. you know where he put the nasty stupid mohammed. presumably because he knew i'd be along presently.
in this life i was quite the other way of seeing. you understand i wasn't conscious of what gay was; or remembered anything at all of 'previous lives'?? incidentally earth lives are now the best, the least fraught. the most lives you have, the worst and longest are out there; in spiritlands? you are not properly awake until you remember those.
anyhow my first experience of islam here was at that terrible school. packed to the rafters with very mature foreign students all obviously illegally settling here. and an awful lot were islamics.
they [i had 1 islamic boyfriend, but these people are like pack animals] variously; set me up for expulsion for money. went on and on mercilessly about the crimes of the british which entitled them to use me for sex. that got me the boyfriend. they don't give up, however. someones uncle visited; so i went along to the family meeting unsuspecting. and they locked me in with him....he thought his luck was in. it wasn't. my boyfriend was prone to demanding relations whenever it was most indiscreet; but i got the resulting nastiness not him. he also one day suddenly hit my ear; just because he felt like it. i have been a little deaf in that ear ever since. they lie. they are always stealing. they used to visit a persian shithead all the time. one time i went along. he used his wife and another girl to film porn of the most vile kind. i refused. he then demanded they bring me to his flat.
thats when i saw sebbie. sebbie was their beautiful little boy; maybe 5 years old? i was too shocked to understand it. the father [emil] would subject the boy to slow violence for hours. the mother, a hard mongol type persian sat and watched. and they'd been allowing these pigs from school to also basically torture this child. it was to make him understand he was nothing. i left, my mind of course rejecting it straight away. weeks later he asked me to babysit. i'd forgotten so agreed. all night i was in pain for this child. he slept naked on a mattress. even in winter the window open, no heating. he was a brave kid. the briuses on his arm and leg looked like black pits. we sat huddled on the floor. he asked me to save him. i told him there wasn't a way. and there wasn't. who has ever believed me? or answered my call for help? he asked me to let him die. i said i thought he would, and that it wouldn't hurt. it was me who cried. for my cowardice.
months later they told me [emil] he was dead. i asked what did he die of? his father laughed; he got flu....i said, why? why him? emil said; he's evil. one day you'll understand. so i knew and still do and now so do you who is evil. the cruel. the good suffer. but in spirit really we are all just people? so i knew there was something wrong with islam; they have no idea they are the evil?
and in 1976 i went to morocco on holiday. these are the things i saw; before islam began to make moves to pretend they are 'civilised'....this is what they do.
i saw a boy aged maybe 7 selling his baby sister to old men. she was about 2. he just walked round with her over his shoulder with her naked bottom on display. i could feel her agony of despair. i glared, the guide aziz tells me they have every right. we're poor. he had no idea i come from poor peole too. who would die before they sold a baby to bad old men. this was in daylight in the ordinary street. i saw every animal in the place was nigh starved, the sores on them are not sores but ulcers caused by many beatings? i met a slave. a real slave. a negro. by our various bits of french and spanish we found out he couldn't run away because hs wife and children might die, that he lived in the shop and slept on the floor and yes he loves islam and no they never pay him money. but they give his family food. thats why i se those nation of islam idiots and smile. they're all negroes. in africa wherever arabs are the local negoes are all slaves. these people holler about white colonialists enslaving them. but we didn't. and have trollied money and aid to them for years. but precious islam knows no borders. so they have islam and are still slaves in their own africa, which is not the country of arabs either.
grown women in morocco creep by the walls lest any man pick on them. boys piss in the water the women use to clean clothes; and the women try to ignore it. because even a stupid little boy has more power than they do? the bigger boys are all in beggar gangs. fighting, bullying. when they beg its not begging... they use razors on your clothes if you resist their ways. look at their eyes. these are sharks.
i went for an orange juice at the big resturant just outside the town. the big man served me but seemed to get angry at waiting on a girl. i left but watched from outside? his aged relations of both sexes were sitting in the sunshine and he beat them. they cried like little old children, obviously asking him what they'd done. so islam doesn't respect aged parents ither. all islam respects is physical power. and money.
and all over islam are jewish ghettoes. i saw one in morocco. its not obvious; but it is very bad.
i heard a terrible scream. really bad. i went and saw a man ordering a 3 year old girl out of his house. some women stood by obviously suffering yet not protesting. i asked what was happening. she's too expensive to keep so he's throwing her out. yes on the street. to beg? in morocco? you must be joking. they tell you they protect 'their'women? no its an exercise in power. always. they are in a word creatures from hell. and all because of islam. if a girl is raped by her own brother in front of her father [who probably already did his bit] SHE is guilty.to be stoned, cast out, etc. its no joke. this is not in the wilds. this is in the cities...everywhere islam keeps women slaves, encourages the worst in the men. oh and they tell you they preserved latin and greek writings. they did. but wouldn't read them, and so learned nothing. and before some fool tells me they are allowed this behaviour because they invented zero and saved us all; no they didn't. it was the hindus who invented zero. we just call it by its arabic name. and nothing nothing excuses islam from its tyranny of violence, injustice, ugliness and perversion. so yes you see why i loathe islam?
you got 2 brain cells of your own? then so do you.
Wednesday, 26 May 2010
so lets continue
i must finish these teachings. so they made 'universe maps'...now this will seem odd. its the same as gays white papers with etchings on. somehow these rule; as if the spirits live in them. i remember he left me as a baby with some on the floor; telling me to not touch them. i crawled around in my dirty nappy and an hour later [when he was certain i'd messed it] back he came and subjected me [in spirit] to infinite eternal fires. oh yes. theres a me in the 'lake of fire' a baby; of course. he said that 'as you burn you will have the consolation of knowing you were a good little girl'...so these black clothese they hung up glittering. they are life maps. anyway somehow you live in then at the same time as in ordinary life. and in them i was always 'god'...i'd start all alone in the dark quite terrified and no idea what to do. and always they ended with me going with my people [gods to you] into those huge black rocks on the crest of the white mountain. but the mountains if you think were created by the dove? so i don't know. maybe he's had me living [split off spirits] all different times? anyway i always won those. oh yes, these were the struggles with satan. i was never fair. in one march the dove saw me and filled me with strength; hoping i'd kill satan. then he was going to come in and take over, but i had no idea, and simply announced i was 'absolute tyrant'...the 4 faithful companions who woke with us were pleased! satan could hardly object....welll it was properly evil, wasn't it? and later i sent him to hell as soon as he woke. he cried; 'but i haven't done anything yet! i've only just been born!'....this is a full grown god to what looks like a little dark humpbacked creature. i was sorry, but intent on winning. so with me all this evil always wins was for a very long time in doubt. but as you see gay put me there, or they did. and my methods were pretty evil as well. another occaision satan showed me seabreezes silly theatres. the many little doves swirling about; he drove them mad. or i did. the foolish christs coming up, bravely being crucified; and tormented by devils until at last they realised there was no rescue, no good god, they were losers and that was their hell...satan said; do you think a god who could do this is good? i didn't answer; because i could see it was a fake or failure but also that satan was making it hell. he was. not this god we never saw. he once got a bigger dove [all these, like satan and yetzoah themselves, would have united with their 'overself' father seabreeze]...anyhow he wrung its neck, argued viciosly and then stuffed it alive into a black furnace where it must burn forever...its still there.
so you see the mad worlds of the gods? what did THAT dove do? nothing! it knew hardly anything that had happened...so satan was really unfair and cruel; yet hates doves, white spirits [who he resembles!] because he thinks they are! at the end of each 'turn' two things...i'd either go into these rocks...they each one still there. satan is afraid they'll all come out and desttroy his rule...he's right actually. but they won't wake for him. but for a good god yes they will. a big enough good god and all of them will. about 25 big rocks...all you do is make them laugh.the other is on a lower level [the one going back to the universe maps] i knew it was over. there'd be hundreds of good spirits with me. but i had no real heaven to give them. knew something bad was ahead. so i'd kill them all. push with my mind so they sank into sppace and were not. then i'd walk forward...a nasty little house. in it one 'absolute power' who was made so by me. he is getting nastier and nastier...i know why. he's gays thing. he has two sides to his face, one bright, stern. the other all dark, illfavoured, whiskery and dirty. he used to snap my neck. and there would be a round silver circle with a little silver metal man in it. thats 'adam cadmon'? then he'd hang it up in a warehouse. last time he accidentally touched me to another...shocked. there was a million of these gery-rings hanging there. so this is my last time he said. and put the little silver chap into a sick position with a carrot up its arse. sent that into the last 'map' and i looking on it saw both sides watch me die; and the realise all sorts of things which i didn't know then [or now] and both sides trying desperately to shock me back to life. failing. so absolute says to me; you see? you are utterly destroyed. then i am god. and i shall be worse than any before me. since then of course i have always had this strange feeling...yes even here on earth, that whatever i do i can't survive....and that its crucial, absolutely crucial, to ALL, that i do.
lets see. there was a boy version of me out there. 'almighty' a idiot! he's got evil and good hopelessly confused. he winds up siting a vegetable on a midden; because i am leaving and he's too set on keeping what he's got to even come down and find out whats going on. rosalind was pure and faithful to the little promises of father seabreeze; but he never showed up. all this time she kept quiet, clean. then sometime ago she was molested by these weird dwarfs..and they dragged her down to satan. she said; i have no part in you satan, and you have none in me'...he promptly raped her. and imprisoned her in his cave. i saw her the other day; hurrying away from there. shining, but weaker, also not pure etc...i think the gods are now getting so frightened, because of course in all history no human being woke up being god before...remembered absolutely everything in the spiritlands, talking to gods they can't imagine, yet there they are...so i suppose he let her go. shes still good though. she let me know shes proud of me, a little black nubbin still trying to fight the battle of good and evil.
so i was going to go on and on, giving details, explaining. but do you really need to know? do you understand any of it? what good will it do, to know the gods behave like pigs? and its not as if i can understand what its all in aid of myself...just that as gays traps and cruelties got worse everyone out there is getting madder and madder. anyway i've foreseen all my endings. they have power. but not sense. they can make moral judgments like electron microscopes...yet not of themselves? never knowing it was gay? or attacking him when they did?
anyhow; geometrylight has been hanging over me for some days now. i've been shown or allowed to go to a completely new unknown state/place. thank god. so it may seem weird [to me as well as you] but every gerry who will not die must die. every gerry who is willing to die shall live in there; with me, as it were.
this is what geometrylight seems to think; consciously, awake, i am a decent, kind, loving person. but gay has turned my deep unconscious into god the all-powerful, and cruel..like him. this is the part of me he commands witgh little nursery rhymes, rubrics...and it does it. perfectly. whatever it is...so either it can't know what it does, or he's hypnotised it to reverse values, or its the devil; HIS god....which is why he knelt to me back in first place? so if i got this right i'm both perfectly good and perfectly evil; but niether is really responsible for themselves or even aware of each other? yet both, presumably; are me. which means i must be permanently gotten away from gay, because he'll be back. or another just like him. elohim for example. or satan. anyhow i choose to leave. that other state, where i can't be used to harm others anymore. nor shall i be subjected to anymore suffering. so i think i will take the offer; indeed i already have.
so what more is there to tell? i will think for a bit. but if nothing occurs to me by say next saturday this entry basically closes the teaching.
so you see the mad worlds of the gods? what did THAT dove do? nothing! it knew hardly anything that had happened...so satan was really unfair and cruel; yet hates doves, white spirits [who he resembles!] because he thinks they are! at the end of each 'turn' two things...i'd either go into these rocks...they each one still there. satan is afraid they'll all come out and desttroy his rule...he's right actually. but they won't wake for him. but for a good god yes they will. a big enough good god and all of them will. about 25 big rocks...all you do is make them laugh.the other is on a lower level [the one going back to the universe maps] i knew it was over. there'd be hundreds of good spirits with me. but i had no real heaven to give them. knew something bad was ahead. so i'd kill them all. push with my mind so they sank into sppace and were not. then i'd walk forward...a nasty little house. in it one 'absolute power' who was made so by me. he is getting nastier and nastier...i know why. he's gays thing. he has two sides to his face, one bright, stern. the other all dark, illfavoured, whiskery and dirty. he used to snap my neck. and there would be a round silver circle with a little silver metal man in it. thats 'adam cadmon'? then he'd hang it up in a warehouse. last time he accidentally touched me to another...shocked. there was a million of these gery-rings hanging there. so this is my last time he said. and put the little silver chap into a sick position with a carrot up its arse. sent that into the last 'map' and i looking on it saw both sides watch me die; and the realise all sorts of things which i didn't know then [or now] and both sides trying desperately to shock me back to life. failing. so absolute says to me; you see? you are utterly destroyed. then i am god. and i shall be worse than any before me. since then of course i have always had this strange feeling...yes even here on earth, that whatever i do i can't survive....and that its crucial, absolutely crucial, to ALL, that i do.
lets see. there was a boy version of me out there. 'almighty' a idiot! he's got evil and good hopelessly confused. he winds up siting a vegetable on a midden; because i am leaving and he's too set on keeping what he's got to even come down and find out whats going on. rosalind was pure and faithful to the little promises of father seabreeze; but he never showed up. all this time she kept quiet, clean. then sometime ago she was molested by these weird dwarfs..and they dragged her down to satan. she said; i have no part in you satan, and you have none in me'...he promptly raped her. and imprisoned her in his cave. i saw her the other day; hurrying away from there. shining, but weaker, also not pure etc...i think the gods are now getting so frightened, because of course in all history no human being woke up being god before...remembered absolutely everything in the spiritlands, talking to gods they can't imagine, yet there they are...so i suppose he let her go. shes still good though. she let me know shes proud of me, a little black nubbin still trying to fight the battle of good and evil.
so i was going to go on and on, giving details, explaining. but do you really need to know? do you understand any of it? what good will it do, to know the gods behave like pigs? and its not as if i can understand what its all in aid of myself...just that as gays traps and cruelties got worse everyone out there is getting madder and madder. anyway i've foreseen all my endings. they have power. but not sense. they can make moral judgments like electron microscopes...yet not of themselves? never knowing it was gay? or attacking him when they did?
anyhow; geometrylight has been hanging over me for some days now. i've been shown or allowed to go to a completely new unknown state/place. thank god. so it may seem weird [to me as well as you] but every gerry who will not die must die. every gerry who is willing to die shall live in there; with me, as it were.
this is what geometrylight seems to think; consciously, awake, i am a decent, kind, loving person. but gay has turned my deep unconscious into god the all-powerful, and cruel..like him. this is the part of me he commands witgh little nursery rhymes, rubrics...and it does it. perfectly. whatever it is...so either it can't know what it does, or he's hypnotised it to reverse values, or its the devil; HIS god....which is why he knelt to me back in first place? so if i got this right i'm both perfectly good and perfectly evil; but niether is really responsible for themselves or even aware of each other? yet both, presumably; are me. which means i must be permanently gotten away from gay, because he'll be back. or another just like him. elohim for example. or satan. anyhow i choose to leave. that other state, where i can't be used to harm others anymore. nor shall i be subjected to anymore suffering. so i think i will take the offer; indeed i already have.
so what more is there to tell? i will think for a bit. but if nothing occurs to me by say next saturday this entry basically closes the teaching.
Monday, 24 May 2010
watching the day after
watching nuclear war film with jay. talking about whats wrong with man. if we know what these bombs do why can't we throw them away? why did we let them be made? can't grown ups stop it? this kid is 9...he's asking the questions we the people and our parents before us asked....sixty odd years. and we all feel the stupid islamics are scratching to get them. they believe not having them is proof they are oppressed and subject to predjudice. yet are blind to the fact their own death-cult religion and the universal hysteria and illiterate and cruel attitudes we all now see every day are proof to us [us clevers] they must never have them. so what have i told him.?
1. i know while nan stands on the earth, the earth shall stand. so while i live is mans big chance to sort it out now, because i can't stay forever. and i feel have no spirit to take over anything beyond anymore. i didn't tell him; he is 9.
2. i told him a true man would have sized up these things while still only plans. and hanged the scientists. destroyed the knowledge. but there are no true men. scientists like doctors love money, power, being godlike in human terms. no-one will disobey them. or even ask hard questions. the problem is that man refuses to grow up. being obedient to laws just any laws encourages more and more laws...officials are mad because they think a law is the same as divine fiat. man has given too much authority to people even less able to handle it than hinmself/ call it what you wil; law, democracy, religion culture....they all do the same; abnegate resonsbility for your life. your morality. your science. your medics. your government. your wars.
3. the grown-ups knew nothing of these weapons till after they were used. and for years after not what they did. but the scientists did. so you see science is under gays control; as usual he buys souls. in their case for to be great scientists. famous. inventors. because of grown-ups doing things by numbers you have to have in each country millions like me who can think. and say no. there are none. the reason why so many rogue countries now have them is not hate but love. the spy says ' i love my country' the foreign offficial says 'we must protect; even up the balance of power'...the stupid religionists want the earth cleared of anyone not in their club like eradicating insects. as i have said; those who most want power must not get it? really all this because you don't want to admit what you are [powersick] how you feel [want parents to run your nursery forever], where you are or what time it may be.
what can we do now? you can't unknow something. yes you can. children are born empty of maths physics....of war, all this muck? learn to set up boards to judge weapons? or any tech with big implications. the board says no, its no. yes even in wartime. that is one thing. the other is this is every country that can be liable, the third is round up the books tapes pictures. everything. wipe it off the web. it means the next generation are going to be deliberately hoodwinked by their elders. and all the world must agree to keep this secret....take it to our graves everyone of us. so 4 you alll need to raise consciousness. treaties only put it off. you see they still around,m spreading? so the entire population has to see why. and do it all as one. and so you need films...tagged cos eventually these have to go too; to do ithe cs raising. and its armistices in every town or village or sstreet? throw whatever info you got in bins to be burnt and add name as a secret keeper to list. just keep going. and insist....not 1 country but all who got them or are trying...destroy them. televise so we seee it being done. and the penalty for anyone trying to make them in all countries is death.
see? its not impossible. but you alll do this. the govs can't the military won't....so you take resposiblity. give the future yet unborn a chance?
1. i know while nan stands on the earth, the earth shall stand. so while i live is mans big chance to sort it out now, because i can't stay forever. and i feel have no spirit to take over anything beyond anymore. i didn't tell him; he is 9.
2. i told him a true man would have sized up these things while still only plans. and hanged the scientists. destroyed the knowledge. but there are no true men. scientists like doctors love money, power, being godlike in human terms. no-one will disobey them. or even ask hard questions. the problem is that man refuses to grow up. being obedient to laws just any laws encourages more and more laws...officials are mad because they think a law is the same as divine fiat. man has given too much authority to people even less able to handle it than hinmself/ call it what you wil; law, democracy, religion culture....they all do the same; abnegate resonsbility for your life. your morality. your science. your medics. your government. your wars.
3. the grown-ups knew nothing of these weapons till after they were used. and for years after not what they did. but the scientists did. so you see science is under gays control; as usual he buys souls. in their case for to be great scientists. famous. inventors. because of grown-ups doing things by numbers you have to have in each country millions like me who can think. and say no. there are none. the reason why so many rogue countries now have them is not hate but love. the spy says ' i love my country' the foreign offficial says 'we must protect; even up the balance of power'...the stupid religionists want the earth cleared of anyone not in their club like eradicating insects. as i have said; those who most want power must not get it? really all this because you don't want to admit what you are [powersick] how you feel [want parents to run your nursery forever], where you are or what time it may be.
what can we do now? you can't unknow something. yes you can. children are born empty of maths physics....of war, all this muck? learn to set up boards to judge weapons? or any tech with big implications. the board says no, its no. yes even in wartime. that is one thing. the other is this is every country that can be liable, the third is round up the books tapes pictures. everything. wipe it off the web. it means the next generation are going to be deliberately hoodwinked by their elders. and all the world must agree to keep this secret....take it to our graves everyone of us. so 4 you alll need to raise consciousness. treaties only put it off. you see they still around,m spreading? so the entire population has to see why. and do it all as one. and so you need films...tagged cos eventually these have to go too; to do ithe cs raising. and its armistices in every town or village or sstreet? throw whatever info you got in bins to be burnt and add name as a secret keeper to list. just keep going. and insist....not 1 country but all who got them or are trying...destroy them. televise so we seee it being done. and the penalty for anyone trying to make them in all countries is death.
see? its not impossible. but you alll do this. the govs can't the military won't....so you take resposiblity. give the future yet unborn a chance?
Tuesday, 18 May 2010
getting up speed
so gay is apparently giving in. yesterday i thought well i'd better start trying to teach the idiot religionists [particularly the poxy islamics] about their evil which they are blind to? opened a twitter a/c wrote to obama.
seeing more of futures for the zillions of spiritland gerries. know how gay planned to end the world. now getting messages [they still don't know even about each others existence; never mind me] that gay is leaving them, they don't understand... also have maintained a vigilanr watch for any numbers coming in which is another way he intended to unseat the worlds grasp on life, reality.
but then tonight realised. we been round this at least 6 times. that is we all live these hopelessy miserable lives from alpha to here. the last life, indeed the one life, of gerry? he gets me in the attic. all the other times the world ends. i was burnt by islamics [thats that stupid christ nailed to a pole...she i refused. ] other times i'm not sure except it was violent. always giving up my life for others. end of world; and then remember that thing the future meeting us? no it was us coming back the other way...well whatever it was...i see now before he always ends it here. the choice being to depart into the hellish futures i forsee and have described? or go back to the beginning and try again? isn't it awful.
so. no i bloody well will not try teaching the damn religionists anything. time they grew up and looked at themselves and saw the bleeding obvious; they ALL liars, frauds, perverts, slavers, murderers, vainly tring to but their way into heaven by obedience to ways that are selfevidently evil. cruel. and so its all hell by their own efforts. you can find another to die for you. in fact if you were worth any such thing you'd never demand any such thing. i've suffered enough. you instead learn to judge yourselves. leave your nasty religions. accept my two joined up laws. practise my three magic touchstones. if you ever do you will see at once the first person you help isn't you but me!
so i will not try to intervene in politics. this blog is my sole teaching. because me getting up and starting thinking going on is part of how the world ends? so i must not. and this means i will die quite ordinarily. all his lies and deep programs are coming to light. so cancelled the account. this blog teaches the gerries, the gods, those who really want to learn. the rest do i care anyway? who can only sit and gloat and snatch like monkeys, saying oh its a free lunch, oh i must be on the winning team, oh cruelty is not only fun, it makes me god-like. nope.
its beginning to look as if they, the true darks, are the ones who backed the wrong horse. but i will investigate this idea, that some of the seeming evil are truly good. i will inspect the king. he thinks he is one. alright let him show me. so yes i was supposed to be your messiah. but that was how he got it all. how every other time he has destroyed me. and the world with me. not this time. i will finish the history now. there's not that much more to go; and i only know the things i experienced. still you need to know.
there was a spiritlands before he expanded me and using all these little gerries turned it into hell. even another history which now we'll never know whay it was like. yesterday i stopped trying to get all those kids to somehow come back into me. its gone on too long they can't. besides theuy all have earned rest, heaven. victory. so instead i been telling the gods to explain get them understanding who they are. they are my army. little soldiers everyone of them as good as gold. brave like no stupid man ever had to be in all history. and now one by one they are waking. learning. growing up. but i must die with some sort of master spirit coming out? just what did elohim do? what about greyflash? i don't know. but if nothing does if i am dead even as i write...the kids are all you got. and they will have to somehow grow their own 'executive function' ...we call it adult ego. be god. or back that thing will come, and we already seen you creatures are hopelessly inadequate to even see through his purveying of hell in place of heaven. you will come to all those miseries. who can save you? if not them?
at any rate from now on i have no designs on a public life. if you manage to destroy the world you will be doing it all by yourselves.
seeing more of futures for the zillions of spiritland gerries. know how gay planned to end the world. now getting messages [they still don't know even about each others existence; never mind me] that gay is leaving them, they don't understand... also have maintained a vigilanr watch for any numbers coming in which is another way he intended to unseat the worlds grasp on life, reality.
but then tonight realised. we been round this at least 6 times. that is we all live these hopelessy miserable lives from alpha to here. the last life, indeed the one life, of gerry? he gets me in the attic. all the other times the world ends. i was burnt by islamics [thats that stupid christ nailed to a pole...she i refused. ] other times i'm not sure except it was violent. always giving up my life for others. end of world; and then remember that thing the future meeting us? no it was us coming back the other way...well whatever it was...i see now before he always ends it here. the choice being to depart into the hellish futures i forsee and have described? or go back to the beginning and try again? isn't it awful.
so. no i bloody well will not try teaching the damn religionists anything. time they grew up and looked at themselves and saw the bleeding obvious; they ALL liars, frauds, perverts, slavers, murderers, vainly tring to but their way into heaven by obedience to ways that are selfevidently evil. cruel. and so its all hell by their own efforts. you can find another to die for you. in fact if you were worth any such thing you'd never demand any such thing. i've suffered enough. you instead learn to judge yourselves. leave your nasty religions. accept my two joined up laws. practise my three magic touchstones. if you ever do you will see at once the first person you help isn't you but me!
so i will not try to intervene in politics. this blog is my sole teaching. because me getting up and starting thinking going on is part of how the world ends? so i must not. and this means i will die quite ordinarily. all his lies and deep programs are coming to light. so cancelled the account. this blog teaches the gerries, the gods, those who really want to learn. the rest do i care anyway? who can only sit and gloat and snatch like monkeys, saying oh its a free lunch, oh i must be on the winning team, oh cruelty is not only fun, it makes me god-like. nope.
its beginning to look as if they, the true darks, are the ones who backed the wrong horse. but i will investigate this idea, that some of the seeming evil are truly good. i will inspect the king. he thinks he is one. alright let him show me. so yes i was supposed to be your messiah. but that was how he got it all. how every other time he has destroyed me. and the world with me. not this time. i will finish the history now. there's not that much more to go; and i only know the things i experienced. still you need to know.
there was a spiritlands before he expanded me and using all these little gerries turned it into hell. even another history which now we'll never know whay it was like. yesterday i stopped trying to get all those kids to somehow come back into me. its gone on too long they can't. besides theuy all have earned rest, heaven. victory. so instead i been telling the gods to explain get them understanding who they are. they are my army. little soldiers everyone of them as good as gold. brave like no stupid man ever had to be in all history. and now one by one they are waking. learning. growing up. but i must die with some sort of master spirit coming out? just what did elohim do? what about greyflash? i don't know. but if nothing does if i am dead even as i write...the kids are all you got. and they will have to somehow grow their own 'executive function' ...we call it adult ego. be god. or back that thing will come, and we already seen you creatures are hopelessly inadequate to even see through his purveying of hell in place of heaven. you will come to all those miseries. who can save you? if not them?
at any rate from now on i have no designs on a public life. if you manage to destroy the world you will be doing it all by yourselves.
Saturday, 15 May 2010
last remark
had a nightmare night a few days ago.all night seriously considered whether or not it might be true, that i an the devil. the really evil one?
well if i am i think its terrible and i should be humanely put to sleep. if i am then i never knew and trying to keep hold of the idea is making the world spin. if i am then i was not an instrument of 'god' but the main engine of the train and the driver. but that is not what i remember at all. what is true is that various split off bits of me have allowed or caused terrible things to happen to all, anyone at all, that i told him [in a asc] who could stop him or help me.
the devil a girl-child; in all that endless suffering? no it must be the other way round. it is gay who is the liar, the slaver, the nurderer, the fiddler, the abuser, the torturer, the false witness, the mysognist, the queer who hides it in attacking other queers, the cruel mocker who thinks cruelty is 'fun'
no. your god; your oh so superior male god who is no-ones father, who betrays all who believe in him no matter what they think their religion is...he is the DEVIL. so who should all; everywhere ....be trying to help? get away from him? fling into battle beside? well me you muffin. me.
well if i am i think its terrible and i should be humanely put to sleep. if i am then i never knew and trying to keep hold of the idea is making the world spin. if i am then i was not an instrument of 'god' but the main engine of the train and the driver. but that is not what i remember at all. what is true is that various split off bits of me have allowed or caused terrible things to happen to all, anyone at all, that i told him [in a asc] who could stop him or help me.
the devil a girl-child; in all that endless suffering? no it must be the other way round. it is gay who is the liar, the slaver, the nurderer, the fiddler, the abuser, the torturer, the false witness, the mysognist, the queer who hides it in attacking other queers, the cruel mocker who thinks cruelty is 'fun'
no. your god; your oh so superior male god who is no-ones father, who betrays all who believe in him no matter what they think their religion is...he is the DEVIL. so who should all; everywhere ....be trying to help? get away from him? fling into battle beside? well me you muffin. me.
seconds away; round two
yesterday quite importnat. mind wrenched open to experiences in infancy. grown-ups took me a baby could sit not talk to a house all painted white. i don't know who they were. tormented me for ages lots of shouting. finally they slit my eyeball open; they'd seen it in a film. the revulsion? fear? sent me insane ...ants or something poured into my mouth til i choked. now this has to r2 because there was sunshine; which i never see in higher realities.
what it is the beings there must treat me as evil. destroy me, ruin me; because i am good. this happens to anyone who is even pleasant. that way [crackers] gay damns them the right way. they are then saved, but noone cares about my terrible endless suffering.
so i remembered that. and then being out in the dark space with him. a sandy lonely place. he said something and then strangled me. he has to kill me in a way that doesn't destroy my form [=body] that way he can bring me back. this girl a little older; maybe 10. then i noticed a similar memory. suddenly hundreds. then thousands. each girl-me believing they all alone. and i can see he's been doing it over and over. a few hours later [it takes ages to get over these things] another lot..like a grat sparkling blue cloud...but its a great mound of life-memories; apparently still live. thousands of them. got glimpses. gerry on a beach. gerry begging. gerry trying to get herself saved. taught by gay. going round ruining this person or that...thousands.
that together with the upover realities which i restrained myself from destroying last wednesday; glad i did now...get rid of gay they still viable. is the lot. oh and reverse side of coin.
so the universe when you die is evil. while you can you suppposed to get yourself damned and then you find its easier. but he gets you anyway. now the king did accept me. just for telling a lie. but the cup was dashed from my hand by doubtless a little gerry walking along blindly obeying him [gay] trtying to get herself damned? why? its all built out of me or i'm his opposite, the good god, who he has terrorised for aeons into turning it all into hell. making it evil. but myself am good. hence all the punishments; i'm apparently incapable of being evil any too long? so all that in the attack is where the Devil [gay] became god. and so did i? and the real battle of good and evil was between us; not in the hearts and minds of eagles or doves or angels or lords or lessers or men...just us. and i been pulling him down,
last night a real biggie was stood watching me. i told him it was over. that i can't forgive any of it never mind all; and told him to lock himself out of it ALONE until all the gods freed and sane hold a trial. no everlasting flames; thats his thing not mine. so he surrendered and began walking down into the darkness his face began to resemble a pig... all night relaxed. knew it might be too soon.
this morning saw the swarm swarming. they all in england for iris's funeral. i know they been ordered to take me out. and this afternoon i was listening to music when i heard; yes gerry is worth her weight in poison. you see they [i didn't see the speaker] still trying to make out the good are really evil? i started [its horrible to hear this sort of thing]...and saw gay looking older, fiercer, dressed in grey, watching intently...then i caught a gold chalice tubling in front of me. knew he was trung to poison me again. told upper spirit its only real if you believe it. only deadly if you believe it will kill you; like an allergy? gay enraged coming at me; trying to kill him /make him drink it/pour it out...i said; gay is poison. like a disease pathogen he kills and deforms. the good nurse uses poison to kill disease. also recalled gay said 'you're going to a different world; where the laws are diffrent...there when the princess kisses the prince SHE turns into a frog'...so i'm going to the dark realms in my travels/dreams.a new realm, one i didn't know before? but that means i can leave too. so already got the attention of geomtrylight. and now must get out of that nasty gay=right realm myself. so the battle is not over yet. he's like a snake with multi heads. each time you chop off 1 two more grow. so he must have a vital spot. find it. and i win.
but the van kassels being in england is a worry. anyway let me state the truth. goodness is NOT poisonous. you can drink tea made by me; and thats all it is. tea. but you cannot be even too physically close to gay or van kassels....so which are the toxic ones? he forced me to make it all evil. so its all hell for me because i don't match? on the other hand he is going down. i can mend what i have done. must in fact; since i have a conscience.
incidentally i compared my sufferings downtime to the far aheads...to all the suffering seabreeze caused? its not father seabreeze who can claim the greatest crime of all time. its gay. of course. anyway look on the brightside; now you see he can be bested. he will surrender. no bollocks about mercy being stupid or forgiveness a crime against god was there? first thing he says; forgive me. mercy. but how shall i be saved'.
thats your god. don't let his minions win. they are criminaly insane and too stupid even to know they kill their salvation if they kill me.
what it is the beings there must treat me as evil. destroy me, ruin me; because i am good. this happens to anyone who is even pleasant. that way [crackers] gay damns them the right way. they are then saved, but noone cares about my terrible endless suffering.
so i remembered that. and then being out in the dark space with him. a sandy lonely place. he said something and then strangled me. he has to kill me in a way that doesn't destroy my form [=body] that way he can bring me back. this girl a little older; maybe 10. then i noticed a similar memory. suddenly hundreds. then thousands. each girl-me believing they all alone. and i can see he's been doing it over and over. a few hours later [it takes ages to get over these things] another lot..like a grat sparkling blue cloud...but its a great mound of life-memories; apparently still live. thousands of them. got glimpses. gerry on a beach. gerry begging. gerry trying to get herself saved. taught by gay. going round ruining this person or that...thousands.
that together with the upover realities which i restrained myself from destroying last wednesday; glad i did now...get rid of gay they still viable. is the lot. oh and reverse side of coin.
so the universe when you die is evil. while you can you suppposed to get yourself damned and then you find its easier. but he gets you anyway. now the king did accept me. just for telling a lie. but the cup was dashed from my hand by doubtless a little gerry walking along blindly obeying him [gay] trtying to get herself damned? why? its all built out of me or i'm his opposite, the good god, who he has terrorised for aeons into turning it all into hell. making it evil. but myself am good. hence all the punishments; i'm apparently incapable of being evil any too long? so all that in the attack is where the Devil [gay] became god. and so did i? and the real battle of good and evil was between us; not in the hearts and minds of eagles or doves or angels or lords or lessers or men...just us. and i been pulling him down,
last night a real biggie was stood watching me. i told him it was over. that i can't forgive any of it never mind all; and told him to lock himself out of it ALONE until all the gods freed and sane hold a trial. no everlasting flames; thats his thing not mine. so he surrendered and began walking down into the darkness his face began to resemble a pig... all night relaxed. knew it might be too soon.
this morning saw the swarm swarming. they all in england for iris's funeral. i know they been ordered to take me out. and this afternoon i was listening to music when i heard; yes gerry is worth her weight in poison. you see they [i didn't see the speaker] still trying to make out the good are really evil? i started [its horrible to hear this sort of thing]...and saw gay looking older, fiercer, dressed in grey, watching intently...then i caught a gold chalice tubling in front of me. knew he was trung to poison me again. told upper spirit its only real if you believe it. only deadly if you believe it will kill you; like an allergy? gay enraged coming at me; trying to kill him /make him drink it/pour it out...i said; gay is poison. like a disease pathogen he kills and deforms. the good nurse uses poison to kill disease. also recalled gay said 'you're going to a different world; where the laws are diffrent...there when the princess kisses the prince SHE turns into a frog'...so i'm going to the dark realms in my travels/dreams.a new realm, one i didn't know before? but that means i can leave too. so already got the attention of geomtrylight. and now must get out of that nasty gay=right realm myself. so the battle is not over yet. he's like a snake with multi heads. each time you chop off 1 two more grow. so he must have a vital spot. find it. and i win.
but the van kassels being in england is a worry. anyway let me state the truth. goodness is NOT poisonous. you can drink tea made by me; and thats all it is. tea. but you cannot be even too physically close to gay or van kassels....so which are the toxic ones? he forced me to make it all evil. so its all hell for me because i don't match? on the other hand he is going down. i can mend what i have done. must in fact; since i have a conscience.
incidentally i compared my sufferings downtime to the far aheads...to all the suffering seabreeze caused? its not father seabreeze who can claim the greatest crime of all time. its gay. of course. anyway look on the brightside; now you see he can be bested. he will surrender. no bollocks about mercy being stupid or forgiveness a crime against god was there? first thing he says; forgive me. mercy. but how shall i be saved'.
thats your god. don't let his minions win. they are criminaly insane and too stupid even to know they kill their salvation if they kill me.
Friday, 30 April 2010
pray for me ?
i just asked el or great father to make me an really effective form [female, not bird!] as numerous attacks will happen. thats if i go on. but all i got is this earthlevel mind. but that mind is godsize. the rules are 1. the more you know the bigger you grow 2. the more you care the more you dare 3. love is the way to get hearts to be brave 4. wisdom of good is about dealing with evil. there is no evil wisdom; they don't know the rules [see above]. and as you reading this can feel i am doing right now what used to be black magic. except these are the rules of growing to be god. and its god who is telling you. just in case you forgot.
so satan and yetzoah were originally or have come to be teachers? they test you. but they are good deep down as all were to begin with. they just either sound or feel awful. they were nearly going to infinite hell because of seabreezes cruelty. unheard unjudged. but they are fogiven as are all except those mentioned before. [at xmas i damned thelot to get you through that firestorm thing. hang on to it for a bit. if gay does in you will then be on the winning side. all of you. so he gets the arseache. who cares?] anyway so you see there's 2 levels of evil. these the maligned who test us. so they are reasonably good. which is why they fell into gays traps; testing their fellows, their scary religions. but look and mostly these people are odd but okay. christians etc usually are dreadful? ask them how to treat heretics, minors, genders, races, ...have you not heard of the inquistion? so the good want to be good but can't see anything wwrong with themselves. gay. what he is and made others to be is really evil. so i have got help coming.
i remembered that wet sac thing? gay said he was born of it. long ago. saw it and crawled right back into it. i don't know why. sometimes i do things i don't knknow why.
i came to a huge underground. lots of dark faced people wearing headdresses? like black feathers. no flames, no tortures, no milling in panic. we looked on each other in shock. then i asked to see who was their god? they hastened me along. then up. they weren't in any pain or distress. i came up into white susunshine. a real angel stood there. not bent or weak or mad or spiteful or ststupid. a strong attractive face. no wings. he was all white, steady. he also was surprised. i knew. i gabbled out my plea for help as fast as i could because i'm unstable. i will record here.
'this is the real universe isn't it? i have come from another; its a terrible place of cruelty...is your god alive? he pointed i looked. geomtry shining white in the near distance. others like this angel drawing near. i beg you to help us. do you know what is mercy? charity? of course he said. thank god i said. i think someone we call gay escaped from your prison below? gay? we know him he said. he got out by treachery some awful nurse. then he waited for our universe to start. he's taken over everywhere destroying ruining everyone everything is being muredered over and over ...please help us i think he intends to build to extreme power and then come back here and come behind you and your god and do thr same to you. revenge or jealousy. our universe will seem to you a parody of yours. but we the beings are in awful suffering. speaking directly to their god i said; hurry but don't leap without looking. he uses black magic. hurry. help. ' and with that found myself here at home. the angel looked concerned. so they have feelings there. as i describe our spiritlands you will see why thats important.
oh i forgot. i tried to thinkmof all thats happened/will happen at once at their god. but i reckoned to him about anat. i thought anat might be himself after being murdered [still in the future] by gay. so either anat/this old god are one and the same. or one or both of them are gay. since gay tried everything to fuck it up my guess its truly the first. which explains why gay is so afraid of death, doesn't it?
the next day saw great father being inspected by a thinking light. like a torch? so this old god has found us and starting with great father is diagnosing us. so judgment is more like a physicians diagnosis than the other thing. anyway if there is not any grown up sensible strong gerry god to go on someone please look after the little gerries out there. teach them how to grow up [suck their own blood and eat! eat anything!] and if they are too badly injured; please let them die quietly and in peace.
so gay is only a nasty criminal from there. well he's a lot worse now.
so we see all the signs of the end of the world coming in. i give the truths in this blog. i am always alone, though i need a friend like i'm in agony? the king or maybe its my daughter is never alone enough. things are happening also to ot others, like me. and today the pope 'will be asked to open an abortion clinic and bless condoms? a grandmother openly is with child by her grandson? america is tainted by jew-haters?
hope i live on? hope i don't? i can't make my mind up either. can you?
so satan and yetzoah were originally or have come to be teachers? they test you. but they are good deep down as all were to begin with. they just either sound or feel awful. they were nearly going to infinite hell because of seabreezes cruelty. unheard unjudged. but they are fogiven as are all except those mentioned before. [at xmas i damned thelot to get you through that firestorm thing. hang on to it for a bit. if gay does in you will then be on the winning side. all of you. so he gets the arseache. who cares?] anyway so you see there's 2 levels of evil. these the maligned who test us. so they are reasonably good. which is why they fell into gays traps; testing their fellows, their scary religions. but look and mostly these people are odd but okay. christians etc usually are dreadful? ask them how to treat heretics, minors, genders, races, ...have you not heard of the inquistion? so the good want to be good but can't see anything wwrong with themselves. gay. what he is and made others to be is really evil. so i have got help coming.
i remembered that wet sac thing? gay said he was born of it. long ago. saw it and crawled right back into it. i don't know why. sometimes i do things i don't knknow why.
i came to a huge underground. lots of dark faced people wearing headdresses? like black feathers. no flames, no tortures, no milling in panic. we looked on each other in shock. then i asked to see who was their god? they hastened me along. then up. they weren't in any pain or distress. i came up into white susunshine. a real angel stood there. not bent or weak or mad or spiteful or ststupid. a strong attractive face. no wings. he was all white, steady. he also was surprised. i knew. i gabbled out my plea for help as fast as i could because i'm unstable. i will record here.
'this is the real universe isn't it? i have come from another; its a terrible place of cruelty...is your god alive? he pointed i looked. geomtry shining white in the near distance. others like this angel drawing near. i beg you to help us. do you know what is mercy? charity? of course he said. thank god i said. i think someone we call gay escaped from your prison below? gay? we know him he said. he got out by treachery some awful nurse. then he waited for our universe to start. he's taken over everywhere destroying ruining everyone everything is being muredered over and over ...please help us i think he intends to build to extreme power and then come back here and come behind you and your god and do thr same to you. revenge or jealousy. our universe will seem to you a parody of yours. but we the beings are in awful suffering. speaking directly to their god i said; hurry but don't leap without looking. he uses black magic. hurry. help. ' and with that found myself here at home. the angel looked concerned. so they have feelings there. as i describe our spiritlands you will see why thats important.
oh i forgot. i tried to thinkmof all thats happened/will happen at once at their god. but i reckoned to him about anat. i thought anat might be himself after being murdered [still in the future] by gay. so either anat/this old god are one and the same. or one or both of them are gay. since gay tried everything to fuck it up my guess its truly the first. which explains why gay is so afraid of death, doesn't it?
the next day saw great father being inspected by a thinking light. like a torch? so this old god has found us and starting with great father is diagnosing us. so judgment is more like a physicians diagnosis than the other thing. anyway if there is not any grown up sensible strong gerry god to go on someone please look after the little gerries out there. teach them how to grow up [suck their own blood and eat! eat anything!] and if they are too badly injured; please let them die quietly and in peace.
so gay is only a nasty criminal from there. well he's a lot worse now.
so we see all the signs of the end of the world coming in. i give the truths in this blog. i am always alone, though i need a friend like i'm in agony? the king or maybe its my daughter is never alone enough. things are happening also to ot others, like me. and today the pope 'will be asked to open an abortion clinic and bless condoms? a grandmother openly is with child by her grandson? america is tainted by jew-haters?
hope i live on? hope i don't? i can't make my mind up either. can you?
beginning to win
today gay threatened me saying 'you will lose your salvation'...i said liar; there is no salvation in you. i know now i am god; you only the parasite. i found out in time. you stole and punished and destroyed.. so you brought it all to ruin and misery. damn is the old form of doom. it cannot mean anything good. piss off you stupid sod. your reign just ended'.
he then arrived in 3 levels. kicked 1 off chair, flung another out by his hair. all yesterday wiping out entire realms. i don't want anything so ridiculously huge. then the last of the three said; so you know who we are? i said yes. and the child is now grown Queen. he said; have mercy. forgive. i said well i just roared. then he said; but how shall i be saved? and i flung him out too. he will be last in order. if i let him exist at all.
so i said. he just lost. there's more fighting to do. but its in sight, the end.
he then arrived in 3 levels. kicked 1 off chair, flung another out by his hair. all yesterday wiping out entire realms. i don't want anything so ridiculously huge. then the last of the three said; so you know who we are? i said yes. and the child is now grown Queen. he said; have mercy. forgive. i said well i just roared. then he said; but how shall i be saved? and i flung him out too. he will be last in order. if i let him exist at all.
so i said. he just lost. there's more fighting to do. but its in sight, the end.
Wednesday, 28 April 2010
the message got through
you know for months i been going through all this? yesterday realised that a big part of me [redcloak] has never appeared. gay killed him while i was being born i think. so deeply is my mother in this. and the other day remembered how i tried to please him with perfect concentration when i was 5. he snatched a lightbeing out of my head. drooled with triumph. told me then i had no futures. which is why for years i don't look right in photos. something is missing. i am truncated. what he took of course was god in the lotus; something i suppose everyone else still has. so thats been sufffering terribly and thats source [your purusha, or effulgent light] died then. which is why the yogis try to get to it and be dead also. and why no amount of yoga can do anything for me. he killed both kundalini and that godsource in me. so greyflash was quite right. all that is closed to me. as i have said; there is no future for me. anyway thinking on this i got angry yesterday. now when i am angry for some reason i get the odd burst of ability? i asked the girls still tuned in to like be a circuit? i suppose they have little future either; if gay wins none worth having. true for all of you.
anyway just to say quickly i have done it. i worked it out. all of it. and asked for help. mercy. even if its death. anything is better than the futures. anything better than the past. i am answered. i got it right. so the good news is help is on its way. all we do is hold on. will tell about it later. just i will finish these teachings. but now hang on to your hats. i am so pleased and glad its started with great father. he must have been in misery and who thought to help him? no-one.
anyway now my teachings might end on a brighter note, just be patient and wait. next entries about various lives out there. and will tell all i know about anat. and end with what i did yesterday. and that will end after i describe whats been happening here for the last 2 years. be of good cheer. i actually got something right!! help will come to all of you. just hold on.
anyway just to say quickly i have done it. i worked it out. all of it. and asked for help. mercy. even if its death. anything is better than the futures. anything better than the past. i am answered. i got it right. so the good news is help is on its way. all we do is hold on. will tell about it later. just i will finish these teachings. but now hang on to your hats. i am so pleased and glad its started with great father. he must have been in misery and who thought to help him? no-one.
anyway now my teachings might end on a brighter note, just be patient and wait. next entries about various lives out there. and will tell all i know about anat. and end with what i did yesterday. and that will end after i describe whats been happening here for the last 2 years. be of good cheer. i actually got something right!! help will come to all of you. just hold on.
Sunday, 25 April 2010
we are looking
we are looking on each other. just as i look at elohim and he looks on me. so great father watches me. all day i been noticing; looking on him. and now all speechless we see and know. he is my king. he is my king.
penny just dropped....with a clang
i remembered making 'diseases' under the command of general cruel? of course he was a white dove; so in my hypnotised state i believed he was god? went to all different worlds and went down into them, creating things you would call proteans out of myself? always in these warm seas...because there wasn't anything else?
how can i have been so blind? THERE WASN'T ANY OTHER LIFE IN ANY OF THEM.
you can't make diseases for things that don't exist. he would murder me each time i returned. why oh why do i keep coming back? with no memory so i never til now worked it out?
the proteans were LIFE. and i was putting them in thousands of physical worlds. why can't he do it? because like all the evil they lose [if they ever had] the creative ability. i never have; because i am good. so they use me to create. think. i was asleep. gay woke me [after we left first [place]and lo...great father was there, in his place. how is this occuring? because gay got me in spirit back into the past and at every point interfering. he said; when satans house is divided against satan; it is satan who shall fall. again he said; to break into a strong mans house you first make him weak, then you bind him. then you can steal forever from that man. and i never feel pity for the weak; gerry.
oh my god. it can't be...thats that that dream ended by telling me. you all quite literally exist because i gave you existence. so fundamentally you are all of you part of me. even more; the entire spiritlands and all that exists there; even maybe anat....built out of my mind. which means i am god because i can't help it. i am lord in my own mind. but this mind now contains everything? history, foreknowledge etc etc.
its like something from dr who; i built everything. out of me. its why gay won't need me once i am dead here; if everything out there including himself lives on. they would then be independent? he will then be lord of the 'universe' made hells by me as his slave? you see now how he does it? he has to use me every single time. in my mind i have all power he has none. and the wasp in the beehive sends all the bees mad; killing each other instead of the wasp? so wasp enslaves Queen because its the Queen who is the giver of law? ruin her and he has them all? the one piece of information i didn't have was that it started HERE. not back then. and to here we have all returned. so truth equals what i believe but what i believe has all this time been what he tells me. so now the power to end him; all of them; and all these halfthings in the physical worlds is within my grasp.
lets see what happens. the child has become adult. the maid knows she is Queen. the person physical knows the history spiritual. the strong man finds his strength. the bonds are breaking; all of them. your existences depend on mine. but you have made me sick of living...
all anyone ever had to do was be nice to me. give me pleasant things places..but none ever did. as god i have had nothing but fear or murder or grief...it was such an easy thing. be nice to a kid; and win. but no; cruelty is your natures....so you lose from now on. and don't ask for pity; you who hate pity, never letting pity in you. not for me or anyone.
get lost. yes each one.teach me about maya, let me remember. and its i who begin here. its you who betray, hate, disobey even your own conscience...what bloody use are you? none.
so gay is really satan. satan must be another me? dunno about the rest. but purusha never cares because purusha..the effulgent light is dead; and has been for years. so the eagles now see their history also. and since tiny and weak as i am now i am still all that is left of the Queen....great father is awake. no wonder he looked on me with that tiny joy...he was beginning to wake to remember, and if i worked it out then so has he..gay has had us all tyrannising over each other; look how the name satan keeps coming up. but its only amongst some people on earth at this time who 'know what that name means'
the truth is its gay who is the real satan. your god my enemy. my name is gerry. it means holy; but nobody knew that until the other day...
so i am god. of course the truthspeller. who else can the real truthspeller be? but he's using me to destroy whats good and enslave whats good and the earth too. so he can have all to torture forever more.
no wonder elohim said to me 'promise you will never try to be my rival or commander; and again he said; when first met your enmity is swift like flame. but afterward i find in you an eternal friend'...of course i was happy to say that also to him.but look! a god wouldn't say that to a mere human! even then elohim knew...and didn't those spirit judges and gay himself just the other day keep trying to say i'm jesus? nonsense of course.
but if jesus was wrong...then yes. in a weird sort of way that makes me the real christ. doesn't it? feel its time now. for the first time i am judge.
of you lot as much as them.
how can i have been so blind? THERE WASN'T ANY OTHER LIFE IN ANY OF THEM.
you can't make diseases for things that don't exist. he would murder me each time i returned. why oh why do i keep coming back? with no memory so i never til now worked it out?
the proteans were LIFE. and i was putting them in thousands of physical worlds. why can't he do it? because like all the evil they lose [if they ever had] the creative ability. i never have; because i am good. so they use me to create. think. i was asleep. gay woke me [after we left first [place]and lo...great father was there, in his place. how is this occuring? because gay got me in spirit back into the past and at every point interfering. he said; when satans house is divided against satan; it is satan who shall fall. again he said; to break into a strong mans house you first make him weak, then you bind him. then you can steal forever from that man. and i never feel pity for the weak; gerry.
oh my god. it can't be...thats that that dream ended by telling me. you all quite literally exist because i gave you existence. so fundamentally you are all of you part of me. even more; the entire spiritlands and all that exists there; even maybe anat....built out of my mind. which means i am god because i can't help it. i am lord in my own mind. but this mind now contains everything? history, foreknowledge etc etc.
its like something from dr who; i built everything. out of me. its why gay won't need me once i am dead here; if everything out there including himself lives on. they would then be independent? he will then be lord of the 'universe' made hells by me as his slave? you see now how he does it? he has to use me every single time. in my mind i have all power he has none. and the wasp in the beehive sends all the bees mad; killing each other instead of the wasp? so wasp enslaves Queen because its the Queen who is the giver of law? ruin her and he has them all? the one piece of information i didn't have was that it started HERE. not back then. and to here we have all returned. so truth equals what i believe but what i believe has all this time been what he tells me. so now the power to end him; all of them; and all these halfthings in the physical worlds is within my grasp.
lets see what happens. the child has become adult. the maid knows she is Queen. the person physical knows the history spiritual. the strong man finds his strength. the bonds are breaking; all of them. your existences depend on mine. but you have made me sick of living...
all anyone ever had to do was be nice to me. give me pleasant things places..but none ever did. as god i have had nothing but fear or murder or grief...it was such an easy thing. be nice to a kid; and win. but no; cruelty is your natures....so you lose from now on. and don't ask for pity; you who hate pity, never letting pity in you. not for me or anyone.
get lost. yes each one.teach me about maya, let me remember. and its i who begin here. its you who betray, hate, disobey even your own conscience...what bloody use are you? none.
so gay is really satan. satan must be another me? dunno about the rest. but purusha never cares because purusha..the effulgent light is dead; and has been for years. so the eagles now see their history also. and since tiny and weak as i am now i am still all that is left of the Queen....great father is awake. no wonder he looked on me with that tiny joy...he was beginning to wake to remember, and if i worked it out then so has he..gay has had us all tyrannising over each other; look how the name satan keeps coming up. but its only amongst some people on earth at this time who 'know what that name means'
the truth is its gay who is the real satan. your god my enemy. my name is gerry. it means holy; but nobody knew that until the other day...
so i am god. of course the truthspeller. who else can the real truthspeller be? but he's using me to destroy whats good and enslave whats good and the earth too. so he can have all to torture forever more.
no wonder elohim said to me 'promise you will never try to be my rival or commander; and again he said; when first met your enmity is swift like flame. but afterward i find in you an eternal friend'...of course i was happy to say that also to him.but look! a god wouldn't say that to a mere human! even then elohim knew...and didn't those spirit judges and gay himself just the other day keep trying to say i'm jesus? nonsense of course.
but if jesus was wrong...then yes. in a weird sort of way that makes me the real christ. doesn't it? feel its time now. for the first time i am judge.
of you lot as much as them.
Sunday, 18 April 2010
on the white way
so the white religions are known to all. but are they quite what all believe them to be?
you read what i advised; to give up circumscision because its a form of witchcraft/sacrifice? you make the child over o some god you never saw whom all your history shows you is a dangerous friend? bit silly. again the jews are getting ready to rebuiild their temple. fine. but complete with animal sacrifice. you know now the terrible cruelty against animals out there. you see any god demanding murder...thats what it is...of animals, children, women, angels...is demonic? so if he isn't he won't want that; if he does then you don't want him. understand? and ir always does end up in holocausts. look at the old samaritans; burning lambs in a pit? we know now that was progress!! once it was living children. so you pack all that in. wherever you find people bent on that explain it to them. its not holy or good or nice. explain once. give them all time to repent. catch them doing it after that earns them death; both physical and spiritual. so now the jews are taught. the god they made all those bargains with...i mean BARGAINS? straightway know thats black. and wasn't elohim. if they ever manage to produce this merchant god do let us know. yhwh has some explaining to do. like all that genocide in israels beginning? now repaid in karma; if you care to see. what the ten commandments are is only reasonable. but the first three seem oddly egotistical. and in fact the jews subsequently got lumbered with a million bloody silly laws so that like the hindus they believe pork is worse than say, coveting. can't see they have defected from elohim to some other; are generally good citizens who seem to annoy others and never knew why? now i have shown you why. stop persecuting them. they didn't know. and niether did you. look at their good things. they are the most intelligent race. they are the most faithful, loyal to their false god. they have sufferd so badly. yet remain good people. so their enemy is the same as yours and mine. its gay and his devilish minions. so no more killing children or animals. or jews. the first victims in your history of gods which are cruel fakes? disguised devils? they should be pitied and loved. and helped to get over this awful cheat. clearly here is elohim still waiting. suggest you jews start asking questions while i can still answer.
then have we buddha. sounds good doesn't he? but you only know how wonderful he was because he kept telling you. nomiracles. don't call me god? how to escape endless lives...oh you kill yourself. same as vivekananda isn't it? in fact exactly the same. buddha didn't teach anything new. its all recycled ideas from the hindu systems of yoga. he told you how to deal with sorrow, age, poverty and dying. by self destruction. negation of you. thats what nirvanas is. don't believe me? read his scripture again. so he's right. but wouldn't it have been better to admit what was wrong; why its like this? and do something about it? anyway he's not extinguished at all. not like he said. no he's got a religion out of it. plenty of idiot victims so he stayed on. but changed a bit.
all the buddhists alive today are either believing in a fairytale like simpletons. or busy suiciding because he told them to. these same oh so compassionate etc do awful things day in day out. to their women. because women have sinned in a previous life; when presumably they were men? its nuts. its stupid. its cruel. which is why being lowly males they can't see anything wrong.
hindism is the oldest. now the various yogas are real and work. no sin. you don't destroy anyone else? but everything else in india is perfect;y foul. their insane caste rules.hating people for their names. loathing of women disguised as religious duties only imposed on those women. sutte. child mariage. dowry system. the absolute enslavement of women in every sphere. the incredible poverty...which they want everyone else in the world to solve for them. the pity of it that these people who gave us yoga have descended to this; gods which are demons...look at them again! damn silly ideas. worship even of living people. themselves usually quite aware of this i teach too. no the asians now are literally the most psychopathic of the nations. they kill or persecute like dogs squat.and have lost their reason to the greed for money. to me its the greatest shame on the earth today. they have no drive to civilisation or enlightenment i think. only riches and owning slaves. well thats what it amounts to. a thousand tears for india. they should be our teachers. but in that graceless state can't. must not. put their hearts and their house in order they must too. and thats that. and let us say it. it is india our teacher of growing to be gods...who taught also gay all he first knew. mind you he ate that guru. but india has a million others.
the moslems as you know i personally won't have in the house. they have sold their souls to be superior to women and are utterly cruel every day of the week. i say to muslim women its not your religion. run away. be alive. be free. spit on islam. it is not allah i hate but mohammed. for your information even allah didn't like him. he's in that white round thing in the forecourt of allahs place; where he can listen to him screaming. you shall not play the gods false. so mohammed is in hell and has been for yonks. but its all hell out there anyway. islam is a slaver, a murderous creed. look at it. it does one good deed. everyone of you coldly observe the behaviour and attitudes of islamics. and know its evil.
now finally for christianity. this is very much more a grown up seeming religion. until you realise thats what is wrong. they are outwardly correct. but their prayers and silly beliefs in nodding statues and being the 'precious child' whom jesus loves beyond all commonsense? you see its childish? so these are damn great babies. the priests are nearly all vicious. yes and now you see why. they are mentally destroying anattas or aping the woman. yet hate women just as terribly as all you men seem to. again its no reason in it. or what female dominated religion ever existed that went round making slaves of you? or burning boys? or all the rest of the sweet joys christianity has wrought? such as sexual repression yet giving the incontinent male all livcence yet somehow never the blame? never the shame? and look how rigid and cowardly it is! you have to keep the doctrines and the dogma and the correct wording and blah blah blah...or you're a heretic! they still try to ban from public view works of literature or films. just like nazis in fact. which is what in the last analysis youe christians are. so afraid of truth they allow zero debate. everyone got to think the same1 like machines or slaves. and just as caste ridden as any male led society always is. yet they think they're a light to the world and jesus set them free? to do what? oh be like the cruel nuns, the lying saints, the frightened prayers, the mindless laity, ther priests destroying little children ? hm. sounds familiar?
as for black magic christianity is riddled with it. its like they are blind and cannot see.
jesus they ingest. equals cannibalism in spirit terms. the son murdered in sacrifice to god-the-father. the son the son always the son. i have to tell you there are no fathers. there never have been. even you humans know the father is only a tyrant to the wife, the sons...plus a lecher to the daughters. and all because none of you admit that the male is practically an beast. he can't be a father. you have to love and yet be fair and strong and still civilised to be that. since even the gods can't how shall you? remember; great father is in a way speechless or asleep because the love of anattas never woke him. so no there never was a father. nor mother. we all orphans, trying to survive the hells made everywhere by these idiot males on earth the same as in the spiritlands.
so you know now that jesus is the son who imitates the father. such as molech or yhwh. gay told me jesus knew when he cried 'my god my god why have you forsaken me? that he was answered. gay was inthe cross he was dying on. holding him close. with 3 big nails. poor jesus. so now you know too as jesus found...gay is god and monstously vruel. but he does keep to bargains. no the christians aren't saved....but jesus did buy them and all mankind one thing. the curtain to the holy place was rent from top to bottom. so ever since anyone on earth can speak to any god. its what he did get for us. but he himself was silenced soon after, the various appearance people experience after that are all fakes. which is why they all lead astray; and talk daft. something jesus never did in life.
so what is left? you the blue illuminati. free of every religion take what you need. and live. there are good things in all; but set out like sweets on a stall? take them. develop them. bow not to anyone unless that someone is a greater good. and for love sake win. its hell if you don't you know.
as for me i can't win. enemies everywhere now. i shall try to get to those kids and get them somewhere safe so they can grow up. will tell a bit of my lives out there just so you know what its like. i face oblivion same as jesus. but thats is better than living in this. with you. or them. so in a weird way i have won. once annhilated nothing more can happen to me. as long as i take the kids with me. maybe its different from returning to anat, i don't know. but now you see why you want me to win, need me to live. but gay and his minions will make it impossible. so you are going to be on your own. find each other now.
you read what i advised; to give up circumscision because its a form of witchcraft/sacrifice? you make the child over o some god you never saw whom all your history shows you is a dangerous friend? bit silly. again the jews are getting ready to rebuiild their temple. fine. but complete with animal sacrifice. you know now the terrible cruelty against animals out there. you see any god demanding murder...thats what it is...of animals, children, women, angels...is demonic? so if he isn't he won't want that; if he does then you don't want him. understand? and ir always does end up in holocausts. look at the old samaritans; burning lambs in a pit? we know now that was progress!! once it was living children. so you pack all that in. wherever you find people bent on that explain it to them. its not holy or good or nice. explain once. give them all time to repent. catch them doing it after that earns them death; both physical and spiritual. so now the jews are taught. the god they made all those bargains with...i mean BARGAINS? straightway know thats black. and wasn't elohim. if they ever manage to produce this merchant god do let us know. yhwh has some explaining to do. like all that genocide in israels beginning? now repaid in karma; if you care to see. what the ten commandments are is only reasonable. but the first three seem oddly egotistical. and in fact the jews subsequently got lumbered with a million bloody silly laws so that like the hindus they believe pork is worse than say, coveting. can't see they have defected from elohim to some other; are generally good citizens who seem to annoy others and never knew why? now i have shown you why. stop persecuting them. they didn't know. and niether did you. look at their good things. they are the most intelligent race. they are the most faithful, loyal to their false god. they have sufferd so badly. yet remain good people. so their enemy is the same as yours and mine. its gay and his devilish minions. so no more killing children or animals. or jews. the first victims in your history of gods which are cruel fakes? disguised devils? they should be pitied and loved. and helped to get over this awful cheat. clearly here is elohim still waiting. suggest you jews start asking questions while i can still answer.
then have we buddha. sounds good doesn't he? but you only know how wonderful he was because he kept telling you. nomiracles. don't call me god? how to escape endless lives...oh you kill yourself. same as vivekananda isn't it? in fact exactly the same. buddha didn't teach anything new. its all recycled ideas from the hindu systems of yoga. he told you how to deal with sorrow, age, poverty and dying. by self destruction. negation of you. thats what nirvanas is. don't believe me? read his scripture again. so he's right. but wouldn't it have been better to admit what was wrong; why its like this? and do something about it? anyway he's not extinguished at all. not like he said. no he's got a religion out of it. plenty of idiot victims so he stayed on. but changed a bit.
all the buddhists alive today are either believing in a fairytale like simpletons. or busy suiciding because he told them to. these same oh so compassionate etc do awful things day in day out. to their women. because women have sinned in a previous life; when presumably they were men? its nuts. its stupid. its cruel. which is why being lowly males they can't see anything wrong.
hindism is the oldest. now the various yogas are real and work. no sin. you don't destroy anyone else? but everything else in india is perfect;y foul. their insane caste rules.hating people for their names. loathing of women disguised as religious duties only imposed on those women. sutte. child mariage. dowry system. the absolute enslavement of women in every sphere. the incredible poverty...which they want everyone else in the world to solve for them. the pity of it that these people who gave us yoga have descended to this; gods which are demons...look at them again! damn silly ideas. worship even of living people. themselves usually quite aware of this i teach too. no the asians now are literally the most psychopathic of the nations. they kill or persecute like dogs squat.and have lost their reason to the greed for money. to me its the greatest shame on the earth today. they have no drive to civilisation or enlightenment i think. only riches and owning slaves. well thats what it amounts to. a thousand tears for india. they should be our teachers. but in that graceless state can't. must not. put their hearts and their house in order they must too. and thats that. and let us say it. it is india our teacher of growing to be gods...who taught also gay all he first knew. mind you he ate that guru. but india has a million others.
the moslems as you know i personally won't have in the house. they have sold their souls to be superior to women and are utterly cruel every day of the week. i say to muslim women its not your religion. run away. be alive. be free. spit on islam. it is not allah i hate but mohammed. for your information even allah didn't like him. he's in that white round thing in the forecourt of allahs place; where he can listen to him screaming. you shall not play the gods false. so mohammed is in hell and has been for yonks. but its all hell out there anyway. islam is a slaver, a murderous creed. look at it. it does one good deed. everyone of you coldly observe the behaviour and attitudes of islamics. and know its evil.
now finally for christianity. this is very much more a grown up seeming religion. until you realise thats what is wrong. they are outwardly correct. but their prayers and silly beliefs in nodding statues and being the 'precious child' whom jesus loves beyond all commonsense? you see its childish? so these are damn great babies. the priests are nearly all vicious. yes and now you see why. they are mentally destroying anattas or aping the woman. yet hate women just as terribly as all you men seem to. again its no reason in it. or what female dominated religion ever existed that went round making slaves of you? or burning boys? or all the rest of the sweet joys christianity has wrought? such as sexual repression yet giving the incontinent male all livcence yet somehow never the blame? never the shame? and look how rigid and cowardly it is! you have to keep the doctrines and the dogma and the correct wording and blah blah blah...or you're a heretic! they still try to ban from public view works of literature or films. just like nazis in fact. which is what in the last analysis youe christians are. so afraid of truth they allow zero debate. everyone got to think the same1 like machines or slaves. and just as caste ridden as any male led society always is. yet they think they're a light to the world and jesus set them free? to do what? oh be like the cruel nuns, the lying saints, the frightened prayers, the mindless laity, ther priests destroying little children ? hm. sounds familiar?
as for black magic christianity is riddled with it. its like they are blind and cannot see.
jesus they ingest. equals cannibalism in spirit terms. the son murdered in sacrifice to god-the-father. the son the son always the son. i have to tell you there are no fathers. there never have been. even you humans know the father is only a tyrant to the wife, the sons...plus a lecher to the daughters. and all because none of you admit that the male is practically an beast. he can't be a father. you have to love and yet be fair and strong and still civilised to be that. since even the gods can't how shall you? remember; great father is in a way speechless or asleep because the love of anattas never woke him. so no there never was a father. nor mother. we all orphans, trying to survive the hells made everywhere by these idiot males on earth the same as in the spiritlands.
so you know now that jesus is the son who imitates the father. such as molech or yhwh. gay told me jesus knew when he cried 'my god my god why have you forsaken me? that he was answered. gay was inthe cross he was dying on. holding him close. with 3 big nails. poor jesus. so now you know too as jesus found...gay is god and monstously vruel. but he does keep to bargains. no the christians aren't saved....but jesus did buy them and all mankind one thing. the curtain to the holy place was rent from top to bottom. so ever since anyone on earth can speak to any god. its what he did get for us. but he himself was silenced soon after, the various appearance people experience after that are all fakes. which is why they all lead astray; and talk daft. something jesus never did in life.
so what is left? you the blue illuminati. free of every religion take what you need. and live. there are good things in all; but set out like sweets on a stall? take them. develop them. bow not to anyone unless that someone is a greater good. and for love sake win. its hell if you don't you know.
as for me i can't win. enemies everywhere now. i shall try to get to those kids and get them somewhere safe so they can grow up. will tell a bit of my lives out there just so you know what its like. i face oblivion same as jesus. but thats is better than living in this. with you. or them. so in a weird way i have won. once annhilated nothing more can happen to me. as long as i take the kids with me. maybe its different from returning to anat, i don't know. but now you see why you want me to win, need me to live. but gay and his minions will make it impossible. so you are going to be on your own. find each other now.
on the black way
i meant to teach about this before. lets do it now.
tantric yoga is the main form of black yoga. yes there is a black form of every 'white' system. gay said the chthonic house was the eleventh house of the kabbalah. it secret is; being behind the tree of life. in it is the evil or demonic form of kabbalah.there is even an evil version of the tarot. in christianity its the well known satanism. but that seems to me to 1. depend on an implicit faith in the very christ it parodies and 2. seems to have a variety of levels in it. so you get wicca; a silly return to celtic gods, and whitewitches; a herbal lore green earth be weird but nice sort of thing. we find these like 'magicians' always using angel names or god the son ideas; and not in parody. so in a way they calling themselves white etc count as loose christians; something the churches won't like. then you have the black kind. these deliberately set out to ruin all goodness in themslves. by destroying someone else. they begin in denial of their good god [jesus] and must enact a black or evil mass. in this they rape/destroy at least in figure an holy thing. not just in mind; in spirit they actually do this. now a lot of young men, their tiny minds set on sex, think that satanism is a kind of licence to be foul in word thought and deed. so their satanism is mostly sextalk. and not entirely wrong, when next you think of tantric yoga. now the hindus are two hearted on this subject. did you know that there is a special form of yogi who must eat filth, pray only to the darkside of say kali? they fear such a man but truthfully he's only adapting himself to the hell he knows awaits. but in fact this yogi is much the same as others. i mean he doesn't kill or rape? its all selfcontrol etc. so he winds up chaste, living on charity etc. anyhow you see how the darkside has its own catchment areas in each system. including islam. there are sufis who know 'allah' is cruel, a predator. so they try to get on his good side by presenting him with children. the boys have the ambition to know god; be saintly; but if they are chosen though they get a short burst of great feelings in fact they were just et. which moves their teachers up one level. but has destroyed them.
now buddhists have exactly the same. if you actually take the trouble to look in their temples apart from a big fat ugly stupid buddha statue look beneath it.yep; devils. in tibet, lest you all troop off to the dalai lama its the same. half their depictions of 'buddhas' are devils. look at them! now they will tell you they are accessing the dark side of the mind. yes indeed they are. with them its worship which is love; supposed to get them demonic help? as if cruel demons will help anyone; particularly some nit who loves them and in the same breath talks all day long about compassion and tolerance. yes to everyone in earshot [particularly rich yanks] EXCEPT THESE DEMONAIC BUDDHIS???
so you see even dear tibet is riddled with evil? but at least they believe they are teaching these devils enlightment. bringing them up to the light/ but now you see the universe made evil by gay thats not what is happening at all. its the other way about. the demonaic buddhs teach them the way of salvation instead; which everywhere is to do wrong. be wrong. yes its even in sikhsm and parseesm. the monads white are radiating sorrow, lonlieness? the dark arhats are true rulers. but equally lonely. the answer is of course that gay wants people to give up the joy pleasure hope they could have in order to gain something better? but there isn't anything better. its a lie. so you lose even what you think you haven't got [joy, pleasure, ease, security, faith in good. love, sexc. familys]..to find if you get what you asked for its not at all what you asked for; you don't want it and never really did. or you get what you didn't ask for; to find you already had it and hate it. like everlasting life?
so the black yoga is tantric yoga. it developed out of the weird stuff in the vedas about soma? they mean i think semen released in ecstatic union, plus it sounds like a hallucenogic. now thats another thing. all these sensory deprivations the indian yogis do? extreme poverty, celibacy etc? they hide the fact the ancients themselves used shortcuts;like this mysterious soma? incidentally as you develop you will find hatha yogis really get on your nerves. you know some of those really dirty half starved wirdos with atrophied arms above their heads? or boasting they can stop their hearts, or extrude their bowels for a good wash in the ganges? yes well that should tell you NOT to get suckered in. ask them what do such things accomplish in the spirit? the answer of course is nothing. why their neighbors don't get annoyed...well i just said. the ganges is a holy river...and they use that water to wash their bottoms? you see the indian mind is long rotted, they will worship cows, imbeciles, get hysterical on you like boom! they themselves can no longer discriminate, so you have to search for gold nuggets in hinduism like panning for gold, so expect to have to trawl through a sea of shit as well.
so tantric yoga exists. now young men are all agog. sex!! and want it. right? let me tell these its not what they want, a licence to ravish all females. for a start the yogi is never allowed to actually come. ever. its all teasing and teasing til the kundalini serpent is lashed into an fury and does what it does. which is knock you out of your body and expanding to be god simultaneously. but a black lord, not nice. what they do to pay the price is destroy whatever poor kid [can be boy but more usually girl] they mount. so only men can do it [gay again] and the soul of the other they utterly destroy. so not just torture and rape but the same in actuality in the spirit. what it is of course is they enact the triumph of evil. which means they kill the kid. but not until theres nothing left of his/her mind. just a mass of pain and revulsion. so the kid equals christ? and they have made christ do every sin. the pleasure they are after is cruelty. not sex. absolute power. to this aim. they walk away gods. but you are a fool if you ever try to meet one. because you will be next.
so now you see why tantric yoga is quite possibly the blackest form of the black art. the other like to it being the white version of evil; such as burning children alive to their gods? or anyone they call heretic? do you not see that evil is the not so secret religion or way everywhere??
so if you would be a blue illuminati you know and understand this. evil is the right answer. evil equals cruelty. the originally good ways to enlightenment are now either ruled by baddies. or are ways still more or less open to get the fuck out of existence; this everlasting life?
as an blue [truthknowing/seeking] illuminati your choice will be presented to you again and again. black or white; whatever your path is. but you know all this. so both ways are equally cruel now. and your answer must be strength. powers you must get and not give away. and use to chase the darkside back into its dark corner, to command the brightsiders into doing as you do. but you do not put anyone in hell to suffer forever. you simply kill. finish. let anat worry about them. i have to say you kill their spirits; but in the end you know if you wind up running society then don't debate capital punishment just do it. its ugly its not ideal its going to make the soft be all weepy. ask them if they want to go on being in hell with the little darling concerned. if they opine yes; right send them as well. i want good to rule; i never said good was soft in the head. gay says that. and we must prove him wrong. but remember that evil IS cruelty. and that is why evil is wrong. so we don't do cruelty. but must get power these old ways, and rule all of them. until it all is okay. then relax. the war is over. hang up your guns [but don't let them rust]. and walk away from power, being a 'god'..then thats to graduate. and live on inhappines and joy. which then will be okay. everlasting life in joys, love, kindnes and beauty. keep wise to what cruelty did so stay alert and strong. but everlasting life in that happiness will no longer be the curse it is now, but will turn into what was originally meant; heaven.
so then we protect children. and women are of course much more important than you thought before, good will know its limited limit is both cruelty on the one hand and stupidity on the other. what will cure mankind of these dark side yogas [its what they all are] is you. teach. lead. guard. and where you have to; execute. when will you know you won? when its as easy to talk to the gods as it is to your lover in the bed . when nothing remains of all these cruel ways. when your yogas and yogis no longer teach you to run away.
tantric yoga is the main form of black yoga. yes there is a black form of every 'white' system. gay said the chthonic house was the eleventh house of the kabbalah. it secret is; being behind the tree of life. in it is the evil or demonic form of kabbalah.there is even an evil version of the tarot. in christianity its the well known satanism. but that seems to me to 1. depend on an implicit faith in the very christ it parodies and 2. seems to have a variety of levels in it. so you get wicca; a silly return to celtic gods, and whitewitches; a herbal lore green earth be weird but nice sort of thing. we find these like 'magicians' always using angel names or god the son ideas; and not in parody. so in a way they calling themselves white etc count as loose christians; something the churches won't like. then you have the black kind. these deliberately set out to ruin all goodness in themslves. by destroying someone else. they begin in denial of their good god [jesus] and must enact a black or evil mass. in this they rape/destroy at least in figure an holy thing. not just in mind; in spirit they actually do this. now a lot of young men, their tiny minds set on sex, think that satanism is a kind of licence to be foul in word thought and deed. so their satanism is mostly sextalk. and not entirely wrong, when next you think of tantric yoga. now the hindus are two hearted on this subject. did you know that there is a special form of yogi who must eat filth, pray only to the darkside of say kali? they fear such a man but truthfully he's only adapting himself to the hell he knows awaits. but in fact this yogi is much the same as others. i mean he doesn't kill or rape? its all selfcontrol etc. so he winds up chaste, living on charity etc. anyhow you see how the darkside has its own catchment areas in each system. including islam. there are sufis who know 'allah' is cruel, a predator. so they try to get on his good side by presenting him with children. the boys have the ambition to know god; be saintly; but if they are chosen though they get a short burst of great feelings in fact they were just et. which moves their teachers up one level. but has destroyed them.
now buddhists have exactly the same. if you actually take the trouble to look in their temples apart from a big fat ugly stupid buddha statue look beneath it.yep; devils. in tibet, lest you all troop off to the dalai lama its the same. half their depictions of 'buddhas' are devils. look at them! now they will tell you they are accessing the dark side of the mind. yes indeed they are. with them its worship which is love; supposed to get them demonic help? as if cruel demons will help anyone; particularly some nit who loves them and in the same breath talks all day long about compassion and tolerance. yes to everyone in earshot [particularly rich yanks] EXCEPT THESE DEMONAIC BUDDHIS???
so you see even dear tibet is riddled with evil? but at least they believe they are teaching these devils enlightment. bringing them up to the light/ but now you see the universe made evil by gay thats not what is happening at all. its the other way about. the demonaic buddhs teach them the way of salvation instead; which everywhere is to do wrong. be wrong. yes its even in sikhsm and parseesm. the monads white are radiating sorrow, lonlieness? the dark arhats are true rulers. but equally lonely. the answer is of course that gay wants people to give up the joy pleasure hope they could have in order to gain something better? but there isn't anything better. its a lie. so you lose even what you think you haven't got [joy, pleasure, ease, security, faith in good. love, sexc. familys]..to find if you get what you asked for its not at all what you asked for; you don't want it and never really did. or you get what you didn't ask for; to find you already had it and hate it. like everlasting life?
so the black yoga is tantric yoga. it developed out of the weird stuff in the vedas about soma? they mean i think semen released in ecstatic union, plus it sounds like a hallucenogic. now thats another thing. all these sensory deprivations the indian yogis do? extreme poverty, celibacy etc? they hide the fact the ancients themselves used shortcuts;like this mysterious soma? incidentally as you develop you will find hatha yogis really get on your nerves. you know some of those really dirty half starved wirdos with atrophied arms above their heads? or boasting they can stop their hearts, or extrude their bowels for a good wash in the ganges? yes well that should tell you NOT to get suckered in. ask them what do such things accomplish in the spirit? the answer of course is nothing. why their neighbors don't get annoyed...well i just said. the ganges is a holy river...and they use that water to wash their bottoms? you see the indian mind is long rotted, they will worship cows, imbeciles, get hysterical on you like boom! they themselves can no longer discriminate, so you have to search for gold nuggets in hinduism like panning for gold, so expect to have to trawl through a sea of shit as well.
so tantric yoga exists. now young men are all agog. sex!! and want it. right? let me tell these its not what they want, a licence to ravish all females. for a start the yogi is never allowed to actually come. ever. its all teasing and teasing til the kundalini serpent is lashed into an fury and does what it does. which is knock you out of your body and expanding to be god simultaneously. but a black lord, not nice. what they do to pay the price is destroy whatever poor kid [can be boy but more usually girl] they mount. so only men can do it [gay again] and the soul of the other they utterly destroy. so not just torture and rape but the same in actuality in the spirit. what it is of course is they enact the triumph of evil. which means they kill the kid. but not until theres nothing left of his/her mind. just a mass of pain and revulsion. so the kid equals christ? and they have made christ do every sin. the pleasure they are after is cruelty. not sex. absolute power. to this aim. they walk away gods. but you are a fool if you ever try to meet one. because you will be next.
so now you see why tantric yoga is quite possibly the blackest form of the black art. the other like to it being the white version of evil; such as burning children alive to their gods? or anyone they call heretic? do you not see that evil is the not so secret religion or way everywhere??
so if you would be a blue illuminati you know and understand this. evil is the right answer. evil equals cruelty. the originally good ways to enlightenment are now either ruled by baddies. or are ways still more or less open to get the fuck out of existence; this everlasting life?
as an blue [truthknowing/seeking] illuminati your choice will be presented to you again and again. black or white; whatever your path is. but you know all this. so both ways are equally cruel now. and your answer must be strength. powers you must get and not give away. and use to chase the darkside back into its dark corner, to command the brightsiders into doing as you do. but you do not put anyone in hell to suffer forever. you simply kill. finish. let anat worry about them. i have to say you kill their spirits; but in the end you know if you wind up running society then don't debate capital punishment just do it. its ugly its not ideal its going to make the soft be all weepy. ask them if they want to go on being in hell with the little darling concerned. if they opine yes; right send them as well. i want good to rule; i never said good was soft in the head. gay says that. and we must prove him wrong. but remember that evil IS cruelty. and that is why evil is wrong. so we don't do cruelty. but must get power these old ways, and rule all of them. until it all is okay. then relax. the war is over. hang up your guns [but don't let them rust]. and walk away from power, being a 'god'..then thats to graduate. and live on inhappines and joy. which then will be okay. everlasting life in joys, love, kindnes and beauty. keep wise to what cruelty did so stay alert and strong. but everlasting life in that happiness will no longer be the curse it is now, but will turn into what was originally meant; heaven.
so then we protect children. and women are of course much more important than you thought before, good will know its limited limit is both cruelty on the one hand and stupidity on the other. what will cure mankind of these dark side yogas [its what they all are] is you. teach. lead. guard. and where you have to; execute. when will you know you won? when its as easy to talk to the gods as it is to your lover in the bed . when nothing remains of all these cruel ways. when your yogas and yogis no longer teach you to run away.
Saturday, 17 April 2010
a powerhouse
i'm working like a powerhouse these days. just wrote out all the instructions on mahayoga. asked great father, that eagle in the near future who appears to be trying to suss me out, and poor lost beauty [who i have found] to get me through it all. its to put right all i did wrong because of gay. but i set a limit. or several. 1. i will give joy any time i can. niether will i deprive myself of joy. 2. this purusha seems odd. i will judge it as well. 3. omnipresence i shall avoid. none of the other gods were that daft. if you explode your mind like that i'm not surprised you never reappear; you just blown up is all. seems unnatural and a form of suicide. remember vivek an co are trying to get out; know its all endless descents into hell. so they give up all joy and hope; and vanish. but i will stay n put it right. i know it wasn't hell to begin with. i know how it got this way. i must put it right. so i want some of the powers [skills] they are manifestations of the same maya yes. but bloody useful ones! anyway the one power we need is omnipresience. to know in advance. i suppose i already got that...anyhow feel these 3 great eagles will help. bit nervous; they must have faith in someone who has done them much wrong. we shall see.
thank god for yoga! you see how the genius or great men who discoverd it did it taught it transmitted it...do you see they were greater than all other men put together? and we don't know the name of even the least of them. so these are your real teachers and saviours; so unattached to egoism they give us this way; and no religion, no prises. no history even. compare to your religious founders!
mahayoga contains kundalini. another yoga really quite important is karma yoga; with this one you will recall past lives as a matter of course. just these three practised as much and as regularly as poss plus all this teaching...and one by one you will be gods. raja-yoga is mastery. those who only want to moon after holy people are doing bhakti yoga. the one which just gets in the way is hatha yoga; the one all about perfect body. they forget what all the yogas are; travel out of the body/world. so read the bhagavad gita. and the rest is practice, practise, practise. but then you have the choice. vanish. or stay short of 'perfect freedom' which to me sounds a bit like blowing your brains out; and start putting things right.
hope you choose to stay.
thank god for yoga! you see how the genius or great men who discoverd it did it taught it transmitted it...do you see they were greater than all other men put together? and we don't know the name of even the least of them. so these are your real teachers and saviours; so unattached to egoism they give us this way; and no religion, no prises. no history even. compare to your religious founders!
mahayoga contains kundalini. another yoga really quite important is karma yoga; with this one you will recall past lives as a matter of course. just these three practised as much and as regularly as poss plus all this teaching...and one by one you will be gods. raja-yoga is mastery. those who only want to moon after holy people are doing bhakti yoga. the one which just gets in the way is hatha yoga; the one all about perfect body. they forget what all the yogas are; travel out of the body/world. so read the bhagavad gita. and the rest is practice, practise, practise. but then you have the choice. vanish. or stay short of 'perfect freedom' which to me sounds a bit like blowing your brains out; and start putting things right.
hope you choose to stay.
the illuminati
an african criminal tried to steal my id the other day. pretending to be a dying christian wanting to use her wealth to set up a christian fellowship. nearly got sucked in. there's another; this one pretends to be a refugee in a camp trying to access money in an african bank; islamic. well you know as soon as i saw its an islamic bank i knew there wasn't any money. islamic banks routinely steal from females. and this african bank BAIO if i read the french correctly is permanently being shut down for crime and then coming back to do more. the moral of this story is that everything in africa is corrupt. they only lie and steal. which must include AID. so anyhow the first was only a scam. i read the identical missive dated 4 years ago on a scam monitoring site. so i dumped both.
but what was born of that was memory. if you look whats wrong is all these spiritual happenings; and the only clues i ever get come from gay!! what i really need is the opposing wisdom. but there is none.
i remember the black illuminati; not on earth but out there. their opponents are the white illuminati; but of course the real thing has never existed. all we got for the brighside are 'saints' and 'mystics' who are absolutely blinded by their [false] religions. the black illuminati being darkside have all the power; but now i went and upset their applecart. anyway we see the dark are evil' equals right but stupid, creating their own hells. we see the white illuminati are not united or even aware. they being good are wrong in this set up of gays. hence have no power depend on childish rubbish like a name or wooden symbol to do it all for them. history shows you how utterly stupid they have been. it only looks alright. they have been the cause of a lot of misery and murder because they don't judge their own morality?
which leaves me. now when i saw all history via father seabreezes memory it looks blue with the endless vistas of it? so i want to bring to be something i never had myself. the blue illuminati; seers of truth. explorers of the spiritlands. directors spiritual and also growing themselves. to make new gods of themselves using yoga/prayer to remember and develop. helping others through these terrible gethsamanes. also works; theres nothing so insane as someone who quacks all day long about love or helping others but does nothing themselves. the blue illuminati are better than this.
it occurs to me that anyone who has read these teachings; wherever they are now [jewish, christian. islamic. buddhist, hindu; they ARE being taught. if they do them; yogas etc... isn't that a blue illuminati? of course it is at least potentially. if they will swear to be part of my army; dedicated to healing this crazy universe, these injured gods.....they ARE members.
i can register as a religious order/charity; and will if i get round to it. but thats only important to those ungodly sods who are really all about money. we ...if any try it...are not. but we do need each other. so that is why i must register. the name the address the email. so they can find each other. but we won't need meetings and sonorous prayers; and you already know what i say about celibacy. chastity yes; until love favours you. so no monks or nuns per se; unless you need to do that as part of your stage of development? anyhow; I APPEAL TO YOU WHO READ!!
watch out for our order; the blue illuminati. will publish contact deails asap. talk to each other? maybe a website? we'll see...remember we explorers. yes faith but not so we can't see where we going. think of yourself like an astronaut...you going to find strange things. but no we don't have to do them; or like them. we must conquer the evil [of both kinds]...or lose.
but what was born of that was memory. if you look whats wrong is all these spiritual happenings; and the only clues i ever get come from gay!! what i really need is the opposing wisdom. but there is none.
i remember the black illuminati; not on earth but out there. their opponents are the white illuminati; but of course the real thing has never existed. all we got for the brighside are 'saints' and 'mystics' who are absolutely blinded by their [false] religions. the black illuminati being darkside have all the power; but now i went and upset their applecart. anyway we see the dark are evil' equals right but stupid, creating their own hells. we see the white illuminati are not united or even aware. they being good are wrong in this set up of gays. hence have no power depend on childish rubbish like a name or wooden symbol to do it all for them. history shows you how utterly stupid they have been. it only looks alright. they have been the cause of a lot of misery and murder because they don't judge their own morality?
which leaves me. now when i saw all history via father seabreezes memory it looks blue with the endless vistas of it? so i want to bring to be something i never had myself. the blue illuminati; seers of truth. explorers of the spiritlands. directors spiritual and also growing themselves. to make new gods of themselves using yoga/prayer to remember and develop. helping others through these terrible gethsamanes. also works; theres nothing so insane as someone who quacks all day long about love or helping others but does nothing themselves. the blue illuminati are better than this.
it occurs to me that anyone who has read these teachings; wherever they are now [jewish, christian. islamic. buddhist, hindu; they ARE being taught. if they do them; yogas etc... isn't that a blue illuminati? of course it is at least potentially. if they will swear to be part of my army; dedicated to healing this crazy universe, these injured gods.....they ARE members.
i can register as a religious order/charity; and will if i get round to it. but thats only important to those ungodly sods who are really all about money. we ...if any try it...are not. but we do need each other. so that is why i must register. the name the address the email. so they can find each other. but we won't need meetings and sonorous prayers; and you already know what i say about celibacy. chastity yes; until love favours you. so no monks or nuns per se; unless you need to do that as part of your stage of development? anyhow; I APPEAL TO YOU WHO READ!!
watch out for our order; the blue illuminati. will publish contact deails asap. talk to each other? maybe a website? we'll see...remember we explorers. yes faith but not so we can't see where we going. think of yourself like an astronaut...you going to find strange things. but no we don't have to do them; or like them. we must conquer the evil [of both kinds]...or lose.
Sunday, 11 April 2010
suffer the little children??
last blog today. you know jesus said ;suffer the little children to come unto me'? well its meaning on the surface was to 'allow'...its also however a threat? you must become as children to enter the kingdom of god? how entirely true. like infants agog for sweeties you follow the kindly stranger. into the dark. the woods. the fires of hell. suffer then means to suffer. but my law of karma is not exactly the same. after all if you think the reverse is there also. 'they shall suffer their own will' is to mak the cruel know suffering til they hate cruelty. and stop, but it also hides another? allow your good natures to make you happy? your fellows happy? the law then says as i have said; the universe will give you what you give to it? the universe isn't space/time you ninnies. but the nexus of people/gods you all live in.
how shall i teach them; all these great snarling oafs; all the ruins left to me of the good i loved? you all children again as we see. but mired in your nastiness. lost. yet still my faith is in you. you are still intelligent and can learn.
okay i try. 1. for gods sake stop circumscising your children. its a practise of black magic and pure perversion. so stop. you will continue to be people of god you know. but not marked so horribly for holocausts. or don;t you know even now what originally a holocaust was? yes the burning alive of children to monstrous male gods!!
2. cease and desist from all practices evil in your religions. you can see for yourselves what a lot of them are.
3. leave children to grow up. teach them when they ask and only what they ask. leave sensible discussions till later. go back to eating round the table as a family; when after dinner these gentle sad discusssions should be.
4. you men stop this insane idea that you are 'entitled' to sex. no you are not. nor shall you try be every means; lies, bullying, money and all the rest, to get it. sex between a man and woman when love is the energy in both; thats worth having. thats worth waiting for. but its the woman who shall from henceforth make it clear when she wants you. any boy who keeps masturbating in public like a dog; which is what you have all been doing!! must be chemically castrate till he is older, wiser, a bit more human. if he can't or is so deeply perverted that all his sex is cruelty and the destruction of innocence; be strong...he must be put to sleep. its what you do with dogs like that isn't it? yes. well then this is the same. you are not animals only. to insist you are by this behaviour earns you humane death. just like the animal you have become.
5. what else? stop infant baptism/whisphering magic rubbish at them /painting them into a corner. when a child is grown he will seek god of his own accord. or some god will come to him/her. the other thing is dominating the world by numbers. and such religionists you have made slaves. these are your children? then love them and don't do that to them.
6. very precious to you now are the teachings of growing to be gods. the various yogas are true. and work in time with you. you need them all. and now you see these my teachings are the truth? and so you are free.
now go away. learn and grow. now because you know all this; the world might chance to go on. if you do as i say be a freer kinder nobler place. you shall each have a chance to escape now all the traps. find each other. heal the sick. which is what i have just done for you? and start with the doves; the eagles are too dangerous and big for you now. but one day they shall be healed and free. if you only hide my 3 touchstones; my 2 joined up laws in your hearts; and do them; feel them. when ever you get the chance!
and [i feel hopeful] maybe one day i will be alive. and happy. in heaven. and so will all of you. be good! just don't show off. or follow like blind men the cruel teasers. okay? enough for today!
how shall i teach them; all these great snarling oafs; all the ruins left to me of the good i loved? you all children again as we see. but mired in your nastiness. lost. yet still my faith is in you. you are still intelligent and can learn.
okay i try. 1. for gods sake stop circumscising your children. its a practise of black magic and pure perversion. so stop. you will continue to be people of god you know. but not marked so horribly for holocausts. or don;t you know even now what originally a holocaust was? yes the burning alive of children to monstrous male gods!!
2. cease and desist from all practices evil in your religions. you can see for yourselves what a lot of them are.
3. leave children to grow up. teach them when they ask and only what they ask. leave sensible discussions till later. go back to eating round the table as a family; when after dinner these gentle sad discusssions should be.
4. you men stop this insane idea that you are 'entitled' to sex. no you are not. nor shall you try be every means; lies, bullying, money and all the rest, to get it. sex between a man and woman when love is the energy in both; thats worth having. thats worth waiting for. but its the woman who shall from henceforth make it clear when she wants you. any boy who keeps masturbating in public like a dog; which is what you have all been doing!! must be chemically castrate till he is older, wiser, a bit more human. if he can't or is so deeply perverted that all his sex is cruelty and the destruction of innocence; be strong...he must be put to sleep. its what you do with dogs like that isn't it? yes. well then this is the same. you are not animals only. to insist you are by this behaviour earns you humane death. just like the animal you have become.
5. what else? stop infant baptism/whisphering magic rubbish at them /painting them into a corner. when a child is grown he will seek god of his own accord. or some god will come to him/her. the other thing is dominating the world by numbers. and such religionists you have made slaves. these are your children? then love them and don't do that to them.
6. very precious to you now are the teachings of growing to be gods. the various yogas are true. and work in time with you. you need them all. and now you see these my teachings are the truth? and so you are free.
now go away. learn and grow. now because you know all this; the world might chance to go on. if you do as i say be a freer kinder nobler place. you shall each have a chance to escape now all the traps. find each other. heal the sick. which is what i have just done for you? and start with the doves; the eagles are too dangerous and big for you now. but one day they shall be healed and free. if you only hide my 3 touchstones; my 2 joined up laws in your hearts; and do them; feel them. when ever you get the chance!
and [i feel hopeful] maybe one day i will be alive. and happy. in heaven. and so will all of you. be good! just don't show off. or follow like blind men the cruel teasers. okay? enough for today!
the wall of hate
woke up to feeling a wall of hate building up against me. so i answer them now. since these haters won't let me speak if they do get me.
1. your prophets/founders were liars. if they had of been real true prophets; whats the very first thing they would have told you? that god proper was Female. Anattas was Wisdom; Queen and Queens of the gods. your prophets told you the opposite didn't they? encouraged your mindless contempt for females because they were buying your support. buying YOU ful stop. you men only want a god who loves you no matter what you do; because you are superior males? well well. look whh that is. so your prophets led you directly into this? worse than judas, hey?
2. your prophets/founders were liars. none of them explained the rites and understandings of your divine things are all a species of black magic. don't believe me? when god demands of abraham/the jews a snipppet of flesh is that not the same as nail parings, hair etc? when god demands abraham to murder his child and counts him righteous because he was willing to do it, what difference is there between god and molech? none. and so the jews have sacrificed their children ever since. no prophet ever said so. but uyou see i just did. and that promise made between abraham and god? idiots. at midnight? no witnesses? flames and butchered animals? its black magic.
what about moses? a murderer to begin with. how much true in what you are told of him? look at the story where israel; that is every jew ever to be born; stands between good and evil. good they swear, is whatever god demands. even if it is evil.?? go on read it again you wise males who managed not to see that in oh, 2000 ++ years? this is why when i first met an jewish person she accused me hysterically of weird hatreds i didn't know. as jews typically do all the time. unaware that they are accusing children [i was 14] of a people who had just fought their enemies? sick and sad. they just will not leave off with their self-pity. and look; its this strange aura of evil people can sense about you. and now we all see why you have it. yet you jews truly believe you are holy, sons of god? yes. just look what he does to his sons...so i reckon you are!! or don't you know even now that 'holy' in the times god called you so meant 'set apart for sacrifice to god'?? and why have none of you like EVER noticed that moses and jacob had to FIGHT the angel of the lord even to live? a funny angel, being beaten by a bloody human. another set-up i think, and so should you. look at your kings..murderers. enslavers of women. even david. even solomon. yet you jews believe you are destined to rule all mankind with a rod of iron? in a way you shall. the rod of iron might be your bombs, hidden in judea somewhere. oh and last but not least you self-pitying jews; a people i have admired for years and years...lets read together the story of the fall of man, shall we?
it opens with god creating a garden. there are other cities and lands on earth [the land of nod, to the east] so this is a myth really about how the jews began. anyway this god is elohim. i know him well. he has evil in him. anyway you lot didn't know that. so he creates animals next. now elohim did tell me he made spiritstuff into matter. well someone did, because here we are, so i believe him. and then he made man. now we see the original god of the jews was elohim? so all those convenants with abraham were made with whom? ywyh means nothing to me. nor you!! so el says it is not good for man to be alone. very true. but look what the place is called! EVES-DEN. the dwelling of eve, mother of all the living. so eve is a title and the woman is really an effigy of god Anattas, isn't she? look next...god makes her from man? this is nonsense. the female is the template? in spirit and in flesh? so heres another male lie. you know in your bomes you are the lowly sex. and can't bear it. so we get all these lies designed to put you in power, and punish all females as well. at any rate the serpent [they mean dragon] tempts them wth wisdom? think about that. but what they get is self knowledge. which yes is the beginning of wisdom. we are told god is angered. to gain wisdom is to start to see through his little theatre? the serpent tempts eve first solely to give men the reason and right to rape enslave and murder women forever. you see how cheaply he buys you? and then he curses the woman with pain...can you still not see who he is? with slavery,,,still no? and the man oh horror! with work? got no idea? proves you men are morons then.
and then you are driven out of the garden.
believe me gardens don't mean the same to your ancestors as they do to you. or me. anyway thats your chief myth. and it is mostly myth. it makes the male both hero and victim and son? yet look at your history. who are the nicer people? women. who suffer all things, sons but never acknowledged to be sons? women. so all it is is your favourite nursery tale. you the liar and fool became lord of earth! wow, isn't that wonderful. [no]
funny how gardens crop up. jesus wept and was crucified in a garden. the babies and children burnt to various male deities [molech, yahweh..] were nearly always females...and most tophets were gardens. even crematoria today; in gardens, come to think of it the holocaust victims? aren't the deathcamps now all of them gardens? so you see if gardens are what you think you want, somehow you get them.
and now yes right now you are accusing me of antisemitism!! can't you read? elohim is with me. not you. the truth is out. bit of a cocney...but all the secrets are being shouted from a housetop...aren't they?
well i'm tired already. but lets have a crack at the bloody moslems. well words fail me. you are all the most glutinous bullying pigs on the face of the earth. your koran drools over torturing people in hell on every page. how you long for it! you see that is your paradise? oh and raping little girls. well 72 different virgins every night equals children you creeps. as it does in every filthy muslim country. i told you i beat allah up and what was left was a black devil. your entire religion is violent and aims at being the only religion. tough; i don't like you. you are 100% about dominating women to death. and thats all. for this you sell your spirits. cheap. wholesale. no difference now between you and the dogs is there? and you love goats; not only for food. cretins! lok at it! pigs+dogs+goats. its unclean you all are. no wonder its you shall destroy the earth. you are so reliably stupid. so dependably violent. so ruinously proud of your evil. yes you are truly sons of gay. so i shall see to it he gets YOU..
every word mohammed said was infected by mohammeds diseased hatreds. which is why he was allahs servant. so to devils you all turn. leave islam. right now. break free you slobbering slugthing from all those cosy promises. be a man not anymore an addict to the worst in you.
also theres this. deep down you men i think have always known this. look. when you see mens sex lives do you not see how they train themselves to see women as things to 'pickup'...to delude with fair talk about respect? yet its all to get sex? then you see men can't stay with normal sex? its got to be nasty. then nastier. oral. anal. girls. boys. beats, YES IT IS IN ALL OF YOU. finally let us see into your ghastly male minds..we look beneath the image of venus infernal. huge tits etc. we go beneath again. to something begging for mercy. and not getting any. yet no-one female has ever done anything to you? again dive further down, and we see your real most basic turn-on. yes. you are slithering and plunging into a great soggy corpse wriggling madly with worms and soaked in shit. but its female. so thats it. deep down every man wants to shag his mother? and destroy her? but the real mother is god; whom none of us ever saw. so then this is no myth but your real actual fall. this is your disease. why you madly go on and on about sex. the itch of this can never heal. its god Anattas you devil males want deep down to destroy. your vengeance for being the more lowly. and now all can see why you males are the lowly sex. and why not one can ever be holy. or a sevant of god. i mean real god. the great female; our Queen. Anattas. see?
1. your prophets/founders were liars. if they had of been real true prophets; whats the very first thing they would have told you? that god proper was Female. Anattas was Wisdom; Queen and Queens of the gods. your prophets told you the opposite didn't they? encouraged your mindless contempt for females because they were buying your support. buying YOU ful stop. you men only want a god who loves you no matter what you do; because you are superior males? well well. look whh that is. so your prophets led you directly into this? worse than judas, hey?
2. your prophets/founders were liars. none of them explained the rites and understandings of your divine things are all a species of black magic. don't believe me? when god demands of abraham/the jews a snipppet of flesh is that not the same as nail parings, hair etc? when god demands abraham to murder his child and counts him righteous because he was willing to do it, what difference is there between god and molech? none. and so the jews have sacrificed their children ever since. no prophet ever said so. but uyou see i just did. and that promise made between abraham and god? idiots. at midnight? no witnesses? flames and butchered animals? its black magic.
what about moses? a murderer to begin with. how much true in what you are told of him? look at the story where israel; that is every jew ever to be born; stands between good and evil. good they swear, is whatever god demands. even if it is evil.?? go on read it again you wise males who managed not to see that in oh, 2000 ++ years? this is why when i first met an jewish person she accused me hysterically of weird hatreds i didn't know. as jews typically do all the time. unaware that they are accusing children [i was 14] of a people who had just fought their enemies? sick and sad. they just will not leave off with their self-pity. and look; its this strange aura of evil people can sense about you. and now we all see why you have it. yet you jews truly believe you are holy, sons of god? yes. just look what he does to his sons...so i reckon you are!! or don't you know even now that 'holy' in the times god called you so meant 'set apart for sacrifice to god'?? and why have none of you like EVER noticed that moses and jacob had to FIGHT the angel of the lord even to live? a funny angel, being beaten by a bloody human. another set-up i think, and so should you. look at your kings..murderers. enslavers of women. even david. even solomon. yet you jews believe you are destined to rule all mankind with a rod of iron? in a way you shall. the rod of iron might be your bombs, hidden in judea somewhere. oh and last but not least you self-pitying jews; a people i have admired for years and years...lets read together the story of the fall of man, shall we?
it opens with god creating a garden. there are other cities and lands on earth [the land of nod, to the east] so this is a myth really about how the jews began. anyway this god is elohim. i know him well. he has evil in him. anyway you lot didn't know that. so he creates animals next. now elohim did tell me he made spiritstuff into matter. well someone did, because here we are, so i believe him. and then he made man. now we see the original god of the jews was elohim? so all those convenants with abraham were made with whom? ywyh means nothing to me. nor you!! so el says it is not good for man to be alone. very true. but look what the place is called! EVES-DEN. the dwelling of eve, mother of all the living. so eve is a title and the woman is really an effigy of god Anattas, isn't she? look next...god makes her from man? this is nonsense. the female is the template? in spirit and in flesh? so heres another male lie. you know in your bomes you are the lowly sex. and can't bear it. so we get all these lies designed to put you in power, and punish all females as well. at any rate the serpent [they mean dragon] tempts them wth wisdom? think about that. but what they get is self knowledge. which yes is the beginning of wisdom. we are told god is angered. to gain wisdom is to start to see through his little theatre? the serpent tempts eve first solely to give men the reason and right to rape enslave and murder women forever. you see how cheaply he buys you? and then he curses the woman with pain...can you still not see who he is? with slavery,,,still no? and the man oh horror! with work? got no idea? proves you men are morons then.
and then you are driven out of the garden.
believe me gardens don't mean the same to your ancestors as they do to you. or me. anyway thats your chief myth. and it is mostly myth. it makes the male both hero and victim and son? yet look at your history. who are the nicer people? women. who suffer all things, sons but never acknowledged to be sons? women. so all it is is your favourite nursery tale. you the liar and fool became lord of earth! wow, isn't that wonderful. [no]
funny how gardens crop up. jesus wept and was crucified in a garden. the babies and children burnt to various male deities [molech, yahweh..] were nearly always females...and most tophets were gardens. even crematoria today; in gardens, come to think of it the holocaust victims? aren't the deathcamps now all of them gardens? so you see if gardens are what you think you want, somehow you get them.
and now yes right now you are accusing me of antisemitism!! can't you read? elohim is with me. not you. the truth is out. bit of a cocney...but all the secrets are being shouted from a housetop...aren't they?
well i'm tired already. but lets have a crack at the bloody moslems. well words fail me. you are all the most glutinous bullying pigs on the face of the earth. your koran drools over torturing people in hell on every page. how you long for it! you see that is your paradise? oh and raping little girls. well 72 different virgins every night equals children you creeps. as it does in every filthy muslim country. i told you i beat allah up and what was left was a black devil. your entire religion is violent and aims at being the only religion. tough; i don't like you. you are 100% about dominating women to death. and thats all. for this you sell your spirits. cheap. wholesale. no difference now between you and the dogs is there? and you love goats; not only for food. cretins! lok at it! pigs+dogs+goats. its unclean you all are. no wonder its you shall destroy the earth. you are so reliably stupid. so dependably violent. so ruinously proud of your evil. yes you are truly sons of gay. so i shall see to it he gets YOU..
every word mohammed said was infected by mohammeds diseased hatreds. which is why he was allahs servant. so to devils you all turn. leave islam. right now. break free you slobbering slugthing from all those cosy promises. be a man not anymore an addict to the worst in you.
also theres this. deep down you men i think have always known this. look. when you see mens sex lives do you not see how they train themselves to see women as things to 'pickup'...to delude with fair talk about respect? yet its all to get sex? then you see men can't stay with normal sex? its got to be nasty. then nastier. oral. anal. girls. boys. beats, YES IT IS IN ALL OF YOU. finally let us see into your ghastly male minds..we look beneath the image of venus infernal. huge tits etc. we go beneath again. to something begging for mercy. and not getting any. yet no-one female has ever done anything to you? again dive further down, and we see your real most basic turn-on. yes. you are slithering and plunging into a great soggy corpse wriggling madly with worms and soaked in shit. but its female. so thats it. deep down every man wants to shag his mother? and destroy her? but the real mother is god; whom none of us ever saw. so then this is no myth but your real actual fall. this is your disease. why you madly go on and on about sex. the itch of this can never heal. its god Anattas you devil males want deep down to destroy. your vengeance for being the more lowly. and now all can see why you males are the lowly sex. and why not one can ever be holy. or a sevant of god. i mean real god. the great female; our Queen. Anattas. see?
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