Wednesday, 2 September 2009

getting on

done two new poems this morning; need a bit of work then into blue book 4 [for publishing]. the one 'puss' a real heartbreaker; had a secret snivel in the garden. but no Cat Geoffrey type...I probably just don't have the talent; except to slavishly imitate. But thats all wrong. Anyhow there are also 2/3 oldies that can be kicked into something reasonable; and I got another percolating in my subcs. So only 87 to go.

Everyone swearing and getting angry; bloody yoyo strikes again! Finally got our payslips and my unsocial hours down to 17% and apparently he did it to Addy last month and I wondered why I was down £120 last month and its him! He's mucking about with the bloody hours again; he's always got some excuse re budgets or policies etc...but you notice he never restricts his own pay! Its just typical of 'managers' they earn 70k and yet they really believe they exist to defraud the nurses and get in your earholes on timekeeping and christ knows wot else...wot we need, nhs, banks, gov, is a Sudden Cull of bossman arseholes who don't or can't actually do the bloody job themselves. He gets back on Friday...and every nurse in the house is going to stampede all over the evil little sod. Worse according to Addy he says once its gone in an you been paid you can't get it amended!! Well he might survive nuclear war but he got no chance with 10 nurses who just lost about £220 each with no fucking redress!!

We wondered why he went on a/l and then every day he's off unit... he's been waiting for the BANG when we found out. Well he's going to find out on Friday that we can all the lot of us go off BANG several times. Each.

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