Friday, 11 September 2009

still can't think wot to call it

nice day at work. how come i always get lumbered doing bloody homemade macaroni cheese? it looked so weird; but they all ate a small mountain each. yoyo said if the cook won't eat the food she should be sacked. told him he's an idiot. he laughed, but then [when he'd gone back to haunting the office] i did try a bit. just to see if i hadn't inadverdently killed them all. it wasn't that bad. it just looks like roadkill. so anyway olu gave me reams of stuff for ksf; supposed to be due in three weeks. but they were supposed to get passed in july, and olu was only passed today. so i won't get all excited about it. was going to do some tonight but spent so long getting that affliate thing off the ground and checking the idiot king is still parked in the same bit of the universe that now i'm too tired to look at it. well the story is there. so have cheered up. no poem today and no work on any film; i dunno why, its busy day but nothing actually happened. its partly olu; i told her off twice last week for getting loud, overexcited, running to shouting. you keep CALM, you do not raise YOUR voice, you do not endlessly REPEAT 'orders'. And you absolutely NEVER run towards a scene of possible hazard. she's too inclined to depend on her race or 'culture' as an excuse. in fact that won't help at all if someone knifes her. and i have told her that. so anyway every time i'm on wiv her or bloody viv i spend the entire shift doing things and when i get home i can't remember what the hell they were...

so let's see. just taken pill so got about 15 minutes before i flop uncs..

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