Thursday, 24 September 2009

on the messiahs

hm i did explain this to my brentie the other day; but in case he didn't get it....and anyway, there's no reason why all men shouldn't know this. i repeats it.

1. there is always a white messiah, and a black messiah. you have been taught that the blck messiah is evil and treachorous. nope. its the other way round. gay has fucked up resemblances. so what appears white and holy generally isn't. the other one [think judas] is generally unaware of his role. and therefore did not choose it. is innocent, a dupe? well i think that time this was so. but of course you also get...
2. the rich messiah [prince] and the poor man[beggar]. now think carefully. judas stole..because he was poor, and a bit obsessed wiv money. as the poor tend to be. jesus is everywhere described as 'poor'....don't be daft. his lineage was royal, his followers chucked money at him...even his wedding was a big do. and like all rich gits he promises to make his followers rich too. step 1. give away all your wealth. who to? him, dear.
3. and you can also have the fool, and the wise messiah. and i suppose in a funny way, since i seems to be involved somehow; it seems to me you got the lord and the lady messiah too. the king and the queen? which is which? find out. and rule. or die out. or turn rebel, fight to destroy the destroyer who murders all love and kindness before our eyes. so there's your lesson.

as far as i know even Jesus was good to begin with. as are all. all were meant to be little christs or great. well what god in his right mind clarts the place up with devils? answer none of them did. all the devils u will ever meet have an awful history. to make you weep. be then a wise messiah; whoever you was before. don't judge til u know each one his history. even me.

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