Thursday, 24 September 2009

wot next?

a bad day. wish i never got out of bed. failed to connect wiv one. seem to have spooked the other. everyone around deliberately? fucking me up today. so it is important. anyway i have developed a really painful elbow. its all misshapen. like its busted? but no accident. and i got tomorrow wiv vieen; hey its definitely gay at it again. chest infection is a bit better, heart seems okay, eyes about the same, now all i need to do is stop letting morons drive me wild. see them coming. hurt them somehow. well they get in my way ALL the time. if thats the only thing they respect i must make certain they know thats what they get if any more nonsense from them. so in the end gay is right, they ALL evil, even those who believe they good do the cruel thing right on cue. power to hurt is the only power you really need. from now on i take it. and land some pain on gay....who has never suffered or known trouble at all. ever. from now on what he gives he also gets.
oh btw, i had a long argument wiv gay about my last poem, 'lords and master?' you know he said, 'now you shall be punished, because that is all true'!! but i just made it up! i did visualise bits, but no more than i needed. so anyway he says its true! so i said i don't remember it. i only did a version of the biblical thing. but the meaning was true; that i did know. anyhow i warned him his time is up. bugger whats up there. he put them there. and he will destroy them too. in the end absolutely every evil in existence is down to him, and the punishment for it. i reminded him that everywhere and everywhen i have said 'karma rules' and he said the like. so now it does, the potential is there. and heading not for me the child/god slave....but for him. and its already started, because one reason i been so overworked is that i been putting things right for months. so several gays are dead already. the cruels are judged just as they judged. my lttle girls where i have seen them i have also tried to kill, or be taken away. and so it goes on. no chance i win, or even live....but if the man in the future or whoever got the guts to follow my the same. either take away his source of power/information[those suffering mad little girls] or smack into second death all the suffering in the silent hells of his[cut off his 'power'] or like a missile blow him to bits. yourself as well. can't help that. i would do it; and to help all you evil morons who will never help me. so there must be another like me somewhere. anyway will go on wiv the history later tonight. but to finish this entry now we know that 'lucifer' is a 'motherson' and the beginning creator, by rapes, and is still up there buying us all time. which makes lucifer a great christ; in my opinion.

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