Sunday, 4 October 2009


went to see mum. to watch the bond film. we had a nice chat about this bargain i found...she will investigate for me tomorrow cos i am stuck at doctors. then sister arrived, back from Turkey. she looking great, loved the hat. yakketty-yak. we rolled up about some more relatives/ancestors she's found; name of PRINGLE and the other one is SEX!! so we had a giggle. its interesting to us to see how many of these ppl actually did quite well in life. one chap was a goldsmith and his relict was listed as a 'gentlewoman' they were well off. where did all the money go? because the further back we go the more money they seem to have; so why did we have to start so low in society? its a mystery. but then Jacqui guessed the conversation was about to turn on money so she and Samantha cleared off. not before Mum told us all about the ghastly Aunt Agnes; and she's quite right, such behaviour is disgusting. saw Jacqui squirming; i knows perfectly well she's been taking money off mum for months telling mum she'll give me my share in due course. mum always believes i can't manage, and that Jacqui is totally honest. well i wait n see.

its no good. i feel like marching to nearest bridge and meeting the bloody ancestors. i allowed this handsome young man to chat me up. i took advantage of his youth [28] and generally halfcut state. somehow got him home; bit difficult fending off the wildly sexual converse and general himminess on the bus, plus we pass a lot of bushes etc but i definitely wasn't going where the party might include insects and nettles and peeping held him up and steered him home. well he sounded sexy. i was too. but it was not great; a better word might be yuck. an he crashed off the bed 3 times. and wasn't particularly gifted with finesse. so in the end we gave up. got shot of him. he just came back!! again too much too soon and anyway hands like a brickie i mean its in his head all right. but doesn't know to get into mine FIRST!! so he's gone again, trying to be all commanding silly sod. that is a good way to hear the gentle words WILL U SOD now i suppose the gods will be all upset and what for? i'm in misery.

i dunno what to do anymore. it was wrong to take advantage, an i apologised. well maybe i should look for an older man? with much nicer hands? but he kisses real nice. oh i don't know. fed up. all i want is the man i met before. but i can't go on like this. and he was very shocked at all my books. whatever will he do when i start on about the gods etc? because bet your life he'll be back...

an you know what it was ? he looked Roman. suppose i'd better take me pill.

oh interesting. mr stevens has also had something drop on his head, same result. then we discovers its HIS garage...well thats very odd. all these dangerous accidents in his own garage?? maybe the Crone has got tired of chucking pots of paint at him? been setting up 'accidents'? seems strange he keeps going in there. i always said that woman didn't like him. the two of them after each others money. but she's a master at it. poor old Dickie.

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