Friday, 2 October 2009

please me

it occurs to me that it might be my last life but the earth or similarmay go on for ages yet. so i know the gods, and a lot of others as well. what if? what if without Gays spiritual murders i might have been REALLY a proper god? what would i want then? what would i ask of these poor lost men and women?

1. we are all lost in Hell. 2. your enemy makes like your friend; but he is the one you never notice, never suspect til its all too late.3. Gay hates innocence, goodness, mercy, reasonable justice, reason itself, he IS evil. listen to him and you will be destroyed. 4. in life as a man he seemed to hate Jews, women. children. animals. science types AND priests/'saints'...all he wants, all he does, is to get that pleasure of cruelty. so at a guess he chose the Jews...yes, for all that suffering. and all of it you see that those he favours either become like him, or suffer horribly and forever? and yes, those he accepts as his own really are nasty cruel devils...but STILL they wind up in the same infinite agony. he calls that his universal goodness or something.
if anyone can imagine me as a 'god' i say this. be nice to others, especially the afflicted. like the Jews chosen for holocausts? why? because they are NOT evil...see? if you are kind to ppl who suffer you please me, and annoy Gay.
try not to commit these evils, murder. slavery , abuse of women. do not use laws to harm others, try to get judges who are not whores towards the rich or powerful.
realise that thiis thirst for power over others comes from your experiences in the spiritlands. see this and control yourself. those who claim to want better things for the poor are just as ugly inside as any dictator. know all i say is true. its up to you to use what you can, defend what you love.
and someday go out as you see i can, even tho i be mortal like you...and clean them up in their poor smashed minds. even those evil can be helped once Gay is blasted out of existence. well you can have heavens again, the Doves live. You can have the real good Eagles. they live, just not in their right ways. and so on. just make up your minds; which do you want? Hell? Heaven?

just please to remember it was the good gods who invented women. and sex. and joy. and it was innocent, then. so please don't think you have to be devils in hell to have pleasures.under Gay yes it has been so; but those pleasures are only cruelty all over again. nothing more. its the other way round. A real Heaven includes those; its Hell which ends onlly in loss and pain, confusion and ugliness. i am not pronouncing a sentence; i have not damned anyone except Gay. i just tell you the choice is yours. but while that thing lives be quiet about it. but is there a choice? yes. you can be rebels, you can work against him quietly even if you have already been imprisoned in his 'choose evil and live happy ever after' trap. now you see it as a trap, why wouldn't you work against him? all the perversions, diseases, wars and all the atrocities are his doing, in my eyes. work silently, but free yourselves. i teach the gods...and so must you; now you know as i do that the gods were fools before any of us. we can sort it out with a lot of patience. but the one thing needful is alwas and everywhere kill Gay. work against him. Hell is what it sounds like...the rest he has got the gods to support and do. but they don't want you going to be a rebel, a teacher, a doctor from now on? blessed are you; though i won't live to see it.

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