Saturday, 22 August 2009

first history

gay took me in just after the death ofGod. no-one knew there was another, Great Father sitting up there, alone and grieving, not understanding what happened to all his sons. so these the next orders of gods settled down and started to build these great civilisations. yes! in the spiritlands. and everywhere something like England is now. fertile and green amd sunny and flowers and wines, waters, books everything. but not tv as far as i know. i dunno why seeings how they ARE electric or similar, but no spritland got that far with tech stuff. so what did Gay do? well of ourse he got all involved in their quarrels and started wars and executing viciously executing each other. and these were the gods!
so after a very long time all those civilisations were destroyed and Gay of course took every opportunity to increase his power enslave whom he would, knowing as they did not what would become of them these his friends in evil. and so it went on for centuries. and his chief weapon is that little girl. she's the one he uses her wiv that black magic it works cos i am God so it must. but i'm a slave too; just as much as you.

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