Thursday, 13 August 2009

to the bringer of damnation

words in pain sound broken
clocks are lies, the world is soaking
in blood and tears
how very odd is God, they cry
kissing the whip, again
they the insane.
shall Jesus kiss Judas twice?
and this time refrain
from killing his lover in midnight shame?
O touch I the spider all desperate
in his lonely prison, kiss the bedewed brow
tell him even now even now
love is possible.
Yes, for the loon and the gnome, and the groaner.
why is it icy blue eyes that rave
in the furious dance, clutching at pleasure
lest it be lost forever?
let me see your deep scream,
O dreamer, truthspeller, rich Amadeus
they the puppets, you just the same
safe in your deadwood boxes.
the pupeteer is mad cruel, like you
under arrogant whip and your own disdain
shrouded in dark evil, innocent creeping-
like me, little christ, weeping.

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