Saturday, 22 August 2009

wot become of the fathers

so this is going to break me a bit, bear wiv me this part is hard. in the attic u know gay ruined my mind, filled me wiv forseeing or something he done. all places and times murdering me over and over. i must not struggle or protest or cry out. or he doubles the pain. he went up and up, taking over every level aboe. to do it hesaid you sacrifice a chist, for the rules of evil demand this. so of course i was and a child, and as you see i'm not evil at all. so it worked. but who set up these evil rules? well he did! so why do it again? well only he knows. these places up there were sandy, lonely high up. and there every day in each one he would kill me. a crucifixion here, slit me throat there once he done a live gralloching. at first wotever gods was native there would watch. then protest [he killed those] and finally run away before we got there. its that bad.
there was a place with 12 neutron stars oerhead in a row. to me they looked like radioactive iron spheres. gay threw the13ne away, cos it was misshapen. and that was when he got to do timetravel proper.
which i don't think they were for actually. i dunno wot they for. but anyhow thats how he did eeything else. killed the gods yes every one.

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