Sunday, 23 August 2009

i pray today

I survey the hopeful faces of the Eagles
And know they know who they are
What their natures really are.
I look on the white Doves
Who slowly reconcile themselves to the truth
About how they were made by the Eagles
And delberately programmed to fail
And be conceited and selfish.
And i see their timid conversations
As for once they all try talking
As they wonder about Anatta
And who is really the Evil One.
And to their combined surprise its none of them.
And I look with pity on my self
What an awful history
But now its ending.
And I look on all these souls
And lesser gods with the same friendly eye
They had to believe 'evil is the right answer'
Who had any real choice?
And under Gay so it is; but only for him
The rest suffer unimaginably forever
However they selfishly feel like winners now.
Unless someone stops him.
And brings him down.
And that someone is me.
Well aren't I the Messiah, whatever that is?
And a Queen of old,
Who shall like the mother tiger
Turn her claws on that which harms her children?
And aren't I the one
Through whom he did all these things?
And now spent years waking and remembering?
And since from the beginning Gay made me
His opposite, the adversary, the positive/positive
Who always was damned because I could never
Learn evil? like being innoculated?
I heard the deep voices of Anat-Anatta
They said; Anat NOT negative/negative
Anat deny active concept cruelty
We-Us shut the gates
Active concept cruelty another gate
Is-One goes to crumbles.
Anat-Anatta says NO.
Now strange god is with me always
He says his name EL
I suggest to these Gods he be their Governor
And their advisor from now on.
Because it is strange God
Who let me have all his prophecy so I saw it all
And remembered; and it is he
Who has been helper and friend
And it is in his strange but beautful eyes
Great tears of pity welling for me
So he knows pity; which makes the teacher
Of all the lot of you; because thats a graduate
You know.His mind not mine, the greatest of all.

And lo, I've asked them all
To see me as I am, weak and scruffy
And not brood on past wrongs
Which lets face it we all done terrible things
But as their only chance to get out of it.
These my charges, now i've finally
Worked out me sums
And therefore children even concepts
Like me from out of Anat-Anatta
But they didn't know.
So I kneel in desperation
Praying in my heart
Straight to Anattas, for their Angel am I
And also El'S strange angel
for he promised me this
O arm me ! O send me!
All the powers that be in this here/when
Came from you O Anatta
I ask you Anatta to know me
And give me powers that Gay never seen or imagined
Since now I have none; unless you
Count all that nasty black magic
Lest he defeat me all over again.
I think I know what happened
Anat sent me out just a messenger
To find out what was wrong.
And Great Father to send Gay back
But we did not remember
So I was captured and set up
To be captured and damned over and over
O let me destroy that Thing!
For it is a person no more
But the source of this disease cruelty
O arm me! and send me!
You know its time to go!
For you are us, the real Fathers,
Isn't that so?
O arm me! O send me!
And I will go!

And when they see it happening
Then they will know
That Anatta is real, not death...
The Anat-Anattas are their Fathers
And their home.


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