Friday, 21 August 2009

oi! be clean in your minds!

and no we did not do anything. you forget we was both male and female? we just stood in a row and thought about pleasure and for good measure the little fat one sang about how we honoured Anat. so keep your minds clean, also your lips me hearties. i ain't called Nan for nothing. you get vile ideas on what i call nice you won't half get a slap. so be nice, none of this is dirty. it was innocent. think about it. anyhow we set it all up that the concepts would learn and grow. as they went from one level to another their forms changed as their minds did, you'd call it growing up. as for us we were quite small compared to the gods that came after. and we hadn't got round to making ourselves beautiful. so we was alright to look at, something like yourselves. So yes we had powers etc but we was builders and minders and teachers, so thats why Anatta gave us those. anyhow it went very well for a long time, but our mistakes was several. for one thing we went back to our pkaces and got on witth our own lives. one of us invented this music machine we had parties. another one was like your scientists. always figuring out new things. me i was like a magistrate for the concepts and liked a good laugh. thats it. nothing particularly astounding about us.

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