Sunday, 29 November 2009

1 rowl

just gave Satan a bollocking. he offended because i'm so rude. you bet your arse i'm bloody rude.

ratbags. they sneak around through all that? he thought gay was making me god, he says. you stupid sod, i said, you think that monster would make someone else god over himself? you watched him murder my highers over and over to make me god?? you great steaming arsehole god is built not fucking demolished! told him there's his love, his best friend. made him look into those great dreaming deep blue eyes. he watched gay destroy him and NOW he finds out that one was the love of his life! fucking prat! and while we were on the subject i pointed out that the spirits now have no control over their destinies; they can't sleep anymore. they used to. now they only got to daydream in the bog and find they're living lives; complete with a million sins they then have to pay for. which means they're all going fucking mad because the mind as to sleep. real ordinary normal fucking sleep, there just as much as here. and who decides what are sins, o prince of bleeding evil? oh. god does. right. thats bloody brilliant that is.
so the good are punished for doing evil which ought to save them and the evil are punished for being nice? like i dunno, love affairs? having kids? being heroes? being let's see; how about clever? dear me. the evil then must have lives consisting entirely of fucking boring misery lest they acidentally get all nice and fucking damn themselves by fucking mistake? not much point being evil lords of the bleeding universe if you can't even enjoy anything!!
i also pointed out that good manners was a sin for the evil, and anyway i'm being truthful, which must also be a sin so he ought to fucking sing me a song of holy praise and what with one thing and another they're all total fucking cretins. if he rebelled against seabreezes cruelty then what the fucking hell is he doing being obedient to gay; who's worse and caused all this pointless cruelty in the doves anyway? who says he's evil? oh gay did. why. then he'd done nothing. and anyay he's next. gay told me so. and furthermore i said having butchered me who's going to fucking save you? gay? so i told him to fuck off and don't come back til he's sorry. and thats that.
asked gt father for help. told him i know whats happened to him. no reply yet.
talked to elohim. as long as the evil believe with such infantile innocence that gay is going to give them everlasting pleasure and no limits on it we are all sunk. its mad. gay is infinite cruelty. the good are all dead. i see endless hells ahead, all shrieking in agony, insane, horrible. so who is in l that, suffering forever? THEY ARE.

fucking cretins. and he thinks i ought to be polite?? well i shan't.

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