Wednesday, 25 November 2009

a lot to do

tons to do.
an islamic called last night going on about sky. his eyes were all popping and swivelly. i laughed in my heart. reckon he'd come to punish the fool woman who says such bad things about islam. knew he couldn't. the gods did their thing. he left quite quickly. you see a murderer of the truthspeller will go straight to the worst hell they can find. they need me alive a bit longer. and they see what i see about the religionists; and agree.In fact its they who showed me. so this bloke cleared off. all the gods wait on me. which shall include allah whenever he gets his eyesight back.
no news really. the weather has been atrocious. very wet n windy. cold like i dunno what. they've had terrible floods in cumbria.
mum was telling me once i've retired it should be possible to get moved to a better flat elsewhere. will enquire. but no rush, still. it would be nice to live somewhere more civilised.

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