Friday, 27 November 2009

the great child

shes here. she arrived yesterday. i heard 'something something sky plus'...a little old old old voice. yet a kid. looked up. and she's there. all around very brown. never never have i seen any spirit in that state. like a child but huge? and old. and so tangled up in Gays cruel insane 'laws' she is...i don't know how to say it. i'm carefully trying to ask her to follow my logic.
1. if the good =evil, and the evil =good; then both are a lie.
2. if according to the dynamic concepts good and evil are identical; then my behaviour is my behaviour. there is no point judging anything. 3. if there is, it is only that i want to live. be happy. secure. various pleasures, such as food, sex. but these need respectively, a viable food source. and other ppl. but she being god, has had nothing whatever but pointless suffering.
4. which makes no sense. if her existence is evil [gay says life is evil spelled backwards] then die. no? then that too is a lie. if her existence is good, then good is worth having. then why has she sufferdc like that? for being good? yet all she has been made to do is evil? then she should long ago have been free and a lord and happy. 5. but she came still a slave, a child? 6. because gay is evil. it is his existence that must be ended. 6. and so we just agreed to look after each other. get hold of the others. find and defend our own place [yes that one].

she IS turning. she sees what he's been doing. there is only one true evil. gay. everybody else is his or mine. ppl. they are called people...

got to make her remember that bloody house in the beginning.

say it to me again. SKY PLUS....

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