Friday, 20 November 2009

a lesson again

so someone is bound to think what about the sermon on the mount? ok, let's think about that. its actuall in two parts, the blessed be part, and the cursed be part. now look us at the blessings. who and when and where amongst you ever received any blessing for any of them? answer, you get your reward in heaven? what heaven? as you see the opposite is reality. but lets go through the list. blest are the poor...the apostle adds 'in spirit' trying to give the rich some way in. he means if you are not poisoned and sick with the greed for money. okay? i have been terribly poor. i assure you its not a blest state at all. it is misery. i have absolutely NEVER seen or heard of anyone at all being comended for starving or their children going hungry. it is not blest. it is awful. why would the gods bless someone for not doing something about it? though i agree that the love f money is making ppl sick, it is not in itself evil. its something only humans get anyhow, in other places there is no money. none whatever. next the meek shall inherit the earth. well where has that ever happened? oh every day. look for the meek and gentle; they are buried in the ground at your feet because the grave is all they ever get. they count as weak. you'd be amazed at how obvious the meek are in spiritlands. they inherit pain. what about the peacemakers, the children of God? interesting, that one. because father seabreeze was going to do actual battles if he'd come in, that good beating evil stuff? and if you look a lot of grief lands on the good because they won't fight! they won't stick together and actually fight the evil oes. they all pacifists and wind up slaves. so the only blest peacemakers are guns, actually. since guns do give peace a voice, as it were. the pure in heart? well yes i think that ones' still fairly likely to happen. i am one of those; so yes i see God. all of them. if you have been reading your lessons you will know that seeing the gods isn't quite the blessing you think it is. but yes, in the main, if you keep clean in your heart and practise prayer, will see the gods. but if i were you i'd practise remembering your past lives, especially those in spiritlands FIRST. its quite easy to do. but everyone needs help to start with. another; blest are they who hunger and thirst for righteousness, or they shall be filled? if God was good there wouldn't BE anyone hungering for justice. that one tells you jesus knew something was very wrong. and do those who thirst for truth, hunger for justice, ever get it? no. its another thing you've always had to fight for, isn't it? blest are those who mourn? don't be ridiculous. for one thing, say u mourn for a loved one who died. you have virtually no chance of ever seeing that one again. and if you do you see them as they really are, or perhaps they turn out to be an enemy. in any event as i have said, the spirits are a bt short of emotions. and if what they mourn is this ugly battered world well 1. go fix it u cretin or 2. i assure you r1 with all its faults is a very nice world and its yours. all you got to do is keep it nice, share the goodies, and pass it on to your children. its the last little bitof whats left of heaven. so guard it carefully. anyway u see my drift? none of these blessings are real. but they all do show you that God has allowed a lot of misery.
now turn we to the curses. yes same guy. o so holy sweet nice jesus. anybody who doesn't listen, and believe he's greatest, will go to hell. now it was jesus who taught you all about hell. notice he knows exactly what its like. its the worst thing imaginable. and there's no trial. no appeal. its infinite cruelty then, isn't it? and notice jesus never anywhere describes heaven. thats because he didn't know.
and for what crimes? oh being rich. being a teacher, who does not teach ppl to close their minds and hate. oh and priests, who will not worship him. hm. thats everyone in any society who might see whats wrong wit him and tell the ppl, isn't it? and since he was 'gods son' its applicable to every time and place. so if you obey him, and in fear forbid teachers, priests...voila! a primitive unchanging society that sends its children out to him forever. gee thanks.

so what says gerry? hear my sermon on the mount; well i live in a top floor flat, but its near enough.

blest are those who look for the truth and teach their findings to others, encouraging the young and stupid to do thesame, each in his degree. the blessing bit you shall discover in being safe and free.
blest are those who despise slavery, of whatever kind it shall be, including nasty stupid religions. they shall find their blessing when those they help to free thank them and love them forever after.
blest are those who decide that they shall be masters of themselves; for they shall be gods. though whether thats a blessing or a disaster i don't know.
and blest are those who are loving, kind and feel pity for others. they are the heavenly, which to know is a blessing in itself for them and others they meet as well.

so aren't these the real beatitudes? of course they are! veritas. libertas. caritas.

and look! who is cursed of me? nobody. do these things and all that jesus promised falsely shall come to you as well. do them not and of course you are in hell; because you have built it yourselves. and do you see suddenly no-one needs a lawyer? what for? if all try this what will you need lawyers for? with real good laws all you need are decent policemen, a reasonable prison, and a judge not corrupt. and here is also room for a right scientist; if he looks for truth before money, does not do any should he be unacceptable?

so instantly you see you need good teachers for to teach, good priests for to lead others into spiritlands. and physicians to heal and soldiers to go out there and help me clean it up!!

and i don't care if you love me, despise me, believe or not that i am a god. its up to you. it don't hurt me, it don't help me. i never wanted to be god; just got lumbered with it you know.


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