Monday, 16 November 2009

yes i know; going to be late

i have realised something. that pretty fellow said they get thousands of s/plays to read, analyse and either promote or discard evry year. then h remarked that most readers are young men. well there's part of the s/writers problems right there!! if they're snowed under of course they don't really look at the thing. he said he frequently wouldn't even open a script that wasn't bound in nice binding, or they'd not used 'brads' to spine the things. then being young men you know quite well they are saddled with a kind of testerone blindness. so its not surprising then that modern films feature sex and violence so avidly. also the money men just want money. so they fill these ppls heads with crap about its a business so money and business methods are the right and only way. no-one tells them that looked at straightly someone who cries 'business' all day is actually a thief and a cheat. that that attitude is soul-destroying and no real creative type can really think that way. johnson be blowed, he only did the dictionary. he never wrote a seminal book himself; boswell [who johnson treated as an idiot for years] did; and about johnson. did he do it fr money? no, he loved johnson. dunno why. so in fact ppl create because they are creative; and money comes because ppl love the thing created. its a by-product. to try to turn it into a factory assembly line, to insist that money is the only true to kill the baby in the womb.

so i can see that 1. get a wider mix of readers. 2. the ones to be offered to the money men should be recommended by a panel of seniors 3. the money men taught they are important; but no they can't 'rate' anything themselves. 4. insist that ppl who send in scripts do so when a. they have done some sort of course/training or experience in media. 5. with a filmed or drawn 'scene' or whatever so ppl can see whats coming at them. 6. every s/wwriter who submits must be in guild. and 7. every single script sent in under those conditions guaranteed to be read by the competent. and either forwarded up or returned with points of analysis for the writers benefit.

there. just solved lots of problems for ppl. three minutes mentation. but me no. poor santucci gives you really accurate pic of these ppl. the sort who bark orders, who let you down after months of work, who are in fact type A psychopaths. thats what running thebeeb, hollywood. just like santucci i go off to be a guerilla. unlike him i won't crawl to that kind. ignore them. go straight to the ppl who really matter. the ones who buy/download the films? the people?

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