Wednesday, 16 December 2009

1 remark

in raja-yoga vivek says it is more blessed to give than receive. he says if you accept a gift or something you also get the evils of the giver? now by that does he mean sorrow, [punishment] or nastiness[taint]?

anyhow you see gays mind at work here? it means beggars can't beg; if they monks or a girl who carries her starving baby! it means teachers can't teach, or don't you know that information is also given? now you see jesus knew this too[ i didn't], because he says the same, but does not say why.

that is why the evil won't accept anything from me. not even a cuppa tea. oh, now i understand. it would acknowledge that i have something they need? i always thought they were so very rude. now this is their paranoia.

well i am god, either was or will be. depends how you look at it, doesn't it? and this is my judgement. don't be so DAMN SILLY. you give good to the universe [minds] and the universe will give it back. karma rules, remember? which rule shall trump the other? suck it and see!

this teaching is yes, my gift to all the brave, the suffering, the lost. all starving, all beggars. and what you are given is truth. rescue? yes it all seems evil, thats because its the history of evils usurpation. right? and look into your heart! you who knew damnation, you who loved evil....well in a little while you won't anymore. and you o daft religionist, see your ravening will to murder the truthspeller, yes even though elohim stands right here with me, know your nature! and be cured of it. you see? ask me for light, i give it to you. refuse; and then howl in the dark. so for once the law here is in abeyance. learn, and be quick, or deny, and be better off dead.

and if you see someone innocent and goodly; you know it is they who starve. therefore give; for as you know, karma rules. so this law that what you receive shall damn you; i say cobblers. and i also am god.

under gay, yes its true. so you see jesus knew and yet told you all to give and you all received from him? are in debt? and will pay for his evil? and so who in any world or life NEVER received anything? from daylight to your mothers milk, al are beggars.but i also know now' and likewise i say i am destined to destroy that thing, him and his nightmare rules. but i shall also say, be steady. give only to them that seek. as this is given. or don't you know only they who read this were meant to?

and if you see one dark, horrible, a murderer, a hater, do you see he is also a moron, a slave and victim too? what the cruels need is prophecy; see their own destiny. that will cure them right there. but are they not beggars too stupid to beg, even though what they see here they know is perfect truth? and the way out of hell?

because heaven i close to them, who refuse to learn. thats my rule. and isn't that a given? think about it.

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