Thursday, 10 December 2009

hey there u are again...

kez out, says she was tuck in green. an i have got bad asthma; so came home. i don't care; don't like alcohol/brixton anyway. we're going out probably tomorrow intead.

so lets do a bit more. now the black fathers brought all the other Doves to grief, but they still live. neither do i know that they were all afflicted by secret or unconscious greed/unfairness like our own father seabreeze; nor that there was any other with the cruel nature of general cruel. they were all defeated, imprisoned in various ways. i don't know what their creations were like, if any, nor what happened to them. it seems to me that one i know somehow; when i saw them all together this one tried to speak with me but i wa too unstable and lost him.

all the beings then, that i see in all these awful futures are already alive. they are around. might be here on earth. understand then that these hells; and you see thats what they are; are meant for YOU. AND everyone in existence. THERE'S NO HEAVEN OR WORLD SURVIVING.

AND GAY TRAPS ALL. THOSE WHO THINK THEY BELIEVE IN A GOOD GOD; YES? here i am. as weak and smashed as he could do it. zion is hiding. allah i kicked out; you see my temper might be righteous but its not always wise. for all his stupid nastiness to women allah is a 'good god' and now i see we need him. elohim has a strange history; he's from somewhere very different, ancient. he remembers first history; indeed he was in it. [gay kept me outside on the long march while he went in and caused all their wars and misery and thats how he destroyed them all]. but he too is a 'good god'; though he's odd. but then who can claim differently? but we are all here; much weaker than you think, also until i began to remember none of us knew all this. just bits, and usually only concerning our selves. now you begin to see why these gods have stayed with me throughout my life. even they must learn it all, as you do, because time and lives and gay slaves confusing everyone mean we all have to figure it out; and decide to ALL rebel. attack. kill that thing, level by level. you see he is not god at all? but began this misery back from first place? and now cannot stop? he ceased to be a person like us a long time ago.
and he knows it too. first place is way back, outside the Orb. he never wanted anyone to know about that; all this history which will begin your freedom, restore your right mind, it is fatal to him. which is why i teach it, of course.

anyway elohim is good. and the black fathers also, once. and the Doves [save 1] too. now all begin to know who is really their enemy, they also can see that this good/evil crap started with fact all are people, both with good in them, an impulses to bad, same as anywhere. this stupid fighting each other when he is really causing it, and for that reason, he enjoys our suffering...they must see its now or never. stop warring each other, but altogether go kill him.

in fact the answer stares us in the face. if the dynamic concepts teach you that absolute good is identical to absolute evil then you take the next logical step whuich is that neither exist. which is perfectly true; or when did anyone at all see a perfect idea start walking and talking? never, an idea is an idea. so we all been suckered.

all were originally 'good'...that is, open to pleasure, decency. or don't you know that one thing we all love in the young is their innocence? their sincere efforts to please? be good, in fact? so that tells you that the opposite is what evil really is; and then you see only gay is absolutely the damner of the innocent. which includes great father and everybody,even those 'created to be devils'...because everthing alive begins innocent, for gods sake. so now even the 'evil' see that 'life spells evil backwards' is gay telling you WHOEVER you are that life it is he has condemned. and which of you is not alive?

so ALL are heading into infinite misery and suffering. not because the good are really the evil. not because the evil are secretly the good [and therefore twice as damned]. no. its just because you exist and he is the great torturer. now you know.

by the way it may cause confusion when i remember the old Devil and various good gods so flaming good they give me toothache to recall them. what it is we all live lives. and come out. what he' done with me is put me in lives/forms that are direct opposites. to cause suffering, thats always his reason. in fact the 'Devil' apart from his initial tornado of killing and pleasuring himself has done nothing whatever. my various lives as 'good god' seem to have been very dificult but harmless. i only ever damned 1 bloke in all that time; and i didn't know then why i did it. anyway he's okay; and look, he got his revenge, hasn't he? mind you for years i kept poor Satan more or less confined and outof power. or at least i thought i did. now i see my prejudice, and i'm sorry. it was tat awful atmosphere. i couldn't stand it. he didn't do anything wrong. so its my fault. anyway you see its a combination of stealing stature not mine and also being forced by others [cowardly christ types] and being just lumbered with it overand over. the high spirits choose their time lines; but not their identities if you see what i mean. well did you? do any of us choose our lives, stature, nature? nope.
so anyway am i what i was before those lives? am i what i remember? am i the result of it all? got no idea. i just know what i know, and thats all.

what i am trying to do is make all of them and you understand what its like out there. that people on earth have to defend themselves now. that all the gods and highers and lessers and lowers and lifers are all alike in the same battle.

i guess the upshot is this. i have Damned Gay, absolutely. as i tell you more you will join me. AND I HEREWITH UNDAMN EVERYONE ELSE. YOU ARE NOT DAMNED OF ME. YOU NEVER WERE. LIVE BETTER; BUT SEE YOUR ENEMY IN BOTH HIS GUISES. THAT OF EVIL. AND THAT OF 'HOLY'. good by definition is not cruel.

the gods who listen and learn and love their teacher, love this the truth, and turn their minds to take over all thats in the Orb for to rescue them and keep them in gentle places. which those lowers, lessers who do the same also can know i call them holy.

and isn't this also the truth?

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