Saturday, 5 December 2009

report;progress so far

its been a good day. wrote out idea for a new star trek tng fim. on myspace blog. but don't want to work it up myself. how do i find who examines such contributions?

also i wrote out the entire plan with some structures/elements and the preface. i mean of An essay in the treatment an support of the mentally unwell'. but will have to use trust resources in doing it. pleased got such a lot done.

have ordered stuff for painting for art/ mem stick/ bin, new inks printer/ dvd lightscribe writer. webcam/mike and drawing tablet. also 8 canvases. done two sketches, but how to depict the spiritlands as I know them; with suffering and treachery in the rocks, and the buildings will scare; they strange or ruins. still have discovered I can do them; but a bit over simple.

phoned mum and kez; kez coming here in am, pm i'm visiting mum. she's unwell. weather very cold andrainy. watched 'Mamma Mia' yes! its brilliant and those 3 beautifully confidant and middle-aged ladies...the extra songs at the end..I loved their courage and that of the men acting in wildly youthscene outfits! and they even wiggled their botties in a tentative way; so its sweet. and that bit where the men danced in flippers on the jetty; half embarassed and ending themselves up. it was great...

so there you are! right on cue British Bollywood' has arrived. i think its great.

have tweaked up screenplay 'Dark Room' and printed. need now to get really au fait with cam and lights and sort out lights, sfx, cgi. so need to do this first one with what i got. so looking for 1 actor newbie, 1 sound man/ trainer? Another actor for V/O...THEN ADD CGI, SORT SOUNDS. edit. burn to disc save mastercopy. then load on websites for comments...

what else? read a book on crime in england during the war. I remember som of that era. all round the scrubs, some parts of hammersmith and fulham, the streets were cobbled ages after the rest. i played in an old bomsite; the streets. no bombs, but plenty of strange old men. in the streets we payed knights in armour, ronmans and barbarians, cops and robbers. football, cricket, [our own] two balls, marbles, skipping, knock down ginger. these days the kids don't play. you watch even in school playgrounds they stand around, talking. some of that shuould be cautioned. they're nasty adolescents from 5 on. play if its wiv other kids is a neccesity. i loved my first game; hide n seek in bushes wiv mum and family; and at school it was 'what's the time Mr Wolf' which turned into He somehow. anyway he's right. the gov turned britain into an almost totalitarian form, becoming over bureaucratic, keeping the people senselessly over watched and punished. so it was the threat of nazism that did this. but a lot of it never repealed, and due Terrorism the governores doing it again.

but the fact is the brits were terribly reduced in living standards after thewar. lost most frredoms, were saddled with social justice issues every five minutes; i saw taped up windows even when I was 5. my aunt took us to see the lights at always rained. I had an ID card 'geraldine..aged 4 months, eyes blue, british, female. I remember the teachers were occasionaly harsh, schoolsa were quiet and so were libraries. people in houses ate around a table; these days they mostly eat on their laps. and there were a few jamaican girls and even fewer indian boys. islamics none. and hardly ever a negro. newspapers were them [too many traitors] and us[gritty murders]most peopkle got tc in the late fifties, but listened omly to radio until the childrens hour began each evening. and i can remember the men were tough, talkng rather harsh, judgmental ways. the women prone to loud quarrels; which usually were kissed and forgotten the sameeek.

so people these days got a different mood. people sick of too much goverment. politicians out only for personal gain. losing our rights ecause we contend with insane fanatics who want us to ose our english ways. so we lose what we fight for, not a shot fired. so also we all sick of too many foreigners, they advanced in all spheres. we pay or wait. but they get everything on arrival. its supposed to be you put in, then you get out. they don't think we civilised, compassionate, tolerant, fair. they think we a people they can taunt.

so much of this book applies now. we will not tolerate any more destruction of our civilisation, solely for these ersatz moral reformers. i dont think the english will go to war anymore; you have to stay in englsnd to see the world in this army, lad.

i met some of his killers. well, one. christie. i even examined 10 rillinton place not far from granny's. my aunt sold him chemicals for photogrphy. he made a thing of my name. short, bowler, round specs, black suit. a few local murders over the years.

he's right. the war generation were damaged and exposed to american folkways. it showed them how our leaders are martinets who make laws for tax reasons not the countrys peoples benefit. and my generation was brought up ny them. and worse each succeeding generation is more aggressive/ dishonest/ horribly sexed. they will never survive a blitz/cope with low rations. the english are fat too. eating for comfort?

I think we are in danger of losing our country; unless we are blindly heading for civil breakdown.

to do before sleep; look at 'struggle of pattern'; amd plan play 2; no singing.

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