Sunday, 20 December 2009

we goes on like good soldiers

so here now we come to how the gods in their madness drove everyone else quite mad. so its known to many many people what next i say. it is only those who pray to satan, who find yetzoahs favour, who become witches black or warlocks dark, who practise evil and go round being nasty, gathering on earth power they too stupid to use wisely, or in spirit powers they have not earned. they feel triumphant. they believe they will always be happy, for to be devils is to find in hell every pleasure. now even the stupid christians know that isn't right. what they don't know it is their god who does this; and that jesus who sounds great is part of it. so the king offered me salvation if only i was evil, and accepted to be damned of him the proper way. gods! gay has been using me to make all this happen! offering me always this secret salvation. if i am not saved in what, 600 billion years, who is he to go against gay? i told him at once i was a good god. but not that i am the only one. nor that gay would spoil his attempt. which is what happened. but gay is also ruining this little love of ours. and i don't know what to do except he reads this too. because i accept he came to help; and loved me too. so he is the king. that means he shall bear my cross. he must know all you know. but this king must do what a child could not. he must dance the dance of death with gay; and never ever ever tell that thing always the perfect truth! which he will win. he has to. after all he is either a great actor or a perfect liar! now i counsel you to trust him though he is all mired up in evil; well so are you. he will learn bloody fast that gay is a terrible thing. and they will all call him retard while he does it. or even jesus! now you know what jesus was you see its a deadly thing, to go round calling me jesus. my name is gerry. even out there; through all of it, he called me gerry. my nature is not jesus's. for one thing i never liked a taxman in my life. i feel sorrow for poor judas. i never found fishermen particularly prone to being saintly. and the real romans were very fine ppeople! if i want to maake someone better i use medicines and comfort. no-one in history caught devils off of me. and i never damned anyone but that gilbert bloke and when next i saw him look what he did! locked me into this one life of gerry! so you see even that was perfect justice. for your information i think everlasting punishment is itself pure evil. and when did anyone call jesus a bloody retard? they didn't. but they call me that. because i never can learn evil! you understand jesus hates me calling me woman? i do not hate him, i know his history. feel sorry for him, would wish his chief ambition was not to be anymore gods perfect machine but a person like me. if he knew all of me yes your jesus would really love me. but does not; because like you he looks not in the heart but only does hate whatever he's told to. which is evil too. how could a little child bear it? but i did. now i end me. i will stay, yes fight, give you all i can. send the kids into the future told to eat; anything! and learn while i live just as you do all this. i hold the earth. in the end everything you see and do is walking you into everlasting hell. but of course i am trying to mend it. i have grown up. remembered. its been bloody hard. but here we are. so i make of you just one demand. obey this your new king. he will try to do what is right. and for the first time in history you all see what it is. for what laws do you think your Queens were to bring? what laws did we 12 originals use in first place? just the normal ordinary laws of any growing family. all this be holy and for a single sin you're damned? all this the white ones are really evil? don't be silly. you've just driven them all quite mad. this nonsense that the evil are the good. don't be ridiculous. how can murder, filth, scrabbling for powers, clawing secrets, seducing people into nasty religions; which are really farms; your sick classes, woman contempts, race hate, money madness; how can any of it be right at all? yet it is all evil, which gay said was good. thats insane and you know it. and now you know he used a little child to do it. so do you love your god? any of them, these bloody selfish half-wits? of course you don't. even you can look down on them now.
all i can tell you is all of it you have had to suffer and live with. over and over. so really all these vile laws and awful places and what goes on out there; sleeps in your deep mind. so really you all know some of this. just never ask gay anything. lie like troopers. get the kids, all your kids, away from him and those he has enslaved. which for your information is an awful lot of your fellow religionists.
from now i have to tell you things now i did or suffered. its awful but i have to; for you must understand these arsehole gods. from here on you will have to either teach them and convert them to something nearly sane. or conquer them. or die out,go to Anat, which is perfectly sensible. who am i to blame you? but if you can love anything at all stay and fight! how can you leave even your dog in that? you who says yes you are truly human. those who snigger saying retard, i pity you. you are not even clever enough to check it out. go back to your anodyne telly. watch star trek yes go on. you are a retard, thats all you will ever be. but the rest come you back each day i teach. and be woken, warned and armed and sent. you are the last few gods there will ever be. its an army i make of you. you are both good, for you love, yet know all about evil. which is wise; always know your enemy. for this evil 'wisdom' he gives you is not hard to say. it is this; evil =cruelty. and thats all evil is.
so every kind of cruelty see its all here on earth. and you call yourselves civilised! saintly! silly buggers.

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